Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 707 Behind the Seal

Unlike Mentor Gortha, Thor's teleportation ability is greatly limited.

His teleportation must be connected to the fate line.

And you can't just go wherever you want like Golza.

Before Sol came to the old manor, he asked Eddie to come over in advance.

Eddie didn't know that Thor needed him to teleport over directly, and thought he was asked to come over to explore.

He began to report his findings to Thor.

"Lord Tower Master, I have checked here. Since the eye of the storm was sealed last time, no other pollution has been born. It is cleaner than most areas in Borderlands."

Sol nodded, "Did anyone else pass by during this time?"

"There are people going to Rhine City passing by, but whether they are caravans or lone travelers, they will basically not come close to here."

After all, it was once a place where the eye of the storm broke out, and most wizards were reluctant to approach it for fear of potential pollution risks.

Only Eddie has witnessed with his own eyes Sol's ability to help him clean up the pollution in his body, so he is not as afraid of the old manor where there was a storm outbreak like others.

Listening to Eddie's report, Thor's eyes had fallen on the dilapidated roof of the old manor.

"Okay, I understand. Now you leave here first and don't tell others about my time here. If anyone asks you about the old manor..."

Eddie answered immediately, "I said it was for the development of Rhine City and to inspect the safety of nearby areas."

Thor glanced at Eddie.

An eye popped up on the other person's forehead and disappeared quickly.

These people seemed to have treated him as a city lord.

Saul didn't refuse.

Although he will not really be a city lord or manage a city.

He never forgets that he is a wizard. The road ahead will only be in endless unknowns.

Although this road is difficult and dangerous, you don't have to pray to God when danger comes.

After Eddie left, Thor entered the old manor.

The original rules here have been completely destroyed by the eye of the storm.

After the eye of the storm was sealed, it became very safe for the time being.

After a few years, when the threat of the Kuroshio passes, someone will surely occupy this place again.

Slowly ascending the dilapidated wooden stairs, and hearing the overwhelming crackling sound of the wood under his feet, Thor's body suddenly felt light.

When he took another step, there was no sound of footsteps.

He entered through the main entrance, which had half of the door missing.

The main hall and corridors were covered with unknown mycelium. Some are off-white, others are black.

There was a flash of fire.

Green smoke immediately rose up in the room, and the mycelium was burnt to pieces by the high temperature, revealing the originally spacious corridor.

Now, Thor's control over the wizard has been extremely meticulous. This fire in the blink of an eye only burned away the mycelium, but did not damage the surrounding walls or the old carpet under his feet.

Following the familiar passage, Thor came to the basement of the manor again.

The original owner of the manor once experienced alienation here and died in helplessness and despair.

And a giant rat devoured the dead wizard and became the mastermind behind the entire manor.

Everyone once thought that after the rats and the evil spirits of the original owner were solved, the place would no longer be dangerous.

But later, Kuroshio pollution still broke out here.

Thor passed through various overturned experimental equipment and came to the place where the giant rat died.

There was only a black stain left here, and it was impossible to tell what happened.

But when the diary appeared in Sol's hand, the peace around him immediately boiled like boiling water.

"Sure enough, the eye of the storm first broke out from here, but later moved outside, but the source is still here."

After carefully observing the lines condensed above the diary, Thor raised his hand, and several black blades appeared around his body.

His index finger points forward.

The black blade beside him immediately sank into the ground.

Just like cutting tofu, a big hole is dug in the ground in a few breaths.

The ground beneath Thor's feet quickly collapsed, but he still stood in his original position, suspended in the air motionless.

After digging down about three or four meters, a strange-shaped disk appeared in front of Thor.

He then fell down and raised his hand to brush away the dirt on the disk.

The disc felt very cold to the touch, as if it was reaching into the deep sea of ​​​​night.

"This is the influence of the Ice Locking Array." Thor quickly saw the hidden patterns on the disk. "It became like this after sealing the eye of the wind? It seems that no one needs to watch it."

Thor also learned a lot about the history of Borderlands during this time. The sealed eye of the storm has never broken through the seal a second time.

This seems to be a special property of space.

Therefore, these places where the eye of the storm once appeared will no longer attract people's attention.

This is convenient for Sol.

Because he came here today to cause destruction.

"I'm not very good at earth-based witchcraft. But..."

Thor raised his foot and stomped the ground lightly.

The soil under his feet and around him immediately flowed like mercury, and gradually closed up above Thor's head.

Then the soil hardened, turning the large hole that Sol had just dug into a closed space.

In this small dark space, Thor raised his hand to light a few light balls, and then used magic power to draw witchcraft circles directly on the surrounding walls.

These arrays have Byron's inerting formula and the function of sealing energy to prevent leakage.

At the same time, he borrowed part of the content of the space teleportation array he bought in Archaeological Site City to strengthen the spatial stability in this small room.

After spending half a day preparing, Thor took a deep breath. All the flesh and blood organs in his body instantly became transparent, and then were absorbed by the black bones like water droplets falling into the desert.

A body completely black except for a white skeleton between the left index finger squatted down again.


Without muscles, the bones connected by mysterious power collided with each other, making a sound like grinding teeth.

The only white bone in his left hand slowly touched the center of the ice seal.

A strong cold air was directed into Sol's fingertips.

"This time it's really bone-chilling." The black skeleton laughed at himself. He did not dodge, but continued to push hard against the center of the ice-locking formation.

While testing the seal with the white anchor point on his fingertips, Thor continued to adjust the diary, always paying attention to whether the lines on it would project danger signs.

An hour later, Thor felt like he sensed something through the sealing circle.

But it's just a vague feeling, and it's not certain whether there is something underneath the seal.

After trying for a while, there was no progress except that vague feeling, so Sol had to get up.

It won't work if it doesn't stop.

At this time, many black water droplets had precipitated in Sol's temporarily closed space, just like water mist on indoor windows in winter.

But these black drops are not honest.

They are like struggling drowning people, constantly twisting the water droplets, trying to escape from the wall made of earth.

Although Thor did not look at the black water droplets, his mental power always covered the entire room.

Through his mental perception, he could clearly "see" a few black water droplets breaking free from the wall.

But when these water drops broke free from the wall, they revealed what was connected underneath - a face.

The rounded water droplets here are not real water droplets.

Instead, they are the rounded upper half of human heads.

They revealed their faces that had been buried in the wall, and they looked exactly like Thor!

The empty mouths on these faces opened and closed, and layers of sounds were transmitted into Sol's brain.


Just one update today, I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow

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