"It seems that my master is not worthy of the name." Sol kept paying attention to the diary, and there was a pause before speaking.

But no matter what words flashed in his mind, the diary didn't stop him.

This undoubtedly hardened Sol a lot.

"Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course, but we may not have much time. Master can choose what you want to know the most and ask me. As long as I can tell you, I will definitely not lie to master."

"So you can't tell me who lied to me?" Sol sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He asked: "Penny... Are you doing all these things in Mofan Town just to catch that nightmare butterfly who turned into a girl?"

"Nightmare butterflies, strange creatures between reality and illusion. They can shuttle between dreams and reality, and can also change people's consciousness. Controlling a nightmare butterfly is also a very attractive thing for official wizards. things."

Kismet's voice changed, "However, I didn't chase her to tame her. The special feature of the Nightmare Butterfly is not only in her consciousness, but also in her ability to see through the past."

"See through?" Saul murmured.

Yes, if there is no ability to understand a person's past, how can it be possible to completely change a person's perception of himself.

Thinking of that Ada who didn't know who it was, and the father and son who had read the story about the nightmare butterfly, Sol felt a chill haunting his heart.

"Master, don't worry, you have a diary, the nightmare butterfly cannot break through your past."

"Is the nightmare butterfly dead now?"

Kismet held his chin with one hand, "Hmm, did she describe it like that? It seems that I called it improperly, and the master misunderstood her."

"Nightmare Butterfly is not human, she has no humanity. Master remember not to be fooled by her appearance and behavior."


Sol turned cold, "I know who I'm facing."

Kismet smiled with relief, like an elder looking at a younger generation.

Saul touched his arm subconsciously, a little upset, "What do you mean I bought the past?"

Kismet looked into the distance, which should be the direction of Mofan Town, "Originally, I wanted to use the end of the fate of many people to restrain the Nightmare Butterfly, and then personally solve her and take away the magic from her - see through the past. but……"

Kismet glanced at Sol, his eyes burning like a fire, "But the master just entered the town just right."

He clasped his hands together, raised the corners of his mouth, and the muscles on his face couldn't stop shaking, "It's not too early, not too late, it's just right. If I'm earlier, I haven't come here yet, and the blood town may hurt you; later, I have activated the curse, you You may not be able to touch the Nightmare Butterfly. This is..."

Kismet's whole body began to tremble slightly, and the expression on his face gradually distorted from excitement.

"...This is, destiny!"

Compared to Kismet's excitement, Saul seemed very calm. He just glanced at his diary from the corner of his eye, thinking: "It turns out that the diary reminded me that I couldn't go in because the mastermind behind the scenes hadn't arrived yet. Will Kismet really protect me?"

But Thor soon became alert again, "Calm down Sol, before the piglet grows up, the butcher will also worry about its health. Hmm...it doesn't seem to be a good way to describe myself."

Perhaps Sol's calmness also affected Kismet, and his agitated mood gradually calmed down.

"I'm sorry, master." He lightly plucked the strings twice, and the music calmed him down, "In short, because of the presence of the master, after the Nightmare Butterfly dies, part of her magic has been stained on you. Therefore, From now on, the master will also have the ability to see through the past."

The other party's words immediately reminded Sol that when he left Mofan Town, his eyes had been burning for a while.

Thinking about it now, it might have been influenced by Penny's supernatural powers.

Thor tentatively mobilized the mental power around the eyes, and instantly felt a slight chill in the pupils that wanted to drill out.

It seemed that something had indeed happened to his eyes.

Can it be used to observe Kismet?

The diary did not indicate the danger, and Sol was eager to move.

But when Sol looked up at Kismet, he found that there was no one in front of him.

"Master, don't waste it on me~ After all, you only got part of the ability to see through the past, and the period of use and the objects of use are limited." Kismet's voice came from behind Sol.

"It will be a waste, so what are you hiding?" Sol smiled secretly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and quickly disappeared, "Just now Kismet suddenly came behind me, could it be the ability of space witchcraft?"

"If Master wants to use this ability, it's best to use it on the things closest to you and the most useful."

Sol traveled to this world already alone, without blood relationship. Although I made two friends in the wizard's tower, they both maintained a moderate way of getting along with each other and would not easily explore each other's privacy and past.


Sol suddenly thought of this hardcover book that had been with him since he crossed.

"Kismet is implying me to use this ability on the diary? Can I use this to see the past of the diary?"

Sol's fingers curled up a little bit.

This guy Kismet seems to really know about diaries.

Who the hell is he?

Thinking of the scenes related to Kismet several times, Sol calmed down and turned to face Kismet again, "Golden pages, you gave me those two golden pages?"

Kismet was taken aback, "Is that what you call it? The golden pages...a very accurate description."

His expression was a little hard to describe, but he soon returned to a relaxed smile, "Yes. I accidentally condensed a golden page in Ralph Manor. I thought it was a surprise at the time, but now I think it's the honor to have a relationship with the owner It's a pity that the situation was a bit rushed later, and you returned to the wizard's tower before you had time to recognize the master. I still had a page in my hand at the time, so I asked someone to deliver it to you."

"Aren't you afraid of losing the pass halfway?"

"How could it be? The golden pages will naturally run towards his destiny."

If the golden pages can really be a part of the diary, then it is definitely something very important!

But the way the golden pages are made...

"Does it cost hundreds of lives to decondense each page?"

Kismet pursed his lips, "Unfortunately, only the passing of life cannot produce golden pages. Otherwise, I would rather start a war on the mainland than play games with other people in a small town."

"Let's talk about the page formed in Ralph Manor. Its origin can be traced back to the Blood Rose family nearly a hundred years ago, which was one of the most noble families in the Kema Empire at that time. Such a noble family The family, of course, cannot do without the consumption of human lives, not to mention that most of the outstanding talents of the main family died in the battle in the Laishou Valley. But even so, I still formed this situation in the Love Manor decades later. A golden page. Mere death is not..."

Kismet lowered his head and smiled, "In short, there are many factors that will affect whether the golden pages can cohere. Destiny is always like this. It likes to add some salt to the wound, and likes to slap you suddenly when you are happy. Just Like now..."

He suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

Thor followed his gaze and saw a small black dot in the sky.

The black spot gradually grew larger, and it seemed to be a giant bird.

Afterwards, the giant bird landed in the direction of Mofan Town.

The current grand duke of the Principality of Kema, the official wizard of the second rank, Kira is here!

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