Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 27 Composite Runes

Although Mark promised to guide Saul, he would not waste all the good morning time on this first-level newcomer. The learning tasks of the second-level apprentices are also very heavy, especially because they will be tested in a month.

Rather than saying that Mark taught Sol, it is better to say that Sol studied on his own first, and then asked Mark when he encountered difficulties and couldn't figure it out.

It's a pity that even with Mark's explanation, Sol still has a half-knowledge in many places, and he can't figure out the logical relationship.

Before leaving at noon, Saul made another request to Mark.

"Do you want to borrow that puppet doll that tests mental strength?" Without hesitation, Mark went directly to the laboratory cabinet and opened the door, and randomly pulled out a puppet doll from inside.

The moment Mark opened the cabinet door, Saul couldn't help but take two steps back.

Seeing Sol's vigilant look, Mark found it funny again, "I'm afraid, do you still want to borrow it?"

"I'm just afraid, so I need to borrow it." Sol was careful not to let himself and the puppet look at each other.

Saul reached for it, and Mark casually placed the puppet in his palm.

"Friendly price, 5 magic crystals for 10 days."

"Then I'll borrow it for two days."

Mark's black face, "No loan for 2 days!"

Thor simply said: "I only have 3 magic crystals in my hand."

The current magic crystal is also exchanged by him with credits and Keri.

You can cheapen your friends, but never cheapen your enemies.

In the end, Mark still took away Sol's three magic crystals, and warned Sol that the research is fine, but if it is damaged, he will have to pay 2 credits for compensation.

Wrapping the puppet doll layer by layer with cloth strips, Sol carefully put the doll into the pocket of his apprentice's robe.

"Take me away, take me away..."

Sol paused, "Senior, did you hear that?"

"Huh?" Mark had already sat back at the table and buried himself in research.

"No, nothing..."

Sol pinched his coat pocket with one hand, as if afraid that something would escape from it.

He picked up the book, turned and left the laboratory.

On the way back to Sita, someone stopped Sol.

Sol was familiar with her and knew that she was a first-level rookie at the same time as him, but he forgot her name.

"Saul," the little girl looked shy, "I have something to tell you."

She was pinching her clothes, and her index finger kept turning the grip on it.

"Can you finish it in five sentences?" The girl came out suddenly, and Sol almost rushed to her.

The other party was taken aback, with a slightly aggrieved expression.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

"But I..." The girl's eyes suddenly turned red.

Sol simply avoided the other party, muttering loudly, "It's over, it's too late, it's too late."

The girl stood there in a daze, but did not catch up.

It doesn't seem to be a big deal.

But Sol still couldn't get out of the passage.

At the end of the passage, another person jumped out.

"Hi Sol!"

Sol knew this person, and it was Dorze.

The rookie who used to run after Keri and later got mixed up with Duke.

This time, he didn't follow the uninhibited Rocky behind him.

Since discovering that Thor's magic talent is very low, Dorze has not taken the initiative to look for him for a long time.

"Sorry, I'm really in a hurry." Saul turned around and wanted to avoid Dorze again.

But Duo Ze raised his hand and directly blocked the passage.

"I finished five sentences."

Sol could only stop.

"Senior Luo Kai led a group of freshmen to form a mutual aid club. There, everyone can learn from each other and discuss with each other. Two o'clock this afternoon is the second meeting of the mutual aid club. Would you like to come?"

"Do you want money?"

"Uh, ordinary students are charged..."

"I'm out of money." Saul nodded politely, then pushed away Dorze's hand and walked out.

Dorze quickly turned around and shouted to Saul: "Cole has promised to participate today."

Sol stopped, looked back at Dorze's proud expression, and said sincerely: "I really have no money."

He left in a hurry, and finally no one stopped him.

After a hasty lunch, Sol came to the morgue on the second floor of the East Tower.

This place has become his study room, and the dormitory is just a place for evening study and rest.

The outermost mortuary room has been rearranged by Sol. In addition to the teleportation table and two long tables, a cabinet has been added, which contains some necessary supplies for experiments exchanged by Sol.

These instruments and materials used up the remaining credits in Sol's hand.

If it weren't for the Wizard Tower's food and shelter, Sol would have to drink the Northwest Wind.

In the cabinet, apart from the things Sol bought, there are also some alienation materials he took from the corpse.

An accident made Sol discover that if the materials he took down were not placed in the empty box on the long table, then the materials would not be taken away the next day, but would remain in their original place.

After studying "Green's Cognition of Witchcraft Transformation" and "Guide to Making Corpse", Sol already knew how to use some basic materials.

So every time he works, if he can get more than two materials, he will keep one.

As for whether it will be considered stealing?

Sol doesn't think so.

The book that Katz's mentor gave him to study corpses was not just for testing the residual characteristics of corpses.

The second half of that book is all about how to preserve material, some simple applications, and a little bit of spirituality.

Since the tutor asked me to study this book, I must also have the idea of ​​letting me learn the following knowledge.

However, even if Thor specially bought a container for perishable materials, it would be difficult to prevent the natural decay of the corpse.

Fortunately, the book "Corpse" also mentioned a level 0 witchcraft - organ preservation.

To learn this witchcraft, Thor must first master the complex dark attribute compound rune.

This is also the reason why he studied so hard day and night these days.

It's just that the difficulty of this dark attribute compound rune is beyond Sol's imagination. Even though he has a high mental talent, he still can't quickly understand the principle.

That's why he spent the magic crystal to ask Senior Mark for advice. It's a pity that Senior Mark gave him some ideas to solve the problem, but he still couldn't find the correct answer.

Sol carefully drew the basic graphics of the composite rune on a piece of white paper with an absorbent pen.

"Through the coordinate axis, it can basically be determined that the graph I drew is consistent with the original rune. But why can't this rune be activated when drawing with mental power?"

This compound rune is already one of the simplest compound runes.

He looks like a new pattern formed by overlapping two basic runes.

Only one of the runes has been scaled down.

"Senior Mark said that compound runes are not just the overlapping of two basic runes, but also pay attention to their proportional relationship. But I also distribute the magic power in proportion, but there still seems to be something wrong?"

"Senior Mark also said to pay attention to the angle, what is the angle of angle observation?"

Thor held the white paper up to his eyes.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

"Could it be the angle of perspective?"

Sol immediately put down the paper, used a ruler to find the center point to draw a perspective drawing, and tried to explore the distance between the two drawings by calculating the proportional relationship.


After working for a long time, he still failed to activate this rune.

"I calculated it more than a dozen times and it should be right, so it's not a perspective drawing."

Sol was a little annoyed and threw the complex runes that he had drawn into a mess into the trash can.

He stared blankly at the waste paper in the trash can.

"What is wrong with my understanding?"

The runes in the trash can were crumpled, concave, convex, vertical, and flat.

It seemed that there were countless small runes dancing and jumping in front of Sol's eyes.

"Wait!" Sol's eyes suddenly lit up, and he raised his hand and patted his forehead, "I've already thought that the two runes may not overlap, but there is a distance in space, why didn't I think about the two runes? The planes where the runes are located are not necessarily parallel?"

Sol took out a new blank piece of paper, and drew a three-dimensional coordinate axis on it with a pen.

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