Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 7: The Very Effective First Lesson

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Although this close neighbor Keli's straightforwardness makes people feel a little uncomfortable, Sol also uses this opportunity to inquire about news.

He was about to open his mouth when he saw someone walking from the end of the corridor.

The man walked briskly and announced loudly.

"All new first-level apprentices, come to the last classroom on the tenth floor of the East Tower on time at nine o'clock, and have the first public class!"

"All new first-level apprentices, come to the last classroom on the tenth floor of the East Tower on time at nine o'clock, and have the first public class!"

Someone heard the voice, opened the door, came out, and asked a question, but the person didn't answer, and after delivering the message on his own, he went upstairs along the slope at the end.

Some new apprentices gathered in the corridor to whisper to each other. The atmosphere was lively and everyone was full of hope.


Two more boys ran over, and one of them with bright eyes said, "Let's go to class together."

Ke Li just glanced at them lightly, without even answering, she turned to Saul and said, "Let's go there now."

The two who were left out did not show angry expressions, but looked at Sol with a little fear.

Sol realized that these people might also think that they are very talented, but he couldn't explain this kind of thing, he just nodded and agreed to go with him.

It was still some time before nine o'clock, and almost all the new apprentices rushed to the East Tower as soon as they heard the news.

The wizard's tower itself should be a cylindrical shape, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, and divided into two in the middle, forming two towers, east and west.

Both the east tower and the west tower are semicircular, separated by a thick wall in the middle, and there are only passages through the fifth, sixth, tenth, and fourteenth floors.

These passages will be closed at night, and people are not allowed to pass through at will.

Thor had seen the passage gates when he cleaned the corridors, but he had never been allowed into the east tower.

Following the crowd, he walked through the passage for the first time and came to the east tower.

On the sixth floor of the East Tower, there is no row of rooms on the side of the West Tower, and all you can see are gray walls with symbols and patterns that Sol can't understand at all.

Just one glance made Thor dizzy.

He turned his head to avoid it, and saw Keli on the side keeping her head down, not looking at the wall at all.

"This guy seems to know a lot."

"Plop, plop."

There were two people in front of them who didn't avert their eyes in time like Saul did, and fell to the ground faintly.

Everyone walked past them, and no one reached out to help them.

Sol walked past the two of them, seeing them struggling to stand up, his longing for the life of a wizard apprentice in the future suddenly diminished a lot.


"Everyone be quiet!"

Sol and the others sat in the last classroom on the tenth floor of the East Tower for about ten minutes, and finally a man in his fifties rushed in from the front door of the classroom.

He walked quickly to the front desk of the classroom and put one hand on the desk.

"In the first class, the rules of Golsa Wizard Tower, I will only explain it once, and whoever asks me again, I will eat him! Vomit..."

After the man finished speaking, he bent over and vomited very appropriately.

A big puddle of green slime fell on the ground and splashed everywhere, with a few fingers mixed in, falling, bouncing, and falling again.

The apprentices sitting in the front row suddenly leaned back and bumped into the tables in the back row, making a loud clang.

Sol, who habitually sat back, lowered his head, not looking at the picture that whetted his appetite.

The man standing on the stage was very angry. After vomiting, he straightened up and shouted again: "Quiet!"

No one dared to move anymore, even if they were enduring nausea.

"First of all, you sign up for a tutor based on your elemental affinity. My name is Gu Duo. I'm a tutor of the poison department, and I can also teach those of the metal department. Anyone of you who has talent in this area can choose me on the form!"

Thor looked down, the table was empty.

This tutor Gu Duo didn't conjure up the form like in the movie, and no one showed up to distribute the form.

He quickly spread out the books in his arms and recorded them with a pen.

At the same time, there were rustling sounds around him, and it was Keli who took out a pen and paper from her backpack in unison and began to record.

There are about 20 people in the classroom, and almost half of them have prepared paper and pens by themselves.

Those who were unprepared and wanted to borrow from the people next to them, but dared not speak, were noticed by Gu Duo.

On the stage, Teacher Gu Duo was still speaking, speaking very fast.

"...First-level apprentices, learn the common subjects first. Including witchcraft characters, knowledge of all things, meditation, runes, and finally touch the low-level witchcraft!"

Sol's pen is flying like a fly, and he really can't keep up, so he simply records it with his previous life's words.

"...Don't waste your time, because you don't have time to waste! The first-level apprentices are assessed once a month, and the first assessment will be after three months! If the assessor thinks that you have no possibility of growing up, "

Gu Duo paused at this point, squinted his eyes and looked around at the apprentices in the classroom, and said gloomyly: "Then there is no need for you to be trained."

Sol's hand trembled, and a word was pulled out into a long tail. He silently started a new line and continued writing.

"...Finally, I would like to remind you, read the book in front of you, and don't think about what you have or what you don't have. That's something that second-level apprentices have to consider."

Sol didn't understand this piece, what does "other" mean? Witchcraft?

"Okay, that's all, I'm leaving." After Gu Duo finished speaking, he turned and left the classroom, faster than he came in.

Without the scary tutor, everyone started to discuss, and the voice in the classroom exploded at once.

Saul did not participate in the discussion, he stared straight at the notes he had just taken, as if in a daze.

"Is your left hand born like this?" Keli's voice sounded again.

Sol was in a hurry to take notes just now, and habitually pressed the book with his left hand, and was naturally seen by Keri sitting beside him.

Saul didn't hide his hands any more, and said nonchalantly.

"No, it was like the day before yesterday."

Keri frowned and pursed her lips, as if caught in some century-old problem.

At this time, a young man walked in again from the front door of the classroom. With a smile on his lips, he walked to the front desk of the classroom with a stack of papers in his hand.

"It's ten minutes to nine, you all arrived early, very good! As apprentices, we just want to make the most of the time, as early as possible, sometimes being on time is also a kind of being late."

The young man knocked on a stack of papers in his hands, and restrained his smile a little, "I'll send you the registration form for tutors and the rules manual of the wizard tower. After a while, tutor Guduo will come to give the first explanation. You must keep Be quiet, Teacher Gu Duo doesn't like to be noisy, don't ask if you have any questions, read the manual. I will explain later."

The audience was silent.

The young man was very satisfied, this year's apprentices were very obedient, and let An Jing be quiet immediately.

He stepped off the stage to hand out forms and brochures when he stepped on something sticky.

The young man lowered his head and raised his foot to see that a severed limb stuck to the sole of his shoe twitched slightly.

He looked up at the new apprentices again, and asked with twitching corners of his mouth: "Master Gu Duo, he..."

"He has already been here." A girl sitting in the second row replied softly.

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