Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 626 Layers of Illusion

A twisted smile appeared on the face that was pulled out of the ground by Thor. His facial features had been stretched and deformed, but he didn't care at all.

"Welcome to my manor, little toy. You're the funniest thing I've met in years."

"Oh, am I a toy? What are the other people out there?"

"It's a boring toy."

This witch's sanity has probably disappeared with the original alienation.

"If the changes in this manor were caused by the eye of the storm, it is likely that it was the original owner."

"But now something strange is obviously happening above the manor, and it's even continuing to affect my mood."

The vision in front of you and the chaotic fluctuations above your head may be caused by the eye of the wind.

Thor decided to test the witch in front of him first, and then consider the cause of the chaos above.

The tentacles that he attached to the witch began to slowly exert force, stirring from the witch's face into her deeper body tissue.

If an uninformed person saw it, they would think that Thor was a terrifying murderer.

The witch didn't resist at all. Judging from her expression, she seemed to enjoy the feeling of being penetrated.

Soon, Thor discovered the same black tide pollution from the witch's body.

But among this pollution, there are many other messy things.

"Negative emotions... confusion... unconsciousness... the pollution components in this witch are so complicated."

A mixture of gray, dark green and black substances were sucked into Thor's tentacles, and at the same time eroded each other inside the translucent tentacles.

"She was not alienated because of the pollution of the Kuroshio. It was more like she was corrupted by the pollution of the Kuroshio after being polluted."

However, the degree of pollution and chaos on the witch's body does not seem to be worthy of the word "eye of the storm" that heralds destruction.

As the pollution is separated bit by bit by Sol. The witch's originally crazy eyes gradually calmed down.

She saw that Sol no longer had the condescending attitude of appreciating her toys. There was also a sense of confusion in his eyes as if he was just waking up from a big dream.

"I...you...why can you bring me back some sense?"

The witch's half-rotted face gradually rose up from the black stains, barely sticking out half of her body, and lying weakly on the ground.

"The pollution on your body can be removed independently, which shows that your alienation is not completely irreversible. If you listen to me carefully, maybe I will consider helping you regain your sanity."

The witch opened her mouth and touched her cheeks with her hands, as if she was trying to regain her presence.

Suddenly she laughed softly.

"It turns out that I haven't been completely alienated yet. But this matter was actually told to me by a strange wizard."

Thor frowned and knelt down, "Why did you become alienated? Is it related to the eye of the storm in Borderland? Do you know what the eye of the storm is?"

However, the witch had never heard of the term eye of the storm.

Her confusion could barely be seen from her absent-minded eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about. When my research failed, my magic power backfired, and I was horribly contaminated. But when I turned into a monster on the outside, none of my friends and servants came to save me! They all Thinking about leaving this manor before I completely lose control!"

"Ha! I could still speak and see at that time, but they ignored my sanity and sealed the entire room."

There was undisguised resentment in the witch's eyes.

If that group of people appeared in front of her again, the witch would probably go up and tear them alive.

"My body has melted and I can't control it, but my spirit has not completely mutated. I begged in the room over and over again, hoping that they could come back and save me."

"Obviously, just a potion and a purification of magic power could save me, but they chose to seal me directly, believing that I was crazy and alienated, and they were not even willing to use one eye to check my status! "

"You don't know, being unable to move or speak, while your eyes are filled with disgusting hallucinations... what it feels like to wait for death bit by bit in extreme pain!"

"I don't know how long it took, but just when I couldn't hold on any longer, someone else actually entered my manor and sent someone to lift the seal. I thought I finally had the chance to ask for help."

The witch laughed miserably, but then it turned into a nervous laugh.

"I am too naive. A person who is considered a polluter has turned into a puddle of meat, and even the meat has dried up. How could they believe that I am an ordinary person?"

The witch looked at Thor, her despair and pain gradually weakening.

"They didn't listen to me at all. They left here and even strengthened the seal. My painful and feeble screams turned out to be their bragging rights!"

The witch's body was still rising and she could stand up straight.

"Until one day, I suddenly woke up." The witch began to laugh. "My power became stronger. Everything in the manor was obeying my command. It was like I was back when I was the most powerful."

"No, I am stronger now than before!"

She looked at Sol, her eyes were red, and her pupils were so big that they almost filled the entire whites of her eyes.

"You are just my latest toy!"

The witch's figure moved, as if she was getting closer to Thor.

Thor suddenly raised a hand, "What do you think of my toy?"

The witch was stumped by Sol's question. With her limited IQ, she couldn't figure out why Sol asked this, but she answered subconsciously.

"You're a fun toy."

Thor withdrew his hand, and even the arm that had turned into an octopus tentacle on the ground retracted into his sleeve and turned back into a human arm.

"I understand." Thor looked at the witch and actually touched her dark face with his hand. "Actually, the space I am in now is not a real space. This is also your toy room. All of us are. It’s just a toy controlled by your strings.”

The witch's expression changed, and she seemed to want to say something else.

However, the basement where the two of them were was suddenly trembled.

But this time the influence didn't come from the room above.

But the outside world!

Thor clearly felt that an extremely powerful presence entered this space.

The whole world seemed to be shaking.

If this is a dream, then this dream is about to be shattered because of the intervention of extremely unstable forces!

It's a third-level wizard coming in!

Sol's face became solemn, he knew that it was Pei'er who should have taken action!

However, he has not yet confirmed the specific existence of the eye of the storm.

Is this really not the eye of the storm, but the source of chaos and malice above his head?

If Thor and the others entered this manor, it would be like throwing a small stone into the lake, causing ripples in the lake. Then the powerful existence of the third level was like a brick hitting the mirror, smashing it into pieces.

Soon, the whole space trembled again.

The picture in front of Thor suddenly became distorted and trembled as if the signal was poor.

For a few seconds, Saul seemed to see that the place he was in was not an empty small room with the surrounding windows sealed, but a room full of sundries.

There were fallen metal shelves at his feet, and tables and chairs in front of him that had been knocked out of shape.

There were traces of large amounts of blood spraying on the walls and floor.

It seems as if a terrible battle once took place here.

Behind the crooked table and chairs, there lay a corpse with only half of its upper body left.

That half of the body was also bloody and bloody, as if it had been eaten by something.

And the corpse lying on the ground actually had the same face as the witch just now!

The scene in front of him fluctuated again and turned into an empty room with the surrounding windows sealed.

Thor closed his eyes. At the end of the flashback scene, he saw a huge rat in the messy room with a lot of blood at the corner of his mouth.

I couldn't catch up yesterday, it was painful

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