Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 534 The End of the Hypocrites

Dodge heard the sound of wind chimes ringing in unison, and immediately understood that the dream maker was very interested in the news he brought.

This made him puff up his chest unconsciously.

Soon, a man with brown shattered hair poked his head out of the window of the wooden house.

He looked like he hadn't woken up, he yawned and said, "Are you sure it's the Nightmare Butterfly?"

Dodge just wanted to confirm, but hesitated again, "The dream bell you gave me has indeed rang. And I can feel an invisible spiritual force affecting my consciousness."

He still didn't dare to talk too much, "Of course, I need you to confirm it yourself, sir. After all, in this world, only you have the most thorough research on nightmare butterflies."

"Are you sure you saw the Nightmare Butterfly?" Clark the Dreamer asked again.

Wizard Dodge opened his mouth, he suddenly regretted a little, and ran over in a hurry without confirming the matter clearly.

Now the dream maker asked him twice if he was sure he had seen the nightmare butterfly, but he couldn't give an accurate answer, wondering if the other party would be angry.

The oppressive power of the third-tier wizards is much stronger than that of the second-tier wizards.

But Dodge also knew that he couldn't delay for too long and had to answer the other party's questions.

But just as he opened his mouth, ready to risk his discovery, Clark suddenly appeared in front of Dodge, less than a meter away from him.

Not only Clark, but also the house he was in, suddenly drew closer to Dodge. Dodge looked down, only to realize that it wasn't the house approaching him, but his legs were suddenly stretched more than ten meters!

He was startled, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Clark, looking dazed, reached out from the window and grabbed Dodge by the hair on top of his skull.

"Forget it, let me see for myself."

As soon as the words fell, before Dodge could react and show a terrified look, Clark's mouth suddenly opened into a square of one meter wide and one meter long, and he raised his hand and stuffed the wizard Dodge who was about to escape into his stomach.

After eating an official wizard, Clark's mouth returned to its original size, and it just kept chewing.

While chewing, he rolled his eyes, as if thinking.

In his godless eyes, distorted images gradually appeared.

A minute later, his mouth stopped, but his eyes gradually glowed.

"Ha...it's really a nightmare butterfly." Clark shrank back to the window with satisfaction, "I haven't seen a new nightmare butterfly for a long time, it seems worth a good night's sleep."

The wind blew again, and the milky white bells fluttered with the wind.

No more sound.

The withered trees grow green branches in the blink of an eye, and after a few breaths, they are covered with greenery.

The entire deadwood forest turned into a dense forest in a short period of time.

In the forest, under the exquisite tree house, a dead body is decomposing at a high speed, turning into new nourishment for this green shade.

Not long after, a colorful butterfly the size of a thumbtip flew out of the tree house, and soon disappeared into the blue sky.


Time back to three days ago.

Sol took the old witch and Marsh on a raft made of algae, swung through the icy lake, and gradually approached the island in the middle of the lake.

After seeing the whole picture of the island, even though he was mentally prepared, Sol was still a little surprised.

Without him, the small island in front of him is really too small.

Turning around, it seems that there is no 500 square meters.

To say it is a small island, it is better to say it is a small slope above the lake.

The soil slope is high in the north and low in the south.

A large pit was dug in the flat land to the south. It seems that there used to be a building there, but it has now been demolished.

Except for the south side, the land in the north side is not level. There should be something built on it, but now there is only a pile of loess left, and there are no plants to be seen.

"It seems that Wizard Dodge has cleaned up very well. He doesn't want to leave anything of value to you." The old witch gloated at the side.

But before she was happy for a few seconds, she saw an extra material suddenly appearing in Sol's hand, which was placed on the ground in front of her.

Finally, Sol took out an iron box half the size of a person from the storage.

"This space prop...you can really install it."

"The space storage props of Baidong Academy have not yet been mass-produced, and only a few people can buy them."

"Bai Dong, can't it be the Bai Dong I know?"

Sol used his mage's hand to pick up the iron box, calculated the appropriate position, and answered the old witch by the way, "It's Baidong who left the land of no man a hundred years ago."

"Aha, that's it." The old witch smiled gloatingly, "Back then, their third-order wizard Bell Weiss was beaten to death by the dreamer Clark, and had to hand over the forest of reincarnation and escape from the land of no one."

The old witch couldn't help but glanced at Sol's arm. There was a wave of magic power just now, "It seems that they can go outside and hang out okay."

The news of Borderlands is quite closed.

Back then, after the Baidong Academy buried a large number of wizards from the Kema Empire alive, it almost established its own empire in the western continent.

If there were no third ranks from other continents to intervene later, and the third rank of Baidong died early, a new Baidong Empire might have been established in the west of State.

Even so, Baidong Academy should not be underestimated.

Especially the upside-down tree underground.

Definitely already has the strength of a Tier 3 wizard.

I don't know what conspiracy they are brewing.

But Sol, as a mere first-order official wizard, really didn't want to participate.

But the old hag didn't seem to like Baidong Academy very much.

"Hmph, that's all. They can only delve into this kind of trail. Belweis really doesn't want the face of a senior wizard. After being defeated, he ran to such a barren place and started a business. .”

The old witch is also very angry.

Sol shook his head and chuckled silently, maybe it was because of this mouth that she was hunted down by Firefly Lord and Wind Demon at the same time!

Anyway, before the cooperative relationship with the old witch is terminated, Sol does not intend to let the old witch leave the Rhine Lake. In order not to accidentally attract a powerful new enemy.

The old witch was unhappy seeing the smile on Sol's face, but before she could say anything, she saw Sol suddenly walking forward with his iron box in his arms.

He walked about ten meters and stopped at the "halfway up the mountain" of the northern slope.

Then the black tentacles that had just carried them across the river reappeared and started digging holes on the spot.

Seeing that the front ends of the many tentacles had a shark's mouth, the old witch narrowed her eyes and took a closer look.

"Why do those tentacles seem to be... digging and eating?"

The old witch quickly alternated her legs, and ran to Sol, "Your familiar is quite interesting, do you want to sell it?"

Sol smiled, "You can't afford it."

Soon, a large pit with a diameter of one meter and a depth of three meters appeared in front of the two of them. The bottom of the pit was very wet, and water droplets were already dripping.

Sol frowned, "If there is water, is it okay?"

Agu: [Of course! Don't underestimate the wizard tower! 】

Sol immediately thought of the powerful and crazy Gorza mentor, and shook his head, "You are right, I am ignorant."

Agu: [That... I didn't mean that, Master! 】

Sol didn't blame Agu for his thoughts, he just took the iron box back from the mage's hand with his own hands, and finally directed his spiritual power to the witchcraft circle outside the box.

This magic circle was also drawn by Gorza mentor, and he personally transferred the control to Saul.

Feeling that the iron box began to tremble slightly, Thor let go of his hand and let it fall to the bottom of the pit.

After that, he didn't look at the situation at the bottom of the pit, and immediately retreated.

The old witch originally wanted to look down, but was suddenly thrown away by a violent shock wave.

She flew into the air and was about to use the flying technique to stabilize her figure, but suddenly found that the magic power above the island in the center of the lake was scattered, and the newly formed witchcraft was completely unable to maintain, and she fell from the sky in just a second.

"Ah - catch me!"


The old witch in the shape of a baby was caught by a pair of strong arms.

She thought it was Sol who caught her, but when she looked up, she saw a face with several clusters of slender mushrooms.

As soon as Marsh caught the old hag, he put the man down immediately.

As if she had worms on her!

The next chapter is later, but should be before five o'clock

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