Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 67 The first test with many changes

Afraid of dreaming after falling asleep, Saul simply meditated with a crystal ball in the middle of the night.

Although the transformation of the witch body on the left hand has greatly improved his magic power, but the talent of magic power has not changed much.

In other words, his future magic power improvement will still be a big problem.

Fortunately, the most urgent crisis has been eliminated, and Thor can use other safer methods, or continue to transform the witch body to increase his magic power.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the hourglass clock reminded Saul that it was time to go.

He carried his bag and headed to Katz's mentor's laboratory.

Today, Senior Mark is not here, and only Angela is huddled in the corner of the laboratory nervously.

When he saw Sol walking in, he forced a smile and greeted him.

"Good morning, Sol."

"Ah? Morning."

Saul glanced at Angela, and found that the latter had lowered his head by himself.

Angela seemed nervous.

"Huh—" Thor whispered.

Well, he was actually nervous too.

Even if you have become a social animal in your previous life, you have taken some social exams.

Every time I take an exam, I should be nervous or nervous, and I don't have the stability of an adult at all.

This is probably the price he has to bear for preparing for the exam but not seriously preparing for the exam.

But the tension now is different from the previous life.

The first-level wizard apprentice test is conducted once a month, and the newcomers are given three months to prepare for the first test.

Whether it is from the attitude of the instructors or the remarks of the seniors, it can be seen that those who fail the exam are definitely not as simple as failing the exam and retaking the exam.

"If you can't pass the test, what's the worst possible outcome?"

"Isn't it also made into flower fertilizer?"

Sol is very sure about his own strength, the reason why he is so nervous is mainly because he is afraid of the authority of the entire wizard tower and the strength of official wizards.

A first-level apprentice is too weak in front of them.

The two waited in the laboratory from eight o'clock to nine o'clock, and the atmosphere in the laboratory became more and more dignified.

Mentor Katz never showed up.

Sol, who silently let his mind go to relax, suddenly saw Angela walking towards him and sitting on a stool one meter away.

"Saul, do you know where Duke has gone? He hasn't been to the lab for a few days." Angela asked cautiously.

"He's dead." Saul replied without emotion.

Angela on the opposite side raised her head abruptly, and immediately lowered her head to avoid it before she was about to meet Saul's gaze.

"Oh... oh..." Her ten fingers were tangled together, and her butt moved from time to time, as if she was very tangled.

"That..." Angela wanted to quickly bring Duke's matter over, "Today is the test at nine o'clock, why didn't the tutor and the seniors come?"

Sol didn't know the reason, and was thinking about whether to go out and have a look.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Senior Mark walked in from the door.

He didn't say hello to the two of them, and rushed to the laboratory to start picking materials.

After finishing cleaning up, I said to the two people without looking back: "Today, the instructors are temporarily busy. All the tests for new apprentices will be held in the public classroom on the tenth floor. Go there quickly."

"Ah!" Angela whispered, covering her lips with her hands.

Sol immediately stood up and followed Mark out of the laboratory.

There are also apprentices in the corridor, carrying books or carrying bags, coming out of other laboratories in twos and threes.

Everyone was confused and talking, and everyone had anxiety written on their faces.

Angela, who chased out from the laboratory, trotted a few steps to Sol's left.

It's strange, she was scared by Sol just now, but she still followed Sol.

This instead made Sol vigilant.

Angela opened her mouth and was about to continue talking to Saul, when a figure forced her way between the two.

"Good morning, Saul! Oh? Good morning, Angela."

After greeting Angela casually, Keri turned her head to look at Saul.

"Why is your mental state getting worse?"

Sol smiled wryly.

"Having a nightmare."

"Nightmare? You have such a high level of mental strength, so normal nightmares won't affect you, right? Could it be that you've been entangled by some ghost? Do you want to go to someone to have a look?"

Keli keenly discovered the possible problems.

