Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 720: Internal call and external response

"The Inverted Tree, Beth, and the sneak attack he mentioned about Char. I remember that when I left, Char had been controlled by the Inverted Tree, but he seemed to still have his own consciousness. Could it be the influence of his consciousness? The upside down tree."

This Char wizard is really not simple. Although he has severe persecution paranoia, his strength is really unfathomable.

An upside-down tree, a second-level wizard, was actually made to lose control by him.

Of course, it’s not certain whether things are exactly as Jonah said.

It's not that Jonah would lie, but everything he knew might also be inaccurate.

But now at least we know that there is something wrong with the status of the Inverted Tree, and Baidong College is obviously planning something in an extreme way.

"People who were penetrated by tree roots were sealed in beeswax-like resin. What happened after that? Why did the whole city become ruins? Why do people in the outer city still live as before? Do they know about the inner city? what happened?"

Jonah smiled miserably, "I don't know the rest. I, I'm looking for..."

He was suddenly confused, as if he couldn't figure out where he was and what he was doing.

"Brother Sol, he's going to wake up." Penny reminded Sol.

Thor understood that if Jonah realized that his real body had become a broken body, he would immediately realize that it was a dream.

Thor immediately asked: "Since you have seen the fate of those people, do you know what the dean will do next? I heard you say that the dean complained that the cocoon was not enough. Could it be that he killed the remaining people in the inner city? Were they all killed? Where are Beth, Dean, and those who became cocoons now?"

Sol's long list of questions made Yona a little dazed, and he looked at Sol blankly.

Just when Thor thought his brain was full, Jonah suddenly grabbed Thor's arm with such force that he almost broke his arm.

"You can't find them. They are no longer in this world."

Thor let Jonah hold his arm tightly, like a drowning man holding on to the only life-saving straw.

"Then...where are they?" Thor asked softly.

"They are...you can't find...hehehe..." Jonah suddenly laughed strangely, "I remembered that at the last moment when the big tree disappeared, I sacrificed my limbs and some organs, Successfully escaped from the beeswax. I remembered."

He slowly let go of Sol's arm, his face seemed to be crying and smiling, "But I also lost the most important thing. I have to get it back."

The images around Thor began to blur, as if someone was adjusting the pixels of the world in his eyes.

The feeling of blockiness is getting heavier and heavier.

The world is becoming increasingly false.

The dream began to collapse.

The building blocks that make up the dream are falling apart.

What was peeling off along with the room was Jonah's intact, healthy outer skin.

When the flesh-colored and black building blocks fell off Jonah's body, what was exposed inside was not the mutilated human body that Thor had seen in the outside world.

Instead, it was a figure made of ashes.

"We should go, Brother Sol." Penny's voice also became serious, "We must leave here before we wake up, otherwise the way out will become a maze like wool."

Although Thor still had some unanswered questions, he could only nod.

In the dream world, third-level wizards cannot rely on external magic.

Because there is only spiritual power here, not magic.

Two silver wings suddenly emerged from behind Thor.

With a sudden flap of his wings, the whole world began to move backwards rapidly.

The Ember Man in front of him quickly moved away.

The world gradually darkens and then becomes brighter in an instant.

But this brightness also contains darkness.

Thor opened his eyes and saw the prostrate wizard Jonah lying on the ground like a baby.

The head is turned to the right side, resting on the arm without fingers, and the thigh without the calf is curled inward as much as possible.

In a ball.

His face was still featureless.

What Sol gave him was just the eyes in his dream.

But on such a face with nothing on it, Thor saw a trace of peace.

he died.

The moment he realized it.

Thor walked forward slowly, raised his hand and patted Jonah's back gently.

This man, who had been struggling in the inner city of Archaeological Site for an unknown amount of time, collapsed like a piece of mosquito repellent incense that was lightly scattered on the ground.

It turned into a familiar gray powder, adding another cloud of dust to this messy room.

"Oops," Penny had no so-called sentimentality towards anyone else, she just narrated calmly, "It seems like he didn't really survive that massacre."

Sol stood still for a while, causing Penny and Herman to not dare to speak.

I don’t know what Sol is thinking.

After a while, the entire inner city became darker before Thor moved.

He exited the house and returned to the opposite room. With a wave of his hand, the dust in the room was swept away to the corner.

Although the whole room wouldn't look brand new, it wouldn't be stained with dust at least.

Sol walked to the dining table in the hall of this house, pulled out a chair and sat down.

A huge quill appeared on the table in front of him, as well as several unused pieces of parchment.

Thor picked up the exaggeratedly large quill, flicked it, and then wrote on the parchment.

"Keli, I need you to help me do a few things outside..."

The package on Keli's body suddenly vibrated. She lowered her head and pulled out a piece of parchment with delicate lace from a small exquisite leather bag, and spread it on her lap.

"Tch, you didn't take me in, and you still asked me to do so many things."

He was complaining, but there was a smile on his face.

Although she and Sol have always been friends, she can't interfere in anything Sol does.

The opponent's progress was so fast that she could only watch from behind, and the little help Sol gave her was of great benefit to her.

This makes Keli, who calls herself a genius, anxious.

It was also for this reason that after she woke up under the collapsed wizard tower, she did not follow Senior Byron to find Thor.

With her strength, the past would only be a hindrance.

So when Grand Duke Kira came over to invite her to the royal capital and promised to help her become an official wizard as soon as possible, Keli agreed without hesitation.

Not exactly for her family.

Being able to help Sol today finally gave her some comfort.

She jumped down from the tree, and An and Agu came over.

They had already left their original town and were hiding in the woods outside.

"Is this the news from the master?" An was very curious, her eyes always involuntarily glanced at the parchment in Keli's hand.

Agu on the side was very honest, not peeking at all, just looking at the huge quill in Keli's hand.

"Messaging pen?"

Keli smiled and said, "Yes, after the collapse of Gorsa Wizard Tower, Thor and I both took one. This pen cannot be used at too long distances, but Thor has strong mental power and can transform Ichiban can barely use it at this distance."

An was not interested in the summons pen. She asked anxiously: "Does the master have something for us to do?"

Keli suppressed her smile and said, "He asked us to help set up some witchcraft circles outside. This circle is so strange, I have never seen it before."

Keli unfolded the parchment and showed it to the two consciousnesses opposite.

With permission, An and Agu all came together.

On the yellowed, soft parchment, underneath a few lines of text, five complex miniature magic circles were drawn.

There are lines intersecting between these arrays.

Impressively forming a five-pointed star.

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