"It's time to start."

Thor, who was bitten by a large number of branches and leaves, suddenly spoke.

This made Dean Pound on the opposite side alert again.

Now he doesn't dare to underestimate Sol, the newly promoted third level.

But he is only a second-level wizard. Even with the help of the Inverted Tree, he can only temporarily control the opponent.

So when the seemingly restrained person suddenly spoke without any hindrance, Pound's heart that had just been relieved rose to his throat again.

Saul was still talking to himself, "Herman has got the tree seeds, and I have to pick him up."

When Pound heard the word "tree species", he didn't know if the other party was bluffing him, so he could only direct the branches to wrap the Sol in the middle layer after layer, almost forming a "ball of wool".

But Thor's voice was still steady and strong.

"Tell Keli that the magic circle can be activated."

Before Pound could think about the meaning of Sol's words again, the seemingly tight and inescapable confinement of branches in front of him suddenly cracked a vertical crack in the middle.

Then the vertical seam continued to extend, split, extend, and split again.

Like an egg shell that is easily cracked.

Then there was a "crash".

The branches, leaves, and a large number of slender roots that imprisoned Thor all turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

The interior of these fragments was also stained with black liquid, which continued to corrode the remains of the branches.

Thor took a step forward, stepped out of the circle formed by scattered branches and roots, and stood in front of Pound.

"I told you, don't compare pollution with me. If I hadn't kept the upside-down tree still useful, I would have melted you all."

The black skeleton in front of him seemed like a messenger from the abyss. In an instant, Pound lost all the courage to fight with it.

After his most powerful weapon was easily corrupted by the opponent.

The faith that once served Lady Bethana was ruthlessly dismantled just like the prison of branches.

Pang De stood there without even a chance to escape.

The last thing he saw was a translucent gray tentacle and a suction cup with sharp teeth on it.

Throwing away the wooden figure that looked like it had been struck by lightning, Thor prepared to enter the upside-down tree again to pick up Herman.

He had just taken Penny directly back to the Death Wizard's Diary, but Herman had tree seeds on him and could not return directly to the diary.

I can only trouble him, the master, to pick it up.

But before stepping into the inner space of the Inverted Tree, Thor turned around and glanced behind him, but did not see the orange cat.

"It seems that Kate has taken the opportunity to escape. Hehe, go to the outer city at this time... and wish yourself well."

The orange cat probably never thought that the most dangerous place was actually the safest place.

Of course, Thor wouldn't waste time looking for a cat. The deal between them had already ended.

Now, he was anxious to get Herman back.

At the same time, if Char is still alive, then Thor still has a deal and wants to talk to the other party.

Thor jumped into the tree stump and disappeared.

Archaeological site outside the city.

Panic, death, struggle, disaster!

Second-level wizard apprentice Doze hugged the witchcraft book he just bought tightly in his hand and followed the flow of people to the outer city gate to escape.

None of them knew how the disaster happened. All I know is that suddenly a large number of tree roots and branches protruded from the ground and exploded quickly.

Many ordinary people were killed and injured.

The wizard apprentice will show obvious signs of alienation due to the black gas produced by the explosion.

But before these apprentices had time to be alienated, their bodies were pierced by tree roots and branches growing underground, and they were entangled by more and finer roots into cocoons.

Only one head was left hanging feebly.

Such scenes scared Doze to the point where his hands and feet became weak, and he had to run desperately out of the city.

There are many wizard apprentices like Doze in the outer city of Guest.

Suddenly, a crack appeared under Doze's feet, causing him to lose his balance and tilt to one side.

But then he was glad that he didn't stand firm and swayed a bit.

Because in the next second, a large number of branches emerged from the crack, directly pricking the person beside Doze into a hedgehog.

He knew that person, it was the third-level wizard apprentice who handed over the refugees to him.

The arrogant third-level apprentice was now hanging in the air like a small insect, dying without even a chance to struggle and cast a spell.

After wiping the hot blood on his face, Doze almost forgot that he was a wizard apprentice and could use witchcraft to directly clean the blood off his face.

He staggered to his feet and stood up with one hand on the ground, then continued to run.

But he left behind the witchcraft books he had just bought for a lot of money.

The abandoned book was half-hidden under the body by the fallen soil...

Not long after, an orange cat emerged from under the ruins and nimbly dodged the tree roots that were stabbing him.

He stepped on the book on the ground and almost slipped.

Then, Kate, who had stabilized her body, looked up and saw a corpse hanging to the side, which had been gradually trapped into a cocoon by fine roots.

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy!"

The orange cat looked around, found a path with not many people, and continued to escape.

Outside the city of Archaeological Site, Keli was sitting on the roof of a two-story building, holding her chin and waiting for Thor's signal.

"What do you think Saul wants to do with such a big battle?"

Agu and An sat beside Keli on the left and right.

Agu didn't say a word, because he saw that this combined witchcraft array was by no means simple.

Even the auxiliary magic circle requires the joint efforts of Keli and him to complete its construction.

An on the other side raised his lips, "Maybe the master wants to occupy this city!"

Agu glanced at An speechlessly, although he didn't know exactly what Sol was doing here. But he knew that Sol came here to get something.

He still knew his master, and he was not interested in world domination or anything like that. Even the Borderlands needed other people to help him run it.

It cannot be said that it is similar to the original Lord Gorsa, it can only be said that it is exactly the same.

"I don't think so!" An shook his head, "The archaeologists once hunted us down. Now that the master has advanced to the third level, he will naturally come back with revenge. Maybe he will directly massacre the city..."

While An Gang was speaking, a loud noise suddenly erupted from the distant city of Archaeological Site.

She froze on the spot.

"Wait a minute, I'm just talking. Master, he doesn't really want to massacre the city, right?"

After the second words of Massacre came out, there were continuous loud noises in the city of Archaeological Site, accompanied by strong earthquakes. Even they who were far away from the city could feel their feet shaking slightly.

Keli and Agu stood up at the same time and jumped to the ground.

"Something happened to Archaeologist. Will Sol be okay inside?"

She looked at Agu.

Sol has reintroduced several consciousness bodies to her in the past few days, and Keli also knows that there is a special connection between these consciousness bodies and Sol.

Agu was waiting attentively, but he didn't receive any signal. He could only watch An's reaction.

"I didn't receive any message either." An's joking had disappeared, and she looked at Archaeologist in the distance with some concern.

Soon, they discovered that a large number of branches were growing inside the city wall, and they could vaguely see several strange fruit-like spheres on them.

"It seems it's not Sol's fault." Keli crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Then should we go in and rescue him?"

"I think we should find a way to protect ourselves first." An suddenly grabbed Keli's arm and jumped back suddenly.

The next second, a branch as thick as an arm emerged from the ground, grazing the soles of Keli's shoes and stabbing into the sky.

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