Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 54 Byron Loves to Keep Accounts

Jenna froze for a moment, and quickly retracted her flailing hands to her chest.

The names of two people circled in her mind.

"It's Keri, she said, she asked me to come to you at three o'clock." She blurted out one of them.

"Before Keli, who mentioned me?"

"Du, Duke also said that." Jenna's voice lowered.


Sol raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Duke to get involved.

As for the extent of the blending, it depends on the follow-up development.

"Didn't you say that a second-level apprentice reminded you?" Sol urged impatiently.

This time Jenna really hesitated.

Senior Sid helped her, but also warned her never to mention him to outsiders, otherwise it would cause him a lot of trouble.

Jenna is very grateful to the senior Sid, who is equivalent to saving her life, and she doesn't want to cause trouble for others.

"Ask for help, are you still playing mystery?" Saul sneered, and decided to let Jenna hang out.

He took a step back, meaning to close the door.

"Wait, let me tell you!" Seeing this, Jenna immediately became anxious. She changed from sitting to crawling, and moved two steps forward, "Yes..."


There was a crisp sound like a giant stick hitting a watermelon.

Jenna's head exploded in front of Thor.

Something splashes over.

Sol didn't have time to react, so he could only close his eyes and raise his arms, leaning back.

After a while, Thor put down his left hand, and there were blood spots on the sleeve.

He looked at the girl in the red dress who fell on the ground, and he didn't feel too surprised.

"Dose, Rocky, and so many other people joined the mutual aid club, but you were the only one who was reminded of the parasite. It's a pity that there are very few good people in this wizard's tower, and the one you met is obviously not."

The big man curled up at the entrance of the corridor did not respond to what happened here, motionless like a corpse.

The second door next door opened gently, Hayden's face flickered behind the door, and the door closed immediately after seeing Jenna's body.

And the next moment, someone came out from the depths of the dark corridor.

Byron casually glanced at Jenna on the ground, then turned to look at Saul, "Huh?"

The corpses on the ground were ignored, and the living people standing in the corridor were thoroughly inspected by magic.

"Yeah." Byron took a step back, shook his head, and told Saul that there was nothing wrong with him.

Thor took off his coat and wiped away the blood and flesh spattered on his cheeks and arms.

Looking up, Byron was taking out a small notebook from his mouth, taking out a pen to draw on it.

That book recorded the credits that Byron owed Saul, and whenever he did something for Saul, he would consciously deduct the owed credits.

This is where Saul admires Byron so much.

It is very rare for a person to be able to clearly distinguish between grievances and grievances and exchange equal values.

Saul stared at the red dress on the ground that was more colorful because of the blood, and frowned.


Sol shook his head slightly, "I have no guilt."

Sol always thought that he was the only one who was unlucky. After entering the Wizard Tower, he was always on the verge of death.

Now it seems that there are many people who are more unlucky than him, and others do not live in a carefree world.

Sol at least has a death prediction, and Jenna probably didn't know what happened to her the moment before she died.

She thought she had seen the dawn, but she just fell headlong into the abyss.

Byron looked indifferent, he had seen too many deaths.

The girl's body gave him more of a feeling: who has started to provoke the rules of the tower owner without knowing his life?


When Byron scanned Jenna's body, he suddenly found something, and walked over to check it.

For a moment, he took a step back suddenly, throwing out a black mist from his hand, and the black mist swallowed Jenna completely like a giant python.

The corpse swelled high in the black mist, and then made a piercing sound of zipping.

There are thin strips that attack the black mist from within.

The black mist was constantly being pushed up and down, and there was a feeling that it would be pierced at any time.

But in the end, Black Mist won.

Its shape no longer changed, and it continued to tightly wrap the girl inside.

With a wave of Byron's hand, the black mist dissipated as if evaporating in situ.

Jenna's body appeared in front of the two of them again, and Sol couldn't help taking a step back because of the exposed part, and quickly threw away the coat in his hand.

