Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 50 Transformation is too cool

Sol was taken aback, and his first thought was, how much would it cost to sell?

But Byron knew that a successful general transformation formula was enough to establish a small wizarding force as a cornerstone.

But Byron could only bully Sol as a first-level rookie, and took the opportunity to buy at a low price.

Although it is impossible to buy out, Byron is also extremely ashamed.

This is not an equivalent exchange, because he currently has no equivalent exchange.

After careful consideration, Saul rejected Byron.

"Sorry senior, it's not that I won't give it to you. It's just that I am the only one who can succeed with this transformation formula."

This modification is actually very dangerous.

Under normal circumstances, a first-level apprentice doesn't even know what a locator is. He can only wait for his consciousness to gradually collapse and finally die slowly in the illusory happiness obtained by the transformation of the witch body.

But Thor has a prop that is naturally suitable as a locator-the diary of the death wizard.

Although Sol still doesn't know the specific meaning of the locator, after this experiment, he also has some guesses.

That's what allows wizards or apprentices to fix their perception of the world.

There is a death wizard's diary - so troublesome, let's call it a diary from now on.

Even if Byron hadn't appeared, Thor wouldn't have died.

Once Sol is on the verge of death, the diary will jump out to show his presence. When seeing the diary, Sol will fix his consciousness so that it will not collapse and dissipate.

But when Sol thinks back now, the feeling of cognitive collapse, confusion, and gradual collapse of the mental body is really terrifying!

"A targeted transformation formula?" Unexpectedly, Byron listened to Saul's words, but breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I can afford it. I don't want to do transformation, but I want to understand your formula design ideas. "

"I still owe you one condition... and now I owe you the equivalent of at least one hundred credits." Byron suddenly felt very poor, "Is there anything you want now?"

Saul was stunned, he didn't say anything, Senior Byron automatically signed the contract?

"Senior, why don't you help me check my physical condition first?"

Although Byron felt that this matter was not worthy of Saul's reward at all, he happily took out a bunch of things from his stomach.

With the help of Senior Byron, who has rich experience—at least ten years as a second-level apprentice—Sol finally had a certain understanding of his current situation.

His magic power is currently 11 joules, and judging from the energy dissipated from his left hand, he can at least increase his magic power to 13 joules before his left hand is completely stabilized.

And Thor's mental power has also improved slightly.

This is rare, probably because of that fantastic out-of-control experience that exercised Sol's mental strength.

The improvement of mental power is not like magic power. Relying on meditation, even if it is very slow, it will gradually add up.

Mental power is like a basic attribute of a person, except for a few witch body transformation, rare potions, ability promotion and other special circumstances, it is difficult to greatly improve it.

Still the example of using a container to fetch water.

The bowls of apprentices with low magic talents can be replaced with larger ones after all.

And the speed of running to fetch water, no matter how fast it is, is only 100 meters and 9 seconds.

In addition, although Sol's left hand is a bit ugly and looks like a fake hand, it does not affect his actions and is still flexible.

The opponent's transformation is safer than those transformation formulas that modify the eyes, mouth, and internal organs, and the sequelae will be much smaller.

However, what the specific sequelae are, Sol will have to slowly explore in the future.

"Hold your consciousness."

This is what Byron repeatedly warned Saul.

"Otherwise, one day, you won't be you."

Saul felt that this sentence could be understood as keeping himself, always knowing who he is.

He recalled the animations and novels he had read in his previous life, the games he had played, the tests he had passed, the social animals he had done...

Well, there's nothing wrong with that now.

Byron also explained the "locator" to Saul.

This knowledge should not be mastered by the current Sol, but who told him to use the locator to complete the transformation of the witch body?

Now Sol only needs to increase his magic power to 50 joules and construct a first-level spell model in his spiritual body, and he can successfully become a second-level apprentice.

After becoming a second-level apprentice, Sol can become a third-level apprentice as long as he continues to improve his magic power and learn witchcraft.

After all, he already has the locator necessary to become a third-level apprentice.

In the rookie stage, Thor had overcome the most difficult barrier before the third level.

Now Saul finally understood why Byron looked at him with a little envy and aggrieved.

As soon as I entered kindergarten, I got a place to recommend to the university.

All that's left is to wait for them to grow up.

Byron didn't ask Thor how he did it, or what his locator was.

"Before you become an official wizard, don't tell others about your locator, and don't go to listen to other people's locator. If you are targeted by someone using the characteristics of the locator, the only outcome is death."

Sol nodded.

It's like the gate of life for a martial artist, if someone hits it, he will lose his temper.

Finally, Byron told Sol how to test the ability of his left hand and examine specific attributes.

The original intention of the transformation of the witch body was not to enhance the magic power of the apprentices, it was just the most basic part.

A truly powerful witch body transformation, like Byron, like Kongsha, can become their trump card in the place of transformation.

Having said that, Byron's wounds healed again.

He swayed.

Today, Byron has slapped himself more than a dozen times.

His brain was already deprived of blood.

Byron rejected Sol's proposal to send him back, and left the second floor of the East Tower staggeringly.

And Saul looked at the time again, and found that it was only half past five.

He sat back in front of the lab table, looking at the messy tabletop, feeling as if more than ten days had passed.

His gaze gradually fell to his left shoulder.

Mouth split.

"Remodeling, so f*cking cool!"


Jenna tightly clutched the collar of her clothes, with a panicked expression, curled up on the small bed in her dormitory.

The school dormitory is the safest place.

She has always thought so.

So no matter how hard she studies during the day, no matter how scary the tutors and seniors she meets, she can sleep well when she comes back at night.

But today, she really couldn't sleep.

She opened the collar again, her pupils moved down, staring at her chest.

Jenna's background is not bad, her body developed early, and her figure has begun to take shape.

Occasionally, she secretly admires her body in the shower.

But today, she saw a worm in the center of her chest.

The worm crawled out of her breastbone, but the index finger was long and short, so it didn't look like it would cause any damage.

The scary thing is that the worm has Jenna's own face on it!

"Senior Sid is right, we are indeed under control." Jenna didn't dare to look any further, and buried her head in the pillow, "Is there any truly selfless organization in the world?"

"Why did the Mutual Aid Society attack a group of us newcomers?"

Jenna couldn't understand why such an amiable senior Luo Kai and the companions who discussed the issue with her would cast such a terrible curse on her?

"If senior Sid hadn't reminded me..." The little girl's eyes flashed with obsession, but it was quickly replaced by panic, "I'm afraid I'm still like everyone else, ignorant of the danger. But I've already been hit Curse, what should I do?"

Jenna's toes curled up, crumpling the sheets.

"It's a pity that Senior West Germany is not good at unraveling curses, and he doesn't dare to confront Luo Kai openly." Jenna frowned again, "I'm a newcomer, how can I get rid of the control of the Mutual Aid Society?"

Suddenly, something came back to Jenna's mind.

"By the way, Keri, Keri only participated in the mutual aid meeting once and never came again. Could it be that she has discovered the problem long ago?"

"Damn it, why didn't she remind us?"

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