After the old witch fled in a hurry, Camus said calmly: "The upper limit of her perfect body is only the level of a third-level wizard."

Sol laughed, "Aren't the third-order wizards powerful?"

Camus moved his lips and seemed to have different thoughts, but finally said nothing.

She never expresses any opinions except when studying and researching.

It's like a closed box, making it impossible to see what's hidden inside.

After a while, Camus said to Sol again: "You are the same, you have to adapt to the third witch body transformation, and you can't relax your requirements. The improvement of magic power is very important, and the improvement of spiritual power cannot be stagnant. You need to strengthen yourself Tolerance to the spirit body, to avoid being exploded in the formal transformation."

Sol knew that Camus's suggestion was very important, but he did not relax his promotion.

"I know. Ever since I built the wizard tower on the Rhine Lake, I have been fishing for spirit bodies in the lake, using these spirit bodies to enhance my spiritual power."

Sol's mental power used to be comparable to ordinary second-tier wizards, but now he is stronger than ordinary second-tier wizards.

However, because of this, the number of spirit bodies in the lake has also dropped significantly, causing him to take longer and longer to fish for souls.

Camus stared at Thor's face, as if confirming the changes in his mental and physical body.

After a while, she withdrew her gaze, did not make any comments, but changed the direction of the topic.

"In addition to trying to fuse a lot of souls, you also need to mobilize your locator. Perceive it, get familiar with it, apply it, and finally apply its characteristics to you. This will help you advance to the second level."

Saul understood this too, but it was easier said than done.

In particular, his locator is still the death wizard's diary.

"The characteristic of my locator is to predict death and the future... Apply the characteristics of the locator to myself. Do I need to have the ability to predict?" Sol couldn't help smiling wryly when he thought of this.

The locator is too strong, which is sometimes an annoyance.

The breath that just came out of his mouth was suddenly sucked back by Thor.

"Wait! Can I really not predict?"

Sol suddenly remembered that he had had several strange dreams in the first year he came to this world.

Among them, the two dreams of the maid turned into a puppet and Sid looking for him in the mortuary also have a more or less mysterious quality.

If it is combined with the dangers he will encounter after that... it is not a bad idea to say that it is a prophetic dream!

Suoer held his chin and fell into deep thought, "At that time, the few dreams I had seemed to predict danger. Could it be that I really have this talent?"

Sol has never learned divination witchcraft.

Firstly, he has a diary, which he doesn't need, and secondly, he has been promoted too fast, and he has not finished his knowledge in this field, so naturally he has no time and energy to learn other knowledge that is temporarily unusable.

Moreover, when he started to study witchcraft systematically, he rarely had such dreams.

It's like, when a perfect knowledge system is established, the instinct will degenerate instead.

Sol's thoughts gradually drifted away, and Camus stopped talking, as if he didn't care about Sol's state.

The basement floor was completely quiet.

Promoting to the second level is not a task that can be completed in a short period of time. Sol thought for a while before letting himself go, and still focused on the knowledge and experiments in front of him.

He went upstairs to use soul fishing to absorb a little pollution from Justin, and prepared to take it back for experimentation.

It's just that he didn't expect that the source of pollution on Justin's body would suddenly riot after only a little bit of pollution was touched, which immediately made his injury worse.

Fortunately, Justin was well aware of his physical condition and quickly controlled the development of the situation. He just needed to rest for a while.

Although he was injured this time, he also confirmed that Sol was quite good at dealing with pollution, which strengthened his confidence.

After Saul helped Justin recover, he went downstairs with the newly acquired contamination. Justin was the only one left on the third floor of the wizard tower.

At night, Justin, who had been lying down all afternoon, suddenly got up from the wooden bed.

He walked to the open space in the center of the room, a piece of gold spread under his feet, and a new metal tetrahedron gradually took shape, wrapping Justin's whole body.

The blocked Justin raised his right hand and rolled up his sleeves.

In the middle of his forearm, there was a shallow bruise.

The tip of his left finger turned into a small knife, and gently scratched along the bruise, the flesh immediately separated, but no blood flowed out.

In the gaps in the bright red muscles, a red sesame-sized seed was slightly agitating.

Like a living heart.

Justin observed the heart for a while, and saw that its activity was not diminished, and it relaxed slightly.

"I can't die yet." He thought, "The continuation of the night royal family cannot be broken here."

Justin held down the wound, fearing that the fluctuation of magic power would be conspicuous, so instead of using witchcraft, he let the wound heal on its own.

After a while, after confirming that the skin and flesh had adhered, he restored himself to his original state, removed the golden tetrahedron, and sat back to meditate again.

That night, Sol, who used to use meditation instead of sleep, and only occasionally fell asleep when he was mentally exhausted, chose to lie on a soft bed made of mushrooms.

"Suddenly fell asleep with a certain purpose, and I was a little insomnia."

Sol, who had been lying down for a long time without falling asleep for the first time, stood up again.

"Relax." Penny comforted Sol with a smile in her mind, "If Brother Sol really can't sleep, I can help you."

"No. I'm worried that other forces will intervene, which will affect the nature of the dream." Thor rejected Penny's proposal, took a few deep breaths, lay down again, closed his eyes and meditated.

Sol wants to have a precognitive dream, but he also knows that this matter is actually not sure.

What's more, in my impression, predictive dreams usually only appear when he is in a dangerous situation. Although Sol is staying in the land of no man now, there is not a big life-and-death crisis for the time being.

After all, there are no reminders in the diary.

"However, the reminders in the diary are not complete. As long as I can survive the crisis, even if everyone else dies, I am afraid the diary will not provide reminders."

The judgment of danger cannot rely entirely on the diary.

Gradually, his attention was diverted, and his sleepiness rose little by little.

He actually fell asleep slowly.


Thor opened his eyes and found himself standing in a gray world.

He is high in the sky, looking down on the earth.

"This is... the land of no man?"

Sol lowered his head and saw the familiar mushroom forest and the Rhine Lake surrounded by the mushroom forest.

Standing on the island in the center of the lake, the pure and white Jingling Wizard Tower looks hazy.


The ground trembled.

Thor quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

In the mountains behind him, there was actually a giant walking slowly!

The giant's body was covered with milky white bells, but the bells didn't make any sound when he walked.

A heat wave came from Sol's left again. Sol looked over blankly, and saw the fire spreading across the entire plain.

The sky and the earth seemed to be burnt to ashes by flames, and in the ashes were countless human faces twisted and howling, extending towards the sky along the black smoke.

Sol unconsciously raised his head following the smoke, and saw a flying shadow in the same gray sky.

The flying shadow was moving away from Sol, very fast, as if fleeing. But as it flew, it suddenly flew towards the sky at an even faster speed.

No, that was more like falling.

Falling toward the endless sky, until Thor's eyes couldn't catch it.

After the other party's figure completely disappeared into the sky, Sol vaguely heard a desperate and mournful wail.

"What's the matter?" He made a sound unconsciously, clasping his arms with both hands, and fell into unreasonable fear.

Then he felt something was wrong again, and looked down, his two hands and the arms they were holding turned out to be nothing but black skeletons!

The broken wizard robe fluttered, and the body exposed under the robe had no flesh and blood.

Thor raised his hand in horror and rubbed his face.

Bone collided with bone, making a hoarse friction sound.

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