Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 663 Vortex

This star that fell from the sky and tortured Thor half to death actually allowed Thor to see clearly where the door in his body was through its strange eyes!

At this moment, the fear that covered his eyes was suddenly replaced by this novel feeling.

It was as if he had always breathed through his mouth and nose before, but from this moment on, he was breathing with every cell in his body.

"It turns out that the door I am looking for is the connection channel between every cell in the body and the outside world."

Thor stood naturally in his consciousness, with his hands spread out, as if he were standing on the grassland and reaching out to feel the sunshine, feeling the warmth of the light passing through every inch of his body.

"No wonder it was said that only by choosing an apprentice suitable for the transformation of one's witch body can one go further on the path of a wizard in the future."

"Only the transformation of the witch body that suits them will prevent wizards from losing their familiarity and control over their own bodies. Otherwise, when they try to open the door in their body, they will find that they can't even find the door."

Thor immediately decided that if Noah wanted to transform his witch body in the future, he must let him design his own transformation plan.

At most, Saul could help him refer to the feasibility of the plan.

"However, Noah's situation is special, and I don't know if he will be able to grow up to the day when he can be transformed into a witch body."

The feeling of sunshine-like warmth gradually increased, making Thor almost forget that he was in the conscious space.

He pushed open the door in his body for the first time, and at the same time it was a special period when his consciousness and body were separated.

Therefore, Sol, who only felt that he was getting more and more energetic, did not know that the changes that had happened to him had scared the people outside!

"What's going on? Why, why is the master's body constantly absorbing magic power?" Herman was unable to help, and was so anxious that he couldn't help.

The silver figure has begun to show afterimages.

"Don't turn around, it will make me dizzy." An wanted to kick Herman out of the laboratory at this time.

She was hurriedly preparing the magic circle materials that Byron wanted, but Herman beside her made her so anxious that she couldn't calm down.

"Herman, you go out, watch outside the door, and say that the master is doing a very critical experiment. No one can be allowed in, and no one should be allowed to enter the island in the middle of the lake during this period." Agu was also busy. , but he could also distract himself from giving orders to Hermann.

"So, where is Butler Hope?" Herman didn't know why he asked this.

Agu raised his head slightly and looked at him firmly, "No one can come in during this period, including Butler Hope."

Herman became more and more uneasy. He knew that Agu did not distrust Hope, but for the safety of his master, he could only take precautions at this time.

But it was this just-in-case attitude that made him even more uneasy.

But Herman is also a person who has experienced the world after all. Although he acted flustered in front of An and Agu, when he opened the door and walked out of the laboratory, the panic on his face turned into calm in an instant, and he even He deliberately showed a dissatisfied expression, folded his arms and stood on tiptoes, as if he had been kicked out to look at the door because of a mistake.

An and Agu in the room also felt a little relieved after Herman went out to guard the door, and then they lowered their heads and continued to do what they were doing.

Agu was setting up a forbidden magic circle at an extremely fast speed.

Ann, on the other hand, was told a lot of things by Byron and was so busy that she transformed into a bunch of spider legs to use as hands.

The reason why they were panicked just now and were so anxious now was entirely because of Thor.

Thor, who had been sleeping peacefully before, suddenly transformed into a huge vortex on the sea, absorbing the surrounding elemental particles as if he was dying.

And his body began to undergo some strange changes because of such rapid and unscrupulous absorption.

His skin seemed to suddenly turn into water, with ripples rising.

During this time, An and Agu had heard that the door in the body needed to be opened to advance from the second level to the third level, and they also roughly understood the scene after opening the door.

So when they first saw Thor's body automatically absorbing the magic power from the outside world, the two of them were a little happy, thinking that Thor might have figured out the key to opening the door. Although this was incredible, the two consciousnesses had already accepted their master. It was so magical that anything could happen to Thor.

But soon, they discovered that Thor was absorbing magic power to the point of being careless, and his body changes became more and more abnormal.

Not only were the light and dark attribute particles quickly absorbed, but other elemental particles that were not suitable for Thor to absorb in large quantities were also forcefully dragged into his body.

He even started to swell.

Although the body is already in an overloaded state, it still continues to absorb the magic power from the outside world.

What's even more frightening is that although the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower is located in the middle of the Rhine Lake, there is still a small amount of impurities and pollution floating in the air.

Usually, as long as they pay more attention during meditation, they can avoid inhaling these small amounts of impurities into the body, but now Sol is sucking them all into the body regardless.

If this continues, before Thor can find a shortcut to advance to the third level by opening the door, he will be overwhelmed by the elemental particles and polluting impurities from the outside!

However, when they realized something was wrong, they found that they could not wake Thor up.

It was as if his consciousness was not in his body at all at this time and had wandered off somewhere.

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, Byron made a decisive decision.

"Since Sol can't close the door by himself now, it's up to us."

His voice was steady and his tone was calm. Although he was the only first-level wizard present, he also played the role of the backbone.

Byron immediately asked Agu and the others if they knew of any way to isolate elemental particles.

Agu immediately said that he could learn from the magic circle that banned Camus to isolate Sol from the elemental particles and other magical energy from the outside world.

So Byron immediately asked Agu to arrange the forbidden magic circle with Thor as the center.

Although this magic circle is also very complicated, after all, with the example downstairs in front, Agu can set it up by himself.

An was pulled by Byron to make various potions and basic materials for magic circles.

Byron was naturally not idle either. He moved a lot of bottles and cans from the original experimental table and started tinkering with them, as if they were the same things he was experimenting with before.

Agu finally set up the forbidden magic circle, and was delighted to find that Thor was isolated and the speed of absorbing magic power suddenly slowed down.

But at the same time, he also discovered that the suction force in Thor's body had not weakened due to the lack of magic power around him.

On the contrary, when he found that there was nothing to suck, he increased the intensity of absorption.

The wizard's circle that had been reluctantly set up immediately became precarious, and I'm afraid it won't last long.

"There is something wrong with the master. Forbidden magic power cannot stop him from absorbing the outside world."

At this moment, a misty black smoke suddenly floated in front of Agu's eyes.

It's as thin as a gauze, but people can't ignore its existence.

When Agu followed the smoke, he discovered that the smoke came from the cabinet in the corner of the laboratory.

Agu remembered that those cabinets should contain some of the black pollution sources that Thor extracted from other people's bodies.

The black smoke in this position came out of the cabinet and floated all the way outside the forbidden magic circle. Then it penetrated into the magic circle as if there was no obstruction. Then, like fallen leaves swept away by the vortex of the water, "Zhizhi" "Slip" accelerated into Thor's body.

Agu can't even stop him!

"Kuroshio pollution...entering the master's body...should be fine, right?"

At this time, even the well-informed Agu was a little at a loss.

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