Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 617 Gorsa’s Childhood

Redbeard was also a little surprised that there were so many people surrounding the old manor.

However, the tribunal acts in a tough style and does not care whether there are people watching.

Red Beard directly released his mental pressure, causing a group of first-level wizards and wizard apprentices to be almost directly pressed to the ground.

The noisy conversation stopped suddenly, and almost everyone looked at the three people with either horror or anger.

"From now on, we will take over this place, and everyone else will leave immediately." Redbeard walked up to the crowd, his voice as loud as a bell.

Immediately there were complaints of dissatisfaction from the crowd, but no one dared to come out and confront Redbeard head-on.

Everyone even automatically separated a passage to let go when Red Beard and his party approached.

But when Redbeard walked into the inner circle, he found a woman closest to the old manor.

Even the blue-haired man who had always looked impatient changed his expression after seeing the woman, becoming serious and gloomy.

But Red Beard smiled heartily, "Miss Lucy actually came to Borderlands."

The female wizard named Lucy actually exudes the magic power fluctuations of a second-level wizard.

She wore a white slim-fitting shirt with a ruffle collar and a gray jacket that slimmed her waist.

The lower end of the jacket spreads out like a skirt.

The lower body is a pair of slim-fitting gray trousers of the same color, and a pair of riding boots on the feet.

She does look like an aristocratic lady in androgynous clothing, rather than a wizard.

Lucy turned sideways and glanced at Redbeard, but her eyes finally fell on Thor.

"I guessed that you were going to invite Wizard Thor, so I'll wait for you here."

This person actually knows me too?

Sol looked at Red Beard, who had a completely opposite attitude, "This Miss Lucy seems to have a very high status."

Lucy seemed to see that Sol was being controlled by the three of them, so she walked directly to Sol and smiled kindly at him.

"Hello, my name is Lucy, and I come from the Jin Ting family. Nice to meet you. Your mentor Golsa and I were childhood playmates. If you encounter any trouble, you can tell me."


Turns out to be the mentor’s childhood friend?

But I have never heard Master Golsa mention this person. He didn't even mention the Jin Ting family. But it looks like a behemoth similar to the Glow Family.

It seems that the tutor's popularity is not that bad. He was actually able to send an ally at a critical moment.

Of course, whether they are truly friendly forces remains to be discussed. After all, it can be seen from the other party's words just now that she also wants to invite Thor to explore the old manor together.

Thor smiled politely but not awkwardly, "Hello, Miss Lucy. Thank you for your concern. I'm fine here, but I've just been promoted to the second level, so I may not be able to help much in the exploration of the old manor. . However, I have some research on the pollution here. If you need it, you can give me instructions at any time."

Redbeard was afraid that Thor would not be willing to enter the old manor and asked Lucy for help, but unexpectedly the other party did not mention this.

Redbeard laughed, "Since Miss Lucy is also willing to join us in the adventure, that's the best. Originally, we wanted to find a few more second-level wizards to join us, but with Miss Lucy here, it doesn't matter whether the other ginsengs participate or not. "

Hearing Red Beard's words, Thor's heart moved slightly, "This Miss Lucy looks gentle and demure. Although she has the pride of a noble lady, she is not offensive. But her strength seems to be higher than her status."

Lucy was accustomed to red beard's subtle compliments, so instead of making any modest remarks, she said bluntly: "Then let's enter the old manor now."

The blue-haired wizard heard this and raised his hand to poke the red-bearded arm.

Redbeard understood what his companion meant and said hesitantly: "But those three haven't arrived yet."

Lucy obviously knew who Red Beard was talking about, and said casually: "The rules of this old manor have just changed, and the environment inside is extremely unstable. In this case, the stronger the person who enters, the better. The entry of three third-level people may even affect its status.”

It here is probably the eye of the storm where the Kuroshio can only break out.

Thor mentally scanned the diary in his mind.

At least the black tide has no intention of breaking out now, and the diary does not prevent him from entering the old manor.

The red-bearded and blue-haired men looked at each other, and then looked at the mummy wizard who was still standing behind Thor.

The mummy nodded imperceptibly, agreeing with Lucy's point of view.

The three of them reached an agreement, and then Redbeard said, "Miss Lucy is right. I originally wanted to wait for the three of them because I thought the exploration would be smoother with them around. But your worries are also right, just in case The force entering is too strong and may affect its stability. Then let us enter first."

After saying that, Redbeard looked back at the quiet crowd of onlookers and frowned, "How long do you have to watch? If you don't leave, prepare to die here."

The crowd was suddenly in an uproar.

They saw Redbeard communicating with Miss Lucy, and thought that the other party would not drive them away again.

Unexpectedly, Redbeard's politeness and gentleness were only for Lucy, and he was still ruthless towards others.

Several timid wizards have separated from the crowd and retreated into the distance.

They know that some high-level wizards will really kill people in a violent manner in the next second.

However, when some people quickly retreated, there was an exception. He pushed aside the crowd in front of him and walked straight to Red Beard.

"How could you not take me with you on such an interesting exploration?"

The visitor had long silver hair, messy and somewhat lazy, with a harp hanging on his finger, shaking gently as he walked.


Saul blinked silently when he saw Kismet.

Hasn't this guy always liked to do things behind the scenes? Why are you suddenly going on an adventure?

When this guy showed up, Thor immediately began to worry about his plan.

Suddenly, Thor felt an extremely strong killing intent coming from Lucy in front of him.

The killing intent was as substantial as static electricity, stimulating the hair on Thor's body to stand on end.

Lucy's original demure demeanor instantly disappeared completely, her brows furrowed tightly, as if she disliked Kismet very much.

"Did Miss Lucy also get raped by Kismet?" Saul secretly guessed.

It seemed that other people would not agree to Kismet joining without him taking action.

Lucy doesn't hate Kismet; she hates Kismet.

This Kismet caused trouble everywhere, and everywhere he went, there were bones everywhere.

He once provoked a war in the Iscap continent, and one of Lucy's friends died in this war.

At that time, the Stargate Council wanted to execute Kismet, but was saved by Ophelia, the Lord of Sky City who arrived.

The other party even did not hesitate to spend a lot of rare resources in exchange for Kismet.

Later, Kismet was banned from entering the Iskaip continent, and it was said that he later went to the Stat continent to cause trouble.

However, to Thor's surprise, after Lucy frowned fiercely, she agreed to Kismet joining the team.

"Okay, but if you dare to sabotage our actions secretly, I will kill you immediately!"

Kismet immediately showed a pitiful expression and reached out to pluck the strings.

The low voice seemed to represent his depressed mood at this time.

"How dare I cause trouble under Miss Lucy's nose?"

"Hmph," Lucy snorted, "Sky City's dog."

Thor was amused and surprised.

It seemed that Lucy was really disgusted with Kismet, for a young lady to say such mean words.

But Kismet, who was scolded, smiled with a smile on his face and didn't seem to care at all.

Redbeard obviously didn't like Kismet either, but he also tacitly agreed to let Kismet join.

At this time, two more people came out of the crowd.

A short man, no more than 1.5 meters tall, with an ugly face, was holding a two-meter-long witchcraft staff in his hand.

"Since you all agree to outsiders joining, would you mind letting the old man also see the world?"

This short old man is also a second-level wizard, and the magic power fluctuations in his body are also very powerful.

But Thor looked at the second wizard who came out.

The second man wore a tight helmet on his head, and his slender body wore a light hollow half-armor.

The magic power surges on the half-armor, and it seems to be a very powerful witchcraft prop.

This person is none other than the second-level wizard who has changed his body again—Brando!

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