Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 23 Replaced visualization

Sol's interest in academic discussions faded away. He directly took Keli's meditation book, endured dizziness, and flipped through it from beginning to end.

The content of the order is the same, except that his seventeenth page is changed from Keli's picture of ten thousand snakes to a picture of people and monsters walking.

Keri also came over to take a look.

"Why is our page different? Hmm..." She only glanced at it, then closed her eyes and turned around, "I'm so dizzy, I want to vomit."

She waited for a while before she could open her eyes, her eyes turned red, and tears seemed to overflow from her eyes at any time.

"This picture is probably only chosen by someone as strong as your mental strength. I can't stand even looking at it."

Thor retracted his meditation book and stared straight at the monster above.

Only people with strong enough mental power will choose this picture, so in turn, is it only this picture that makes people with strong mental power not feel dizzy?

Saul glanced at the picture of ten thousand snakes on the Koli book again.

If no one blames the walking picture, he will most likely choose this picture as his meditation visualization picture.

A series of questions immediately popped up in Thor's mind.

Did someone deliberately replace the contents of his book?

Who could have done it? Is it still that Sid?

He knew that he would choose this picture of a monster walking? Did something happen on it?

Will it be life-threatening if I continue to use this picture to observe?

Thinking of this, Saul glanced over his left shoulder, the hardcover book was quiet.

Well, it's not life-threatening at the moment.

The meditation books and other teaching materials were delivered to Sol's door by the maid. Could it be Sid who replaced them along the way?

Although the Human-Monster Walking Map has saved him twice, Sol still dare not use it to meditate now.

"Boy, your name is Saul, right?" At this moment, a first-level apprentice who was sitting on the other side of Saul suddenly came over.

He looked about seventeen or eighteen, and was two heads taller than Thor.

"Where did you get this meditation picture?" He heard the conversation between Saul and Keli.

"Senior, have you seen it?"

"Senior? Hehe, that's a good title." The other party grinned, "I read it in a book once. The meditation books used by first-level apprentices and second-level apprentices are different. If I remember correctly, you This is a visual map that should only be used by second-level apprentices."

He licked his lips, his eyes a little fiery.

"I give one credit, and you rub it to me."

This person actually wants the visualization map of unknown origin in Sol's book?

Saul put his hand on the back of the book.

He thought of the monster walking map who had helped him in the laboratory, and thought of the maid lying on the cold conveyor belt yesterday.

"Yes, yes, but senior, aren't you afraid of any danger in this? After all, it is a visualization map only used by second-level apprentices."

The senior licked his lips again, "You don't have to worry about it, will you sell it or not?"

Sell, of course.

After class, the three of them came to the library on the ninth floor of the East Tower. Here, the senior took the initiative to find someone to help them print the visualization map.

Sol asked him to go to the registration room to transfer one credit directly to Keri's name.

The first-level apprentice didn't know about the deal between Saul and Keli, so he just looked at the two with ambiguous eyes and sighed: "It's nice to be young, but you still spend money for women."

Keri was so angry that she wanted to step forward and kick the man's balls, but Saul held her back.

"Has he lost his mind? I'm only twelve years old!"

After the first-level apprentice left with the rubbings, Keri said to Saul angrily.

"Yeah, there must be water."

After appeasing the little girl, Saul left Keri behind, went back to the library beside him, and made a one-day postponement for the book "Green's Witch Body Transformation Cognition" that he borrowed yesterday.

Because yesterday afternoon was accidentally spent in the mortuary, he did not finish transcribing the book. However, Sol has already made money now, so he doesn't care about borrowing an extra day.

After borrowing the books, Saul went back to the dormitory for lunch.

This time the maid who brought him meals was no longer the original one, after all, the original one had been thrown into the big box under the console by Sol.

The new maid looked older, and her hands were trembling when she was handing Saul the rice, and she almost spilled the rice.

Her face was pale, and she kept bowing and apologizing to Sol, as if Sol would kill her in the next second.

With a cold face, Sol waved the maid to leave.

The maid may have been frightened by her ex's death, or she may have known something.

Saul decided to bring his vision book to Katz tutor.

Instructor Katz would never hope that the little worker he just hired would die on the job the next day, right?

Thinking of this, Sol glanced at the food on the table.

My own books can be tampered with, but what about food?

Although it is said to be poisoned, it has already been poisoned.

But once you become suspicious, you will be nervous about everything.

Sol looked at the food on the table, but he couldn't whet his appetite.

"I'm still too weak now, I have to buy some time for myself. At least I can't let Sid do whatever they want like before!"

Sol was hungry and rushed to the morgue on the second floor of the East Tower.

There were no guests in the mortuary today, and the candlestick on the teleportation table was dim, as if it would go out at any moment.

Sol walked to the conveyor belt and listened carefully for a while, and could hear the rustling sound from the next door.

He asked in a low voice: "Senior, don't you have work today?"

There was a "bang" on the opposite side, and it took a while for the sound to sound.

"Is there anyone who can't read the lights? Do you know that talking suddenly in this kind of place can scare people to death?"

"Uh, sorry."

Sol thought about it, if he suddenly heard someone talking in such a place, he would probably be shocked.

"Senior, there is no job, so we just wait here?"

"What are you waiting for here? If you dare to run away casually and miss the matter of Katz's mentor, be careful that you will be lying on it tomorrow."

Sol looked at the dark conveyor belt but could see some stains, and sat back at the table obediently.

The smell here is bad, and the atmosphere is scary, but there is no shortage of tables, chairs, paper and pens.

Saul simply continued to transcribe his "Green's Object Transformation Cognition" here.

Time always flies by when you are focused.

Sol looked up and found that it was almost seven o'clock, but Katz still didn't come.

"What should I do?"

He rubbed his stomach, his 12-year-old body can eat from morning to night. Especially after two days of abundant food and clothing, Sol couldn't help being hungry at all.

Already dizzy with hunger, if I can't see Katz today, will I be hungry again tomorrow?

Or go to Konsha?

Sol shook his head again.

He didn't want to be completely at the mercy of Kongsha. If he couldn't show his value again in front of Kongsha, Kongsha would definitely let him take the potion that overdraws his potential.

"There is no body today?" Katz's voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Saul looked back in surprise.

Katz's expression was calm, and he wasn't unhappy because he didn't get anything today.

"Mentor!" Sol quickly picked up the meditation book that had been on his lap and rushed over.

"Ask any questions, I'm in a hurry."

"Teacher," Sol opened the meditation book to the page where the monster walks, "this is my meditation book."

When Katz saw the visualization map, he became a little interested, "Erosion map? You, a first-level apprentice, dare to use this meditation?"

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