Apprentices with developed mental power like them usually don't dream for no reason, let alone have nightmares for no reason.

So as soon as Sol talked about the nightmare, Keri immediately wondered if Sol was in some trouble.

When talking about "do you want to find someone to see", she bites the word "person" very clearly.

Corrie was referring to Byron.

"Yeah." Saul thought the same way.

Senior Byron, who has been working in the mortuary all year round, should be very experienced in dealing with ghosts. It's just that he has just been promoted to a third-level apprentice, and he is very busy with registration, moving, and receiving new materials.

Work at the mortuary has been handed over to a new Secondary Apprentice. If you want to find someone, you can only go to his newly moved dormitory.

If it wasn't for the nightmare that made Saul feel strongly disturbed, he would not have thought of disturbing Senior Byron.

It's not good to bother people all the time, after all, there are not many credits left.

Angela walked aside silently, her steps getting slower and slower.

As soon as Keri came, she eagerly talked with Saul, and Saul, who had always been silent, was able to talk and laugh with Keri.

She couldn't help biting her lip, regretting the wait and see.

Sol's spiritual talent is also outstanding among all the first-level apprentices, but he seemed to have offended a second-level apprentice at the time, and the mentor was not very optimistic about him, which made Angela not choose to make friends immediately.

Angela is mainly afraid of getting into trouble, not everyone has the courage to be beautiful.

Saul was still talking to Keri, they were both in a hurry, with huge strides, and quickly left Angela behind.

The public classroom temporarily used for testing is very large, and more than 20 freshmen are scattered throughout the classroom.

After three months of studying witchcraft, most people formed small groups. There are also a few lone rangers, who sit silently away from others.

Saul and Corrie still chose the seats in the back row of the classroom.

Angela didn't follow this time, but found a place to sit down by herself.

"Didn't she keep talking to you? Why did she come over all of a sudden today?" Keri asked, leaning on her chin.

"Probably because of nervousness." Sol didn't care, "Do you know what happened? Why is the test changed here, and it needs to be conducted collectively?"

"I don't know too well. I was having breakfast with Gu Duo tutor in the morning. He was called away suddenly, and then I was notified that the test was changed to a public classroom."

"Dining with...Mr. Gudo?" Sol asked this sentence with difficulty.


Keli had an expression of "I don't know what's wrong with me".

"I'm completely used to his vomiting now, and I can even eat bread without changing my face."

Sol didn't know whether to be envious of Corian for having dinner with Gudo, or to pity that she was going to have dinner with Gudo.

Saul and Keli were talking, and other people in the classroom were talking about it.

The noise continued, and there were more than 20 people, trying to create an atmosphere of hundreds of people.


A loud noise startled everyone.

Sol looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a second-level apprentice walking in with a smile on his lips.

Keri next to her suddenly gasped.

Even Thor frowned and sat up straight.

Because the second-level apprentice who came in was exactly Luo Kai who had taught them the first lesson of the freshman introduction!

Luo Kai used the mutual aid association to parasitize many newcomers, and Saul didn't know the hidden purpose behind him, but he had already decided that he was not the good person he seemed on the surface.

They have put Luo Kai in the evil camp.

However, after Luo Kai came in, he didn't speak. He just arranged the chairs on the front podium and covered them with a layer of soft fur cushions.

"There are still people coming in, and that person is the person in charge of the test!" Sol immediately turned his head to look at the door.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a thin, pale, and seemingly lifeless man walked in slowly.

He was wearing a slightly empty white robe, his exposed hands were also bony, and his footsteps stepped on the ground soundlessly.

If it weren't for his short stature, Sol would have thought it was a fan coming out just by looking at his walking posture.

But Thor hadn't seen him, someone had.

Keli reminded Saul in a low voice: "That is the tutor Anze, who majors in soil and wood, but also knows water and poison. I heard that he has studied even light. He is currently the tutor with the most apprentices in the wizard tower. Luo Kai... is his apprentice."

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