From the beginning, Herbert had no intention of sealing the eye of the storm. Instead, he wanted to take away the supposedly very important anchor point after the eye of the storm erupted!

Although he discovered another enemy with the help of the preview, Thor's mood did not improve.

The other party clearly didn't make any unusual moves when sealing the eye of the storm in the old manor before. Why was he prepared to save his life this time and actively delay time?

What made Firefly Lord of Borderlands change his mind?

Now that the other party is ready, is he and Camus on the same side?

But Herbert should not have seen Camus. Only a few people have seen Camus...

Thor, who was not missing, was still falling, and the flames continued to burn.

A silver butterfly rushed out of Sol's eyebrows.

Penny takes a chance on Herbert.

If it can temporarily put Herbert to sleep, maybe Thor can find a way to escape.

Although it also understands that it is almost impossible to hypnotize a third-level wizard, it can only hope that the other party will be entangled by the black tide pollution and its strength will be greatly reduced.

However, before the flying butterfly could get close to Herbert, its wings were suddenly pinched by a white hand.

A figure stepped out of the flames.

Of all the people present, he was the only one who had not been alienated and maintained his original appearance and form.

"Kismet?" Thor was stunned.

He really didn't expect Kismet to be here.

Because in the first two times, until he was contaminated and completely alienated, Kismet did not appear.


Thor falls into the black tide and manages to keep a body floating, but the pollution is also increasing.

"Is this also your game?"

Kismet obviously recognized Thor who had turned into a black skeleton.

He smiled and squatted down so that Thor didn't have to look up so hard.

"I don't have the ability to create a real storm, but I will make some arrangements to bring everyone together."

One of his hands was still squeezing Penny. The butterfly tried hard to break free, but it was obviously unable to be touched by normal people, but it was firmly held by Kismet.

"What on earth do you want? Do you want everyone dead?"

Kismet shook his head, "I don't want you to die. As for other people? That doesn't matter."

He looked up at the eye of the wind in the distance, and the twisted power turned this place into a hell on earth.

The flames caught his clothes, but did not ignite them.

Kismet was clearly enjoying Herbert's protection.

During the conversation between the two, Herbert did not attack Saul again.

They reached an agreement without anyone knowing.

Thor felt his consciousness begin to blur.

He knew that before too long, this rehearsal would be over.

But even if he could start over, he was unwilling to end like this.

Thor ignored Kismet and turned to Herbert.

He wanted to try here to see if he could kill Herbert directly.

Just use his trump card - the battlefield of consciousness!

Now he has one foot on the threshold of the third level, but there is definitely still a big gap between him and Herbert in terms of strength.

But it’s not impossible to give it a try!

"If you interfere again, I will kill you too."

This sentence is for Kismet.

The latter raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, looking aggrieved.

Thor was sure that Kismet would not take action against him, so he stretched out his hands towards Herbert.

Open your hands with your thumbs and index fingers facing each other.

A black miniature magic circle suddenly appeared between the finger bones.

Thor originally engraved the magic circle of the battlefield of consciousness on his tongue, but now he has no tongue.

But it doesn't matter. Having already opened the door, he can use the magic power in the air to instantly build a magic circle that he is very familiar with.

Although due to the influence of pollution and distortion, this magic circle only appeared for a moment.

But this moment is enough!

The unconscious Black could no longer float on the water and began to sink slowly.

But before it sank completely, Kismet reached out and grabbed Thor's shoulder blades to prevent Thor from sinking.

Penny, who was still struggling, was stunned in surprise.

"Who are you? Why do you harm Brother Sol one moment and save him the next?"

But Kismet didn't answer Penny.

He just stared at Thor.

Another moment passed.

Maybe only three breaths.

The flames under Kismet's feet suddenly turned from red to black, and the heat suddenly increased.

Kismet's skin ignited in an instant.

He also began to emit the same burnt smell as the other corpses on the water.

But Kismet was smiling.

"You succeeded. You killed Herbert, a powerful Third Order!"

He also fell into the black tide, but the flames on his body did not extinguish, but instead burned stronger and stronger.

The black skeleton suddenly moved and broke free from Kismet's grasp.

"You actually helped Herbert?" Several eyes suddenly appeared on Sol's skeleton, and the colorful pupils stared at Kismet together with Sol's eye sockets.

Thor didn't have much advantage on the battlefield of consciousness. In order to kill Herbert, he turned to the stars for help.

The stars polluted Herbert directly, faster than the black tide.

After Herbert was killed, Saul used his diary to collect his soul and quickly learned what the other party had done.

But the stars also began to pollute Thor, turning him into a polymer of eyes again.

Sol can only come out as soon as possible.

Having a rough understanding of what happened, he looked angrily at Kismet, who had turned into a ball of human-shaped flames and had his limbs burned.

"Why do you know that the real eye of the storm is under the Wizard Tower? Isn't Herbert just being used by you?"

The world in Thor's eyes had begun to darken, and he knew that the rehearsal was coming to an end.

He quickly asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"What can be done to avoid such a fate?"

Kismet's voice also became muffled.

But Thor still heard his answer.

"If you just want to survive, just run away after forcing the eye of the storm out at the beginning."

"But if you want to do more, if you want to break this fate..."

"...You must face your fate..."

Darkness falls.

The picture freezes.

Thor opened his eyes again, looked at the huge witchcraft circle in front of him, and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar people around him.

The diary in my mind was opened, and the second golden page still showed the burning Kismet and Thor with only a black skeleton left.

Thor suddenly understood.

The preview for Golden Pages is over.

There were fewer previews than the first one.

It should be that the people and things involved in this preview are too powerful.

Even a diary cannot be previewed indefinitely.

Thor understood that now it was time to make the final choice.

A compass that looked like a pocket watch fell silently into his palm.

If he only wanted to survive, he could, after activating the eye of the wind, ask Diary to push the newly awakened eye of the wind out of the body, then immediately escape on Diudiu, and enter the chaotic realm far away from the twisting power of the eye of the wind!

By doing this, he has a good chance of surviving.

There are no preview opportunities for Golden Pages, which is probably for the best.

But Thor didn't do this.

He looked around, his eyes passing from face to face.

"What if I don't run?"

Thor asked silently in his heart.


The diary opened the white pages and gave Thor a simple answer.

I didn't even bother to mark the date.

Thor smiled.

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