Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 64 Senior, I'll Give You a Gift

Caught off guard, Sid was staggered back by the punch from the opposite side, and a stream of hot blood flowed from his nose.

He looked up, and was stunned to see a figure that should never have appeared here.

"Byron? Why haven't you left the tower yet?"

"Byron?" Even Konsha was surprised, she got down from the teleportation platform, and kicked Saul cryptically on the ground.

"Yes." Facing the doubts of the two, Byron just nodded.

Well, it's no use asking him either.

Sid suddenly understood that he was flanked and ambushed, and he could not escape.

This person is cruel to others, but also cruel to himself.

He even raised his hand and slammed the sculpture in his hand against the wall.

Byron and Konsha stared at the sculpture, and their faces changed.

I saw the fragile elf sculpture split in two immediately after being hit.

The head fell off, and Didi rolled to the side.

The inside of the sculpture is only one finger thick, and the center is hollow with nothing.

But there seems to be something else.

As the sculpture shattered, the mortuary was completely silent.

"You... are really crazy!" Even Kong Sha lost her enchanting charm and stared at Sid viciously.

"Huh? Huh!!!" Byron finally realized what Sid was holding, and frowned fiercely.

Sid held the hand of the remaining half of the sculpture, and instantly withered and aged like an old man in his eighties or nineties.

He was arched, his chest was heaving, and his eyes were constantly cruising between Konsha and Byron.

"When you were plotting against me, I knew that there was no reconciliation today. If that's the case, let's finish playing together!"

Sid holds up the sculpture and walks towards Konsha.

Kongsha's eyeballs kept rolling, and finally she took the initiative to avoid it, revealing Sol behind her.

Sid seems to be wearing a bomb suit, which makes the two powerful second-level apprentices throw a mouse.

When Byron wanted to move forward, Sid immediately raised his hand, forcing Byron to back away again.

In this way, Sid forced the two to change positions again and again, and finally he walked to Saul, while Konsha and Byron stood at the door.

"Do you think you can escape?" After a long silence, Kongsha finally said, "The power of the elf sculpture has leaked out, and we can't use our spiritual body, but if you hold it, even if you don't move, you will fall into it sooner or later." Illusion. We could easily kill you then."

"Sorry," Sid smiled ferociously, "My family has a knightly heritage, so if you don't use witchcraft, you can't stop me! Stay away!"

Sid once again drank Byron, who was about to make a move.

He is very embarrassed now, his face is covered with blood, and there is an ice hole in his stomach.

But he was very proud of scaring off two powerful opponents at the same time, which was an experience he had never had before.

Sid stared at the two of them, and slowly squatted down beside Saul.

The little servant next to him was motionless at this moment, probably dead.

He reached out to feel the servant's neck, but he couldn't feel the heartbeat.

He is really dead!

"Grandfather," Sid called frantically in his heart, "Look, look, I am the hope of the family! The death wizard diary you have been looking for for a long time, it will be in my hands soon! Hahaha!"

Seeing Sid's strange expression, Byron stepped forward again.

"do not move!"

Although Sid was excited, he was still wary of Byron and Konsha. Seeing Byron's strange behavior, he quickly threatened.

"Come here again, and I'll let you taste the illusion. Do you think Kong Sha won't take the opportunity to attack you after you enter the illusion?"

However, before Sid finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something hit his stomach hard, and the original wound ached sharply.

Sid had no choice but to lower his head, and saw Sol, who had been motionless just now, got up at some point, and stuffed a fist-thick, palm-long thing into his ripped belly.

"Senior!" Sol was grinning, his mouth and teeth were black, and he stuffed the thing into Sid's wound with his left hand, "I'll give you a present!"

Pained and angry, Sid punched Sol.

Thor quickly blocked it with his left hand, but was still knocked away by Sid.

Saul was knocked into the air, but his expression was pleasantly surprised. At the same time, he turned his head and yelled "Lie down!" to Kong Sha and Byron

Sid quickly and panicked to dig out the stuff in his stomach, but the stuff was stuck in the ice slag...


There was no huge explosion as imagined, and even the sound of the explosion was a bit dull.

This surprised Sol.

"Oh no, Keli won't lie to me with Sanwu products, will she?"

His back hit the ground heavily, but he managed to raise his head to look at Sid across from him.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Sol breathed a sigh of relief.

The grenade, ah no, the gas explosion of Iron and Fire was not that violent, as if its power had been contained and hit the target against it.

It was seen that Sid was blown into two halves, and both the upper and lower body were pierced from the inside by iron plates.

"The iron and fire are so powerful, they are worthy of witchcraft props!"

Not a single piece of iron was wasted, Sid now seemed to have fallen into a heap of iron cactus.

He opened his mouth, and the blood mixed with iron powder fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

It never occurred to Sid that he, who was threatening two second-level apprentices, was actually plotted against by a servant.

"Why...you didn't get cursed..."

This is what West Germany doesn't understand the most.

But Saul just kept away from Sid in silence, without any intention of explaining.

Sid fell hard to the ground, his eyes still fixed on Saul.

Suddenly, a thick hardcover book appeared in front of Sid, not far from him, and he could reach it with his hand.

Sid's eyes widened.

What Konsha, what Byron, what Sol, what wizard tower, what grandfather...

He doesn't care at all now.

He only had that book in front of him, that hardcover book with a red cover!

"Mine!" He said two words silently, reaching out to grab it.

But his hands only caught air.

His hand passed through the hardcover book, back and forth several times, and finally fell to the ground.

Saul looked at Sid with some doubts. The latter was holding something in the air, and he didn't even explain the last resistance and last words.

He glanced nervously over his left shoulder.

The diary is still floating there quietly.

no problem!

Saul stood up and spat out the bad-smelling black blood, "Bah! Sister Kongsha, Senior Byron, Sid is dead, right?"

Byron walked over first, lowered his head to examine carefully, and said affirmatively, "Yes."

Kong Sha did not come over immediately, but carefully put away the elf sculpture that had been split in half by Sid, and sealed it in a small box.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, and all the terrifying eyeballs returned to their place.

"It's easy to make sure he's dead or not." Kong Sha came over, and picked up the saw on the operating table and threw it to Sol's side. "Cut off his head. If he doesn't die, he should die."

Saul is very skilled in this job, and Byron is not unfamiliar.

There was an ear-piercing rubbing sound, and blood spattered everywhere.

Saul put Sid's head in a box, wrapped it in light yellow leather, and handed it to Konsha.

Kong Sha took the box and let out a long sigh of relief, "That's fine, you killed Sid. There is more reason to fight back."

One eyeball floated from the white pulp and turned to Saul, and Konsha suddenly smiled.

"However, I'm really curious now, why does Sid want to kill you?"

Saul had already thought of the reason.

"A few months ago, when I was a servant, I saw Sid stealing in the library. He attacked me at that time. I was seriously injured, but I was lucky to survive. Since then, he seems Afraid that I would leak this matter, I tried to kill me several times."

Saul once wanted to use Sid to find out that Konsha had stolen his brain and tie Konsha to the same warship as himself, but Konsha soon realized that Saul was hiding something and threatened him.

Now Sid wants to kill Saul regardless of the danger of falling into an illusion, which naturally arouses Kongsha's suspicion again.

Saul simply told the truth.

Except for the death wizard's diary, what he said is the truth that can be seen by the bystanders.

As for the death wizard diary, no one can see it except Thor.

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