Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 455 Whose Luck

Sol recognized the witchcraft black knife as Jassim, the second-order wizard who almost destroyed Sol's pursuit of Gudo.

He stepped back immediately, placing himself in the shadow of the hall.

And the battle in the courtyard was not over. The first servant who ran out suddenly screamed "Ah", and then his whole body was split into two halves.

It was only after the body fell that the internal organs rushed out of the wound, leaving a mess all over the place.

Wizard Karon, who had just been split in half, had been reassembled intact.

After recovering, he immediately planted seven or eight layers of witchcraft shields and witchcraft props with defensive attributes around his body.

The more or less knowledgeable Santo Mikan immediately reacted after seeing this scene.

My friend for many years is not a second-level wizard apprentice at all!

Originally going out to check the situation, he ran back to the depths of the hall in a hurry, as if he would never go out again.

Seeing this, Saul, uh, well, let’s stop laughing.

At this moment, Wizard Karon's sharp shout came from outside, "Lord Jassim, I will be promoted to the rank of second-level wizard soon, please allow some more time limit!"

There was a cold voice in the sky.

"The time limit is the time limit, no delay or questioning is allowed, not to mention that you have escaped for 43 years and 122 days."

Accompanied by the cold and ruthless answer, black blades fell again and again.

Every time the blade falls, it will split open a layer of defensive witchcraft or props prepared by Karon wizard with all his strength.

"You also know that I've been running away for so many years, and there's nothing wrong with me? Please allow me some more time, I'll definitely be promoted this time!"

However, this time there was no cold answer, only a more powerful black knife cut through all of Karon's defenses.

Caron had no chance of winning against the second order. He raised his hands for the last time and said, "I have a broken wine glass in my hand. If you give me 10 years of grace, I will give you the wine glass right away."

The attack from the sky seemed to pause for a moment.

Wizard Carlo immediately looked around, "Don't worry, as long as you kill everyone here, no one will know that the wine glass fell into your hands. And I was ordered to be hunted down by the court, so it is impossible to tell."

As soon as these words came out, all the officials and servants in the courtyard or in the hall were frightened, and the courageous ones rushed out.

Sol didn't move, but he was also secretly on guard.

But in the next second, the black giant knife fell down again, directly cutting off the man's arms.

Caron screamed, and then Saul felt a black shadow rush towards him.

His mental strength was shaken immediately, and with a flick of the torture touch, he directly pulled back the attacking black shadow.

The black shadow suddenly retreated to Karon, who screamed again.

It just so happened that Jassim's second attack had already arrived, and Caron had no way to avoid it.

The damage he suffered could not be transferred, and he had discovered that Sol was also an official wizard, so he knew that he had no chance to escape.

"I see, the accident in Blue Water Bay was caused by you! Broken wine glass..."

Caron gritted his teeth, and suddenly his soul left his body.

And his body exploded in an instant.

The explosion did not produce flames, but a cloud of mist rose like a smoke bomb.

Then dozens of soul bodies ran out of the mist one after another.

Each of them has blurred faces and cannot distinguish their identities, and they are somewhat similar to the escape method that Gu Duo used on the boat last time.

But Jassim, who had already seen similar methods, was no longer confused.

When he rubbed his hands together, the black blade instantly shattered into hundreds of pieces, and slashed at all the spirit bodies that escaped from the mist.

After the fragments pierced the fleeing spirit, most of the spirit was reduced to dust.

But there were still more than a dozen screaming and fleeing in all directions.

On the way to escape, if you encounter ordinary people, you won't even avoid them, but go straight through.

The unlucky ordinary person would be instantly frozen and frozen in place.

And in the next second, the black blade would mercilessly penetrate the servant's body and continue to chase the fleeing soul.

So there were several more dead people on the ground.

However, there were almost no casualties in the banquet hall.

Because Sol was standing at the door, no matter whether it was the spirit body or the black blade fragments that arrived later, they were all blocked by him.

Thor could feel that the blade fragments were not as powerful as the complete blade, and it seemed that they were only used to distinguish which was the real enemy.

When he was blocking the attack, he kept his eyes on the fog in the courtyard.

At the beginning, he discovered that Gu Duo had corroded the deck of the ship and escaped, so would this Caron also...

