Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 418 Tracking

Yura, stripped of her black silhouette, is an undeniable beauty. It is seven points like the eyebrows and eyes of the current Grand Duke Kira of the Principality of Kema.

But the two people's temperaments are completely different, causing the seven points to be weakened to three points.

"What is Yura doing on the mezzanine?" Sol was worried that Yura would find him, so he stepped back a little.

But he didn't leave.

After all, if he left now, it would really be a beauty undressing, so he closed his eyes.

Because of the long distance and the lack of light, Sol could only tell what Yura was eating.

She eats hard and at the same time very cautiously. Every few seconds when I lower my head and put it in my palm, I will raise my head and look around.

Almost no one would come in here, but she still raised her vigilance.

Saul didn't keep staring at Yura, for fear that his gaze would arouse the other's alertness.

At the same time, he was also fortunate that he had been looking for Senior Byron and brought him out as soon as he found him, otherwise he might be discovered by You La who sneaked into the mezzanine.

Although the eyes in the mezzanine will also stare at Yura, they will not attack her.

Suddenly, Yura raised her head again, staring straight in Sol's direction.

Sol is also in the form of a spirit body at this time, and he is hiding in the mist. Facing Yura's suspicious gaze, he just turns his eyes away and stares at the other party's actions from the corner of his eye.

But Yura seemed to have found something, and she approached Sol slowly and carefully.

Just when Sol was thinking about whether to continue to hide or retreat immediately, suddenly an eye fell from the top of Sol's head, fixed in front of him, then approached Yula in parallel, and finally stayed near her.

Yula, who was coming over, suddenly stopped, looking at the eyes that suddenly stared at her, her face was a little dignified.

Saul noticed that Yura's lips were black, and something black was running down the corner of her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, another eye went straight from Thor's back-yes, straight as a ghost passed through-and floated through Thor to the front of the mist.

This is followed by a second eye falling from Yura's left and then also coming closer to her.

Then came the third eye, the fourth eye...

These eyes seemed to be attracted by Yura, and they fell from a high place one by one, and then came close to Yura, forming a circle and staring at her.

If it wasn't for the fact that the first two eyes fell from Sol's vicinity and then drilled in front of Yura, Sol would really think that they were attracted by Yura.

The expression on Yura's face was also a little flustered, she glanced at these eyes, and she didn't know what to say.

Then she gave up approaching Sol, went back to put on her black silhouette coat, turned around and found an angle to get out of the interlayer.

"Brother Saul, are these eyes covering you on purpose?" Penny flew up from Saul's shoulder, circled outwards and came back, and said excitedly, "Did you tame them last time?" ? Brother Saul's team is getting bigger and bigger!"

"I don't have this feeling. At least they are different from you and the four consciousnesses."

There is no place for the eye in a diary.

This also makes it even more unclear what happened to these eyes after they invaded Thor's consciousness space.

In short, the relationship between Sol and them rose from apathy to intimacy in an instant.

So much so that they were willing to threaten Yura in order to cover Saul.

However, Sol is now in a hurry to chase Yura, and has no time to deeply analyze the relationship between him and the eyes.

He carefully drilled a quarter of his face in the direction Yura left.

If someone observes the spirit body in a special way at this time, they will see a pair of eyes just floating out of the ground.

At this moment, he saw that Yura had already put on the black silhouette and was walking into the ramp on the second floor of the East Tower.

Sol drilled out of the mezzanine and was about to catch up.


[Suo lunar calendar 317 years, May 22,

You follow recklessly,

stepped on the cat's tail,

attracted the attention of demons,

from now until death,

There is no more peace. 】

Death warning!

Sol's movements immediately froze in place.

If you catch up, you will die!

But the long-term warning said that resentment stripped his clothes, and his eyes closed will also lead to an unfortunate future.

"Does it mean that the information I saw in the mezzanine is enough?"

"Yura is eating something, and hiding in a place where almost no one will pass by! Is it enough for me to get this information?"

But Saul quickly dismissed the idea.

"Impossible, even if I tell Gorsa directly about this matter, I can't provide him with any useful information. I can't even be sure whether Gorza knows about it!"

Sol felt that he had to keep up. Even if Yura had already put on the "clothes" at this time, her current state was absolutely abnormal.

"We still have to keep up. The diary says that recklessness is not good, so we have to find a way."

Thor thought quickly.

"Changing his appearance, pretending to be an adult and wandering around the wizard's tower for many years, looking for Ivan who is his body?"

"No! If they want to avoid 'Ivan''s sight, I don't even have a reason to chase after them. And that would also expose me, losing the advantage of being in the dark now."

Sol knew that if he couldn't think of a way, he wouldn't be able to keep up if he wanted to follow up.

At this moment, the flame of a dim yellow candle beside him suddenly jumped half a meter high.

Concentrated Sol was taken aback, looked sideways at the candle, and suddenly woke up.

He flew into the air, looked at the long and narrow pipe behind the candlestick, and without saying a word, burrowed into it.



Cognitive fuzzy!

It was as if a layer of skin had been shed!

When Sol entered the candle pipe last time, his consciousness was already confused.

This time he squeezed in while awake, and felt more clearly the pain of spiritual body deformation and the impact on self-cognition.

But fortunately, Sol is self-taught in this respect, and the first one to learn is to become a mollusk. Therefore, it is no problem for him to squeeze a pipe now.

Once inside the pipe, Thor immediately drilled in the direction Yura had left.

But it was a bit embarrassing that in the pipe, he couldn't see the direction Yura was going. Unless you drill out of the pipe to take a look from time to time, it's easy to lose a spirit body.

But always drilling out of the pipeline increases the risk of being discovered.

You can tell from the hints in the diary that as long as he is discovered, he may be besieged to death by a group of people.

At this time, another voice rang in his ear.

"Turn left ahead."

It turned out to be the mouth-shaped wraith in the pipe talking to him!

"Are these ghost fragments really helping me?" Sol asked whether he should listen to the suggestions of the ghosts, and then saw the diary and did not respond.

"You can give it a try!" Sol didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately followed.

Those mouths can easily observe the outside without Yura's suspicion.

Saul was in the pipe, following the command of the mouth.

Going fast all the way, making a few sharp turns and almost crashing into a wall.

At last he suddenly heard the mouths cheering, "She's in! She's in!"

Sol hurried into the section of the pipe where the mouths gathered, trying to get out, and the diary didn't stop him either.

So Saul drilled his head out of the pipe with confidence.

But in front of him was a closed door.

Sol doesn't come here often, but he still knows where it is at a glance.

This place turned out to be Mentor Anze's laboratory!

Mouth told him "she went in!" Could it be that Yula entered Anze's laboratory?

Sol didn't rush in, but asked the mouths, "Can you go in and see what she's doing?"

"She's in! She's in!"

But the mouths are still cheering.

"Can't you get in?" Sol tried to ask again, but the mouths still didn't respond.

Cheering chaotically and restlessly.

"Okay, now it's time to confirm that these mouths really don't have brains, they can only deal with the simplest problems. They are more awake in dreams than in reality, maybe the pipes can also confuse people's consciousness."

"Maybe I can get into that laboratory along the pipe?" Thor tentatively thought, "...very good, the diary has no warning."

Thor breathed a sigh of relief, but also a little nervous.

There are candlesticks in every room in the Wizard Tower, and Sol can drill in along the jar as long as he confirms the direction of the pipeline.

But when Sol returned to the inside of the pipeline, he approached Anze's laboratory with his own memory.



Thor suddenly hits a barrier.

The second is in the afternoon

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