Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 652 Lord God

Noah was extremely happy to see Thor. If he and a boy wrapped in leather were not huddled on a stone tip, he would have jumped up in surprise.

Seeing that Thor was about to land, Noah quickly warned, "Teacher, be careful, there are monsters underground!"

Thor's figure stopped suddenly three meters above the ground. It swept across the ground but no attack appeared.

He looked at Noah and found that he was holding a skinny boy standing on the tip of a one-meter stone, and there were actually some marks of beatings around the stone.

The stone looks big, but not strong. There are many deep long indentations all around, especially at the lower end near the ground.

Slender cracks have already extended from several indentations. It is obvious that the stone will not be able to support it for long before it will crack.

Thor's spiritual power spreads underground along the stone.

Nothing was discovered at first.

The only things that the mental power can perceive are soil, stones, and some dry plant roots.

However, he compared the marks on the stone, and his mental power immediately focused on the dry plant.

A black sharp blade appeared from the right side of his body, quickly turned into an invisible black light, and penetrated into the ground.

With a "Puff" sound, the black blade left a small gap on the ground. Soon after, the ground began to tremble.

Two men stood precariously on the stone.

Then a withered and yellow plant suddenly emerged from a gap in the ground, whistling and trying to attack Thor. However, Thor's position was too high, and the plant with the front half broken off could not touch him at all.

The angry plant then threw it hard at the two people on the stone, but a transparent barrier appeared on Noah's body, blocking the yellow plant's whipping.

That is the armor scroll that Thor prepared for Noah. It only takes a little mental power and a magic crystal to activate it.

The plant couldn't draw two people, so it could only leave a deep mark on the stone again in vain.

The attack was fruitless, and the plant swayed on the ground like an unwilling arm.

Thor now saw clearly the structure of the entire plant and condensed the black blade again.

This time, the black blade rushed away without having time to retract the top of the underground plant. From top to bottom, from head to tail, it split the entire dry plant in half vertically.

The black blade followed the meridians of the dry plant and penetrated deep into the earth. It did not dissipate until all the main roots of the plant were cut open.

In Noah's eyes, the terrifying plant monster that had been arrogant just now was like a skinned snake, splayed left and right, and fell to the ground softly.

He and the boy beside him looked at Thor with admiration.

If Scorpion had just seen Thor and felt that he was like a god descending and was particularly handsome, then at this moment the other party would show a powerful strength that made him both fearful and eager.

"He must be the god Grandpa talked about, right?"

Seeing that the mentor appeared and easily eliminated the monster that had been pestering him for a long time, Noah's eyes kept popping up with stars when he looked at Thor.

He didn't expect Sol to show up today. It was obviously less than half a month since he last came here.

The magic crystal on his body fell to the ground when he ran away with the boy, and what he held in his hand could only activate a scroll of armor.

But the plant-like monster kept chasing them, and did not leave even if it could not break through the armor's defense.

In fact, the armor spell's time limit does not last long.

Just when Noah was already thinking about how to fight the monster after the armor failed, the fireball released by Thor suddenly rushed into the sky.

Noah was suddenly pleasantly surprised. He didn't even bother to save some magic power for self-defense, and directly used his best fireball.

It also saved their lives.

Suo easily killed the monster, but did not relax his vigilance. He used his mental power to sweep a circle of soil around the monster, including near its roots. After no more fluctuations in mental power were found, it slowly fell to the ground.

There is no magic power to replenish in the chaotic realm, so you have to pay attention to consumption when casting spells.

"never mind."

Hearing Thor's voice, Noah pulled the thin little boy and prepared to jump off the big rock.

Just as they were about to jump, they heard two "clicks" and the one-meter-high boulder broke into countless pieces.

Noah and Scorpion, who were staring closely at Thor, fell forward and the other leaned back, almost falling to the ground.

Xiaozao immediately appeared and dragged Noah, who was almost face to the ground, but it did not help the strange little boy.

The little boy looked about to fall headfirst, but he suddenly twisted his waist in mid-air, and something like a hand suddenly appeared from under the leather around his waist and pressed it on the ground, and he managed to hold on. The boy's body prevented him from falling on the sharp stone fragments.

"There is indeed something wrong with this child." Saul was not surprised and just watched quietly.

The boy had a burnt black arm at what seemed to be his tail vertebra, and the palm connected to the arm only had three fingers. Each finger is short and has no knuckles.

When Thor was just using his mental power to check the safety situation around the two of them, he discovered that the little boy's mental power was somewhat abnormal, not to the extent of contamination, but still different from normal people.

His mental strength is even comparable to Noah who has taken drugs twice to enhance his abilities.

But such a boy has always played a role in need of protection in front of Noah.

Seeing Xiaozao bringing Noah to his side, Thor asked Noah, "Who is he?"

Noah looked at the deformed arm under the boy curiously, heard Sol's question, and quickly answered truthfully.

"He said his name was Scorpion, or blood, which is almost the same pronunciation. We didn't understand the language, but I just saw him digging holes on the ground looking for food. I thought it was hard to meet a living person, so I went over to talk to him, but I just asked two questions. In a sentence, he was chased by a monster that suddenly emerged from the ground. He had been running away, but he didn't expect that he still had such... uh, ability? "

Noah obviously also saw that Scorpion was hiding his strength, but because Thor appeared, he was not angry. Instead, he immediately entered the wizard's perspective and re-examined the boy in front of him with a research mentality.

Thor suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and then a white light came out of Scorpion's head and then into Thor's eyebrows.

"Teacher, what are you doing?" Noah asked in surprise.

"Level 1 witchcraft, proficient in language. You can learn it after you accumulate 50 points of magic power in your body."

"50 o'clock?" Noah opened his mouth wide.

In this world where there is no way to absorb elemental particles through meditation, the number 50 simply makes him despair.

It’s not that Thor only paints pie for Noah.

Although this world has entered the end of the world due to the pollution of the Kuroshio, the resources of a world are not a joke.

As long as you find the right method, even the black powder in the land may become a rare resource.

After comforting the young apprentice, Thor looked back at the boy who had been stunned by the white light just now.

Sol's brain was working rapidly, he sorted out his newly acquired knowledge, and then said: "Your name is Scorpion?"

When Scorpion first saw a white light above his head, he thought Thor was going to kill him too.

Although the arm hidden behind him is very powerful, it is only for ordinary monsters.

The terrifying man in front of him was someone who could kill Kugui Teng with one blow.

But after discovering that Thor didn't hurt him and even spoke their language, Scorpion finally realized what kind of existence he had encountered.

Sol didn't know what the thin black boy opposite was thinking. He was shocked to see Xie suddenly ignore the gravel on the ground and lie down on the ground. He turned his head to the right, with his left face on the ground and his limbs stretched out. On the ground, the whole person was arranged into a big character.

"Lord God, please save Xie Xie, Xie Xie is willing to become your slave!"

Sol: "..."

Noah: "?"

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