Suddenly, the masonry under Sol's feet was arched into a small bag, and a string of black shadows suddenly drilled in along his robe.

Afterwards, Sol felt the vague message sent to him by Xiaozao who sneaked back.

Probably the kind of sneaky smile that would shake the eyebrows.

"It's done!" Sol's heart moved, and he immediately cast Breeze to blow away the mist in the middle of the courtyard.

Below the mist, the flat land suddenly collapsed, revealing a black hole, and then a soul body jumped out from below.

Although the face of the other party has been blurred, Sol can be sure that this is Caron's body.

The spirit body cast a faint glance at Sol, and Sol felt a chill fall on his skin.

But Saul didn't evade this time, and looked directly at Caron.

The conversation between Karon and Jasim just now has shown that Karon is the owner of the broken wine glass.

That being the case, in order to avoid future troubles, Sol must trip him again when the other party is in a desperate situation, so that he can die more thoroughly.

Just when Karon's real body appeared, those black blade fragments that followed other spirit bodies struck from all directions in an instant, and the same number of blade fragments shot out from the sky and the ground.

It seemed that Jassim was also prepared and was not deceived by Karon's cover-up.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

Sol seemed to hear the wonderful sound of rain hitting plantains, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw that Caron's spirit body was full of holes, like a colander.

A large amount of energy dissipated outwards, and Karon's spiritual body quickly lost its human form.

Sol walked out of the hall a little bit, raised his eyes and finally saw Jassim flying in mid-air.

The other party was expressionless, as if he had never been tempted by the broken glass promised by Karon, and only wanted to put the other party to death.

"It seems that he is not as strong as Mentor Gorza at the second level."

After all, Mentor Gorza cleared the enemy too quickly, and the opponent was gone in the blink of an eye.

Just when Jassim was about to release the final blow, his movements stopped suddenly.

He raised his left hand abruptly, and looked down at his wrist.

Caron, who had already been limp into a lump, was waiting for his soul to be dissipated, and suddenly let out a howl of ghostly laughter.

"Ahaha, hahahaha, ahahahaha..."

"Your time limit is up! Hahaha, are you still chasing me? I think you should be yourself first—"

His voice stopped abruptly.

The black giant blade fell from the sky, cutting off Karon's spirit body which was already on the verge of collapse.

The hit spirit body immediately shriveled up like a deflated balloon, and quickly turned into a puddle of black mucus.

But at this time, Sol no longer paid attention to Caron's ending. He stared at Jassim, suddenly curious about the time limit.

Jassim dealt with Caron and looked sideways at Saul. His face was a little paler than before, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was actually much gentler than the last time we met.

"Meet you again, Gorza's apprentice. Thank you for finding out the exact location of Caron just now, and saving me time."

"You're welcome, Master Jassim." Sol showed his signature obedient smile.

"Just now I saw that you are majoring in the dark attribute?"

"Yes, Master Jassim." Thor continued to smile.

"That's because of your luck, you have met me several times."

Sol's smile froze, it sounded weird.

Jassim suddenly reached out and inserted his right index finger into the back of his head.

"My belongings belong to the tribunal, and I cannot give them to others, but my knowledge can." He slowly pulled out his index finger, pulled out a small black twisting snake with his fingertips, and then threw it to Saul.

Thor was startled, and just about to catch it and intercept it, he found that the little snake twisted and burrowed into his eyebrows extremely quickly.

The little snake actually directly entered Sol's mental body. Just as he was about to show off his power, he suddenly saw the diary floating above his head. He shivered, became depressed, and curled up in the air, not daring to move.

There is no warning in the diary, which means that the little snake will not die at least.

Sol withdrew his attention and looked at Jassim again, with hostility in his eyes.

Regardless of whether the little snake is Kasim's knowledge or not, the other party's actions are too domineering!

However, Jassim saw that Saul was still standing there intact, seemingly unaffected, he was stunned for a second and then smiled, "Sure enough, he is an apprentice of Gorza, with extraordinary talent and strong mental power. Maybe it's not you His luck, but mine."

After finishing speaking, he didn't explain anything, raised his hand and recalled the black giant blade, and pierced his forehead with his backhand.


The corpse fell from the sky, right next to the puddle of slime that Caron left.

finally back at noon

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