Numerous blood holes appeared on Jenna's body, and her whole body became like a hornet's nest, without a single piece of good skin.

The blood seemed to be swallowed by something, there was not much on the ground, and the originally gorgeous red dress became tattered.

"what is that?"

"Shut up—"

Byron didn't answer right away, but the sound of writing was heard over there.

Sol turned his head and saw that the other party took out a pen and paper and began to deduct the credits owed.

After Byron finished writing, he stabbed himself with some reluctance.

"Out-of-control parasites, things that Mutual Aid will use to control newcomers. Under normal circumstances, they will not attack the host. It has become like this, probably because someone has done other things on it."

Byron stepped forward, picked up the corner of the red dress, dragged the corpse to the morgue, and put it directly into the large box under the operating table.

"There are still some things on it, like a curse, or a kind of marking witchcraft, you don't want to touch it."

He took another look at Sol's left hand, which was hidden in his sleeve, and added.

"The left hand is fine, but the right hand is not."

But Sol has no plans to study parasites, and he doesn't want to touch the things of the mutual aid society.

Moreover, most of the people who do things on Jenna are Sid who has hidden murderous intentions, so naturally he will not put himself in danger out of curiosity.

What else does Jenna have besides parasites?

"Senior," Saul spread his hands, "If I went to check the corpse just now, would I be attacked by parasites?"

"Yes, those parasites are very violent."

A parasite attack can be dangerous.

Although even if Byron doesn't show up, Sol still has a diary reminder that he won't really be in crisis.

The Jenna that Sid sent around...is that all that's needed?

"Senior, please help me take a closer look. Is there any other similar curses on my body, or marks that don't seem to hurt my body." Sol raised his head and smiled at Byron, "The credits are deducted as you like."

When Byron heard this, his whole body was shocked.

He narrowed his eyes and slowly rolled up his sleeves.


Jenna has been missing for three days.

Rocky searched all the places they had been, but found no trace.

These days, Sol still didn't come to class, and Rocky didn't even have a chance to question Sol.

Duke only told Jenna about Sol's location that day, and Rocky wanted to hear it, but was kicked out.

That was obviously his dormitory!

There was no other way, the anxious Rocky could only drag Doze, who had a better relationship with Duke, to find Duke.

"Duke, Jenna has been missing for three days!"

"Oh." Duke looked indifferent.

Rocky was a little angry, "Why are you not worried at all."

Duke smiled and opened his hands to Rocky, "Jenna obviously encountered some trouble when she went to Sol. These three days may be solving the trouble. What are you in a hurry for?"

"What's the trouble to solve it, it takes so many days not to show up?"

Duke is transcribing notes.

The books borrowed from the library are too expensive, and every apprentice races against time to copy them day and night after borrowing the books, just to return the books earlier and spend less magic crystals.

While transcribing, he said, "I don't know either! I asked, but she didn't want to tell. Did Jenna tell you?"

of course not.

Otherwise, Rocky wouldn't be looking around like a headless chicken.

"Then can you tell me where Saul is? I'll go find him."

"Where Sol is..." Duke finally stopped writing, and the corner of his mouth curled down, "It's not a good place, if you have nothing to do, it's better not to go there."

Seemingly feeling that being disturbed by Rocky would make it impossible to copy the book properly, Duke simply put down his pen and raised his head to comfort his friend.

"Although Sol is a bit more brutal, you don't have to worry about Jenna that much. After all, this is the wizard tower. We have a tower master and a mentor above us. According to the rules, apprentices are not allowed to kill each other."

These words sounded like consolation at first, but when you think about it carefully, they are terrifying.

Doze, who didn't want to be nosy at first, changed his expression and tugged at Rocky's sleeve.

Rocky shook off Dorze, and asked forcefully, "Why are you willing to tell me where Sol is?"

Duke sighed and held up two fingers.

"Two magic crystals."

Thank you readers for your support.

The author is a part-time writer, and the writing speed is touching. I will try my best to add a new chapter today, and I would like to express my thanks!

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