Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 256 Restless corpses

The face of the half-length woman whose arms and fingers were like a spider hit the ground hard, making a loud noise.

A huge penetrating crack appeared on the stone platform, shaking even more violently.

The half-length monster woman also stopped moving, as if she had been thrown to pieces. Just because it is a conscious body, there is no bloody scene.

On the outside, this woman may be terrifying, but inside Sol's consciousness platform, it's a breeze to deal with her.

The three consciousnesses watching the battle all shuddered, as if they were the shattered slate.

Suppressing the completely polluted consciousness, Sol's face was still gloomy.

His skin slowly crept up with a layer of white frost, like the madness gradually staining his eyes.

Morton, who was standing not far away, realized that something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Master, please calm down, your current state is not right."

Thor immediately raised his eyes to look at Morton, the coldness in his eyes made the latter shiver.

But the coldness receded quickly, and a little warmth was restored.

Thor blinked, not letting his anger sway him.

"The effect of grinding sound juice is not enough. If I insist on staying here by my own will, I may lose control at any time. I should withdraw first and study this uncontrollable evil spirit next time."

Thinking of this, Saul raised the diary in his hand.

The half-length woman who had just appeared turned into incomplete black pages and flew back into the diary.

It's just that the pages of the book this time are smaller than before. It seems that when Sol attacked the woman with his tentacles, he consumed the opponent's energy.

Saul looked at the other three again.

Several people understood immediately, turned into a black light one after another, returned to the diary on their own initiative, and turned back into black pages.

The stone platform under his feet was stable again, but the surrounding stars were still flashing rapidly.

Those starlights are more and more like a pair of eyes, blinking desperately, as if they are conveying some signal.

The starry sky that only alerts other conscious bodies is just like the real sky in Sol's eyes, and it is refreshing to look at.

If it weren't for the pure consciousness body that is prone to extreme emotions here, Thor wouldn't mind staying a little longer.

Using his fingers, he closed the diary with a snap, closed his eyes and exited the consciousness platform.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the magic crystal fixed between the magic circle under his feet was instantly shattered, and even the magic circle he had worked so hard to draw spontaneously ignited and destroyed in an instant.

Thor hurriedly dodged the flames and jumped out of the magic circle.

"This time the formation was seriously damaged. Could it be that I moved too much in it? It's not okay to always be like this. We need to find a way to strengthen the formation."

After leaving the space of consciousness, the irritability just now was also dispelled, and Sol's state gradually returned to calm.

"It seems that if you want to enter the consciousness platform multiple times, you must prepare enough drugs that can stabilize your consciousness or emotions. The effect of grinding sound is good, but now I have too little stock in my hand, and the time for a single maintenance is also limited. Just now Almost lost control again."

Thor decided to refine a large amount of grinding fruit to extract the essence to prolong the time, while continuing to look for high-level substitutes.

"But right now I don't have any ideas for high-level substitutes. It's more reliable to get more sound effects."

"Billy's probably gone. Maybe I can go to Mofan Town to search. Although they were looted by the barbarians, they should have seeds or stocks. The last wandering apprentice who appeared at that time seemed to be relying on Spectrum, I should try my best to restore the moshenguo field."

Sol touched his chin, and was about to pick up the cleaning tools to clean up the debris on the ground, but just as he turned around, he was startled by the people behind him.


Among the shelves lined up behind Saul, there were dozens of dead bodies.

Unlike before, they opened their empty eyes one by one, staring directly at Sol.

And the closest to him was Hermann's body.

The "beautified" corpse is now clinging to the edge of the shelf, as if trying hard to cross that invisible line.

From his bottomless dark eyes, Thor seemed to hear a continuous...

"Help me, save me, save me..."

"Herman?" Saul backed away step by step until his back hit the experimental table.

He put his hands behind his back and fumbled covertly for the contents of the table.

As Herman's corpse opened, calls came from the empty eyes of the other corpses.

Some people were calling for help like Herman, while others were talking, but their voices were vague and the specific content could not be heard clearly.

Saul didn't try to hear specifics, either.

As the sound became louder and louder, the corpses continued to move.

Because they had appeared in the corridor outside the bronze gate without warning, Thor had never seen them in action, and thought that these corpses could teleport like Gorza.

Finally saw it today.

They don't teleport, but walk like normal people, but when they move, they will form multiple figures in the air, as if multiple people are moving at the same time.

Create a visual confusion, as long as you don't stare at them, it is easy to ignore their existence.

So when people regain their senses, they will find that there are many terrifying figures around them.

Gently opened the drawer and found a cylindrical object.

Move slowly so as not to irritate the corpses.

Saul brought the things in his hands to his face little by little.

It was a red candle made of his blood.

With the appearance of the red candle, the group of corpses that were originally noisy and uneasy suddenly became much quieter.

Sol sped up his movements a little, took out the lamp lighter that was also in the drawer, and lit the candle.

The corpses on the opposite side gradually closed their eyes, and as the black hole closed, the cries for help disappeared completely.

Only then did Sol hold the candle and slowly approach the corpses.

He walked all the way in front of Herman, and the other party didn't respond any more, just facing the candle in Saul's hand.

Thor put the candle on the ground not far in front of the group of corpses. Seeing that all the corpses lowered their heads, they retreated a little bit.

"I've checked it many times, and I haven't found a soul in the corpse, but they still have a certain degree of consciousness and can act independently. Could it be that there is consciousness hidden in the body?"

"But why did they call for help? Where did those shouts come from?"

A term came to Sol's mind - interlayer.

The wizard's tower has 22 floors, and there is also a mezzanine where there are no living people.

In the mezzanine surrounding the warehouse is a dark space full of eyes. Thor's soul will be burned here, and he can only last a few seconds at most.

There is also a mezzanine in the bronze gate outside the warehouse.

Sol analyzed that there should be the entrance to the mezzanine. Those slender and slender hands are not only guards, but they do not covet the living soul.

The weakest attack is probably the pipes connecting the candles.

Although those mouths are very painful, but the fighting power is very bad, even if you accidentally fall into them, you can try to fight back.

In this way, there are already eyes, mouth and hands in the interlayer. It seems that the souls of a group of people have also been dismembered.

And what about those other parts of the soul?

As a soul, does it also feel pain after being dismembered?

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