Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 209 Kismet

The moment Gorza put his hand on Sol's shoulder, Thor felt himself sinking.

This sinking feeling is very strange, like passing through a layer of water curtain, and also like popping a bubble.

When crossing the membrane, Thor vaguely seemed to see countless pairs of eyes watching him and Gorza.

Those eyes are densely packed, one next to the other, and the pupils are as small as the eyes of a needle. As Sol sinks, he is also slowly moving his sight.

Saul looked at those eyes, and immediately felt inexplicable panic and anxiety, as if someone had punched his heart, depressed and suffocated.

Afterwards, his eyes dimmed and then brightened again, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had returned to the second warehouse.

The feeling of being watched just now has also disappeared.

In front of him are the familiar corpses lined up, and behind him are tall shelves.

"Is it the feeling of teleportation just now? Why can't I feel it before, but this time I can perceive the process of space transfer?"

Before he could think about it, Saul heard Gorza ask him.

"Tell me what happened to you when you went to Ralph Manor."

He thought for a moment and sorted out his words.

"After I entered Ralph Manor, I met a strange man. He has the terrifying ability to control people's consciousness or memory..."

In a few words, Sol told all his experiences at the manor. Focus on Victor's ability and performance. As for making the antidote in the basement, I didn't emphasize the difficulty and Morton's help.

Sure enough, after hearing Saul's story, Gorza was also the first to mention Victor's anomaly.

"You said he plays the harp?" Gorza stretched out his pink fingers and tapped his temples lightly, "What kind of harp is it?"

Sol was taken aback for a moment, which stopped him from asking.

After carefully recalling for a moment, I couldn't remember the appearance of the other party's harp.

"Maybe he's not playing the harp." Gorza's voice was rare and serious, "Victor... always mentions 'fate' in his mouth, has a strange way of speaking, kills people but doesn't like to do it himself...I think , I know who this person is."

Huh? The Tower Master actually knew him?

"His name is Kismet, and he is not a native of the Western Continent. In my hometown, many people have seen this wizard. Heh, there was a rumor at the time that wherever he existed, catastrophic disasters would always occur." A mass death event. So some people call him the Messenger of Death."

"Death Messenger!" Sol was really stunned this time.

Victor, no, Kismet's name made him unbearably associated with the Death Wizard's Diary.

What exactly is Kismet trying to do by concealing his identity and sneaking to Ralph Manor? Is the golden page that saved him from the soul storm also related to Kismet's arrangement?

Sol suddenly clenched his fingers, and his joints trembled uncontrollably, making a slight "cackling" sound.

It just so happened that Gorza didn't speak at this time, so the impact sound was very obvious.

"Scared?" Gorza suddenly smiled softly.

But Thor took a deep breath and slowly calmed down again.

"Yes." He didn't deny the intense fear he had just had.

It was the intense anxiety caused by the enemy's unknown strength and unknown purpose, and it was also worried about whether Victor was related to the golden pages that suddenly appeared.

A second-level apprentice, Sid, plans a diary, and Sol can also find help to solve the other party. But if a second-order wizard also knows the existence of the diary...

Sol didn't know if he could keep the diary's secret, and he didn't know if the other party could find the diary's location through clues.

And now the golden page seems to have gone into the diary, but Thor didn't dare to check it immediately because there was always a second-level wizard around him.

Anxiety also made his heart restless.

"You don't have to worry too much. I will send someone to investigate this matter. During this time, you should stay in the wizard's tower and don't take out missions."

"Yes." Sol nodded quickly, and then said hesitantly, "Tower master... second-order wizard... how powerful is it?"

Sol asked carefully, he didn't know if the Tower Master would shy away from this question, or think that it was not time for Sol to ask this question.

Looking at the nervous little apprentice, Gorza chuckled lightly.

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly there was a single sofa behind them.

It looks so soft that it can almost sink you into it.

"Since you want to discuss this issue, I suggest you sit down and listen." After speaking, Gorza sat down.

It's just that his movements seem very stiff, his hands and feet are rigidly set there, it doesn't look like he is enjoying the comfort of the sofa at all.

Sol leaned on the armrest of the sofa, sat down slowly, and sank into the sofa in an instant, feeling a sense of comfort that he would never want to stand up again.

"The stuffing of this sofa has some things that stabilize the spirit. I can leave one for you. If you feel that you are going crazy one day, you can also sit down and think about your life." Gorza said with a light smile in his voice Concerned, casually speaking something creepy.


Sol imitated the action of the tower master, put his hands on the armrest of the sofa, and put his legs on the floor mat below as much as possible.

Just facing Gorza, he couldn't relax so much after all.

Suddenly, he felt as if he was not lying on a soft sofa, but lying in a coffin with layers of lining.

"It seems that you are ready, then I will give you a brief introduction to the classification of the wizarding world."

Gorza's voice became calm and soothing, like a lullaby.

"I didn't tell you this before, because I didn't want you to think about high-level abilities when your strength was low. It's easy for you to go astray and not feel your real improvement."

"However, because the person you have frequent contact with is not a wizard of your same level, I'll give you a brief introduction. In case you encounter a powerful enemy, you won't even be able to deal with it in advance."

"Advancement?" Thor repeated.

He looked at the tower master on the opposite side, and couldn't imagine that even if he knew how powerful the opponent was, how could he deal with it?

Gorza slowly raised a finger and shook it slightly.

"Naturally, it's to see if you can ask for help, run away, or fight desperately. Or you can leave yourself a fast-death backhand before the death battle, preferably the kind that even destroys your soul."

Thor pursed his lips.

He hadn't thought about preparing a happy death for himself like a dead man.

"Don't feel embarrassed or depressed. I also prepared a way out for myself. I don't want to be a coolie for others after I die."

Even the tower owner has prepared a means of self-destruction!

Could it be that the more powerful the wizard, the more afraid of death?

But tower master, when you said this, you were facing the group of corpses in the warehouse, wouldn't you really feel guilty?

Sol sneaked a glance at the diary on his left shoulder, then quickly shifted his gaze to the other side.

He thought of Morton, who had been tortured in the soul storm and his consciousness became mutilated, and Bill and the others who had to work for him after death.

"Maybe I can discuss it with the diary brother. If I die, let him put my consciousness into the diary. Apart from being blurred and ignorant, it will be quite comfortable to dissipate at some point."

"Wait, fuzzy consciousness?" A fragment flashed in Thor's mind, suddenly linking the ability of the diary with Victor's means.

He clenched his teeth slowly, until his gums felt sour pain and a faint smell of iron.

Is it a coincidence?

I always feel that Victor's ability is also similar to the diary in some aspects.

So, is there any deeper connection between the two?

The third update!

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