Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 563 Bloody Play

In the end, Monte's original complete consciousness only provided half a black page, and he couldn't even do the most basic communication.

Sol was also worried about his body in the outside world, so he left the consciousness platform without any further hesitation.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiaozao hanging him and running wildly on the roof of the settlement.

On the side is Herman, who can only move his upper body, holding his legs in one hand and the branch of Xiaozao in the other, moving along with them.

And tens of meters away behind him, the huge second-order termite was coming quickly.

In the mouth of the termite, it was still chewing on one of Monton's hands.

"What's going on? Doesn't it work yet?"

Thor immediately accelerated his flight, and under the lead of Xiaozao, he flew even faster.

Herman said anxiously from the side: "At first, there was already a reaction, but after the termites ate Monte's body, the magic fluctuations on his body became stronger again, and even faintly showed signs of promotion!"

Sol looked back at the termite whose armor was sharper, knowing that the other party had begun to enter the final breakthrough stage.

If he eats himself again, maybe he can really succeed in advancing!

"How many candles are left?" Thor asked quickly.

"There is the last piece left. It doesn't seem to be very interested in the candle. The piece just thrown out just made it hesitate a little, but it didn't run to devour it."

"We're more attracted to it now."

Thor reached out, "Give me the last candle."

Without hesitation, Herman handed the last candle less than two centimeters long to Saul.

Sol took the candle, held it in his palm for a moment, then raised his hand and threw it directly at the termite's mouth.

Facing the food that could be picked up along the way, the termite did not hesitate this time, opened its mouth and swallowed it together with Monte's arm.

And Thor took the opportunity to speed up again, and came to his final destination, the Garden of Heaven.

He saw the basement exposed after the collapse of the ground court at a glance, took Herman back to the diary, and swooped down.

In the basement, there were several ampoules lying on the ground, filled with a pale yellow liquid.

At this time, the termites behind have caught up again.

Sol jumped directly into the Garden of Heaven and picked up the bottle in the basement.

He opened the bottle, and an extremely pungent smell rushed straight into his nostrils.

It's like mint mixed with cooling oil and mustard.

This stimulation made Sol's nasal cavity become hot, and even his brain seemed to be ignited.

He quickly held his breath, and even put a layer of mage armor on his body.

Then he condensed a drop of liquid in his palm and handed it in, and put the cork back on.

Looking back, termites had already fallen from the sky and rushed towards him.

Sol throws the bottle at the termite, rolls over on his own, and explodes the bottle on the way.

The pungent smell immediately filled the basement, but the termites became interested in the liquid in the bottle, leaving Sol for a moment, lying on the ground to suck.

Thor was still wearing the mage armor, took this opportunity to make a few leaps, and returned to the broken roof ridge on the upper floor of the Garden of Heaven.

Just then, a voice sounded behind him.

"It took a little longer than I expected." Kismet ran out from nowhere, walked slowly to Sol's side, and also looked down at the termites feasting below.

"This formic acid is originally what the worker ants mixed with food to provide to the queen after they found food. Although the termite in front of me is not a queen yet, it can be transformed into a queen at any time when it needs to reproduce. Tsk tsk, it is about to be promoted , a third-order bow-backed termite, when it becomes a queen, it will be a real Bicheyah."

Saul ignored Kismet and just watched the termites eat intently.

Kismet turned his head and asked strangely: "My master brother, why don't you run away? Don't you take advantage of the magic circle that breaks the wall now, and plan to dedicate yourself to Biqiye as the next food?"

Sol was very calm, "There is no need to escape."

There was some suspicion in Kismet's smiling expression. He lowered his head again to observe the termites below, and gradually discovered the abnormality.

At this time, the termites had already eaten up the liquid spilled on the ground, but they did not catch up again.

It lay on the ground, its whole body twisting.

The hard beetle is constantly thickening and becoming bigger.

But the newly born bug beetle clashed with the original bug beetle. Or directly push against each other, or slide into the flesh from the gap of the insect shell, from the original protective shell to a bone spur that hurts the body!

The body of the termite is also growing rapidly, but this growth is still distorted.

Its limbs were bent inwards, but its head was turned upwards. Its huge body was squeezed together, making the sound of "cracker karakala" constantly.

Afterwards, even the tissues in the body were squeezed out by the abnormally growing carapace and the limbs in the body, the huge abdomen burst open, and white mixed with black slurry flowed all over the ground.

Sol looked indifferent and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, he squinted at the shocked Kismet, "After confirming that he was interested in candles made of formic acid, I added some ingredients to the formic acid solution with a higher concentration and gave it to eat." .”

Thor bowed his head and continued to admire the demise of a second-order magical creature.

"This bow-backed termite was not born naturally. I found that he doesn't even have a stable mental body."

So the diary reminds Saul that the bow-backed termite cannot be eradicated by him pulling into the consciousness platform.

Because it's like lifting tofu with a thin thread, it can't be lifted at all.

It was ripened, like the boy Saul met who had feigned death and escaped.

Even if such an existence is promoted to the third level, it will soon perish.

Because in the land of no man, the pollution is everywhere, and it can't bear it at all.

I don't know that the great wizard Monte is not clear about this?

At this time, the bulging and deformed termite head exploded suddenly, and the broken shell fell to the ground, and there was not much soft body tissue inside.

Obviously, the rapid growth of the body has drained all the nutrients inside.

Although the six legs are still twitching, Sol has already seen that this bow-backed termite is likely to be promoted to the third rank...

Already dead!

Sol immediately cast the black blade, and with a few clicks, cut off the only ant wing that was still intact and stable, and then put it in the storage.

At this moment, the shock in Kismet's eyes has turned into appreciation.

He stared at Sol intently, patted his forehead, and sighed with a smile: "You are really my favorite master! Please allow me to dedicate a song to you~"

"Can I pick it myself?" Sol turned his head with a smile.

"Of course! But I don't know much."

Sol approached, and while Kismet was waiting, he suddenly punched out!



Kismet was severely punched in the face by Sol's fist wrapped in dark attributes!

The skin at the corner of the mouth was broken, and blood dripped down the chin and onto the robe.

"Your cry of pain is fine."

After Saul finished speaking, he turned and jumped into the basement.

Kismet touched his swollen left half of his face. He could have easily removed the scars on his face, and even he could not have received the punch just now.

But he understands that after really angering someone, he still has to let the other party vent.

Kismet pulled out the harp from behind, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his other hand, and wiped it carefully on the strings.

With his own blood, he began to play.

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