Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 75 Solve the misunderstanding first

The west tower dormitory, which was a safe area for apprentices, was also a dangerous area for him who was once a servant. Sol also often felt a little strange when walking in the dormitory area at night.

But the floor where the instructor is located does not have that weird and dangerous feeling.

Not at all.

Is the official wizard's ability to control power greatly improved, or has all the dangers been contained to the extent that they are not leaked?

Thor came to the end of the corridor and glanced up the ramp.

Instructor Katz lives on the seventeenth floor.

Usually he rarely appears in the laboratory and the mortuary, does he also regard the dormitory as a real laboratory like Mr. Rum?

As for the eighteenth floor up, it is all the private space of the tower owner.

It is said that Lord Golsata is a second-order wizard, but it is just a super-powerful second-order that is very close to the third-order.

As for how strong it is, no one has described it. It is only known that the five mentors completely obey the instructions of the tower master.

The second-order wizard is a height that Thor can't reach at all now.

Thinking of the wraith on his body, Sol temporarily let go of his yearning for a formal wizard, and left this floor at a faster pace.

When Sol came to the second laboratory on the fourteenth floor, he found that the door here was open.

Saul walked to the door and glanced inside.

This laboratory is much smaller than Katz's laboratory. There are no rows of cabinets for storing materials, but there are many more operating tables.

The most striking thing in the room is a metal high-back chair with double armrests. Several thumb-thick ropes dangled from under the chair.

There is also an operating table directly opposite the chair, and a man is standing behind the table.

A man with brown curly hair and a second-level apprentice name tag pinned to his chest was expressionlessly burning something with a brazier.

A little blue smoke rose from the brazier, sometimes scattered, sometimes gathered, and finally dissipated on the roof.

Afraid that the other party was doing an experiment, Sol did not disturb him.

In case the other party is startled, one trembling of the hand will fall short, and the other party will blackmail yourself, which will be bad.

Sol was standing at the door, planning to wait for the other party to find him first before going in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Sol stopped, he heard the people inside say, "Why don't you come in? The door is for you."

"Senior Nick?" Saul asked tentatively.

Nick looked up, blue smoke surrounded his face, "Do you remember me?"

"..." Sol didn't remember him, it was clearly the name he had just heard from Rum's mentor.

"Oh, well, it seems that you have forgotten." Nick lowered his head again, and there was no anger on his face.

It's as if it's normal not to be remembered.

"Come in, close the door, and I will tell you the precautions here."

Saul walked in and stood beside Nick.

Nick is about eighteen or nineteen years old, but with a calm demeanor, he looks more like a 30-year-old uncle than Senior Byron.

"I heard you work in the mortuary?"

"Yes, senior."

Nick nodded, "The work in the mortuary often deals with the dead, but here we often deal with the living."

Nick looked sideways at Saul, "I'm good at observing emotions, and most of the witchcraft I've learned so far is related to emotions."

Senior Nick revealed his expertise right from the start?

Sol's brain turned rapidly, which should be the key that will be used in the experiment later, so Nick will explain it in advance.

mobilize emotions?

Doesn't sound like much.

Does it have attack power? Is it to make people cry to death?


Saul looked up sharply at Nick.

He remembered who Nick was!

He has all sorts of strange ways of dying in his diary, one of which is to die laughing.

Nick, was the senior who was by Sid's side when he tested Sol's newcomers!

So he died laughing at the time, but it was actually Nick who made the move?

The opponent is also one of West Germany's killer moves?

Nick was still introducing it blankly, but he didn't know that Saul was ready to take out his pocket.

"...Our experiments here are also mainly based on observing the emotions of the spirit body. The instructor appointed me to lead this part. The instructor said that you are good at directly observing the spirit body, so I asked you to come to cooperate with the experiment... Your mood fluctuates a lot. What's the problem?"

Nick turned off the fire, the green smoke dissipated little by little, and finally there was nothing left in the brazier.

"Are you the senior who tested us back then?" Sol secretly put his left hand in front of him, while his right hand held a small bottle in his pocket.

"Yes." Nick put away the brazier, and took out two earbags from under the operating table, one was hung around his neck, and the other was handed to Saul.

"Sid and I are usually work partners, so after he accepted the task of testing newcomers, I went with him."

Sol took the earbag with his left hand but didn't put it on.

Nick is Sid's friend?

His right thumb rests on the body of the vial.

"Instructor Rum no longer intends to pursue the matter of Sid." Saul moved out of Rum first, hoping that Nick would be a sensible person and not do anything in the laboratory.

But Nick is more rational than Saul thinks.

He put down the experimental instruments he was sorting out, and turned his head.

"You're still nervous... Forget it, in order not to let West Germany become an obstacle to our future work, I think I need to explain the previous things clearly to you."

Nick's expression was still indifferent, and he couldn't tell if he was sad for Sid's death.

"You don't have to be hostile to me. In a sense, I saved your life."

Saul still squeezed his earbags and looked up at Nick.

"On the day of the test, Sid was a little abnormal. He usually has a bad temper and a bad mouth, but he suddenly shot and killed a new apprentice, which was beyond my expectations."

Nick spoke calmly.

"You know, one of the rules here is that everything in the wizard's tower is the property of the tower owner. Therefore, if the tower owner suffers losses for no reason, he may be punished."

"So I was very surprised at the time. If Sid was really upset with that little fat man, he would just drive him to be a servant, or kill him secretly. Why did he suddenly attack in public?"

"Later, oh, it was very later, after I heard that you killed Sid, I realized it. Sid killed the little fat man, maybe it was an excuse to kill you later. Anyway, you were a reserve apprentice at the time, so you can't die I don't care."

"And Sid secretly encouraged me to kill you in a coma, explaining that we will not be punished for this shot." Nick lowered his eyes, "Because people who failed the test and were demoted to become servants are not considered wizards. The tower's property——I didn't notice that you were a servant at the time, and I was almost moved by him."

"Sid is always good at catching loopholes in rules and people's hearts. Fortunately, I am more rational." Nick nodded, as if he was quite proud of himself.

Sol "died laughing" in his diary at the time because of Nick!

Saul gritted his teeth.

Although Sid is dead, Saul will still be angry when he realizes that the other party has done so many poisonous hands, wishing to kill the other party again!

During the test, because of the diary’s affirmation of Sol’s judgment, Sol did not follow the normal order of other people’s tests, but avoided the magic power of the lowest talent, and tested the other two first, and passed out after getting the feedback of high spiritual talent .

Maybe it was a pity for talent, maybe it was because he thought that killing an apprentice whose talent had not yet been determined might be held accountable, Nick finally let Sol go.

Nick ruled that Saul passed, and Sid's calculation failed. He could only watch Saul become an apprentice and a more valuable property of the tower owner.

If he wanted to kill Thor again, his actions would need to be more subtle, and the price would be even greater.

Saul was silent for a moment, imitating Nick and hanging the earbags around his neck.

"Thank you, senior. If it weren't for you, I might not have passed the test, and I would have died or turned back into a servant to be bullied."

If Sol returns to the servant area, no matter whether it is the boys who have been intimidated by him, or the housekeeper who has been mocked by Sol, they will not let him go.

In the end it was a dead end.

Nick stared down at the operating table, and stroked the stubble of his chin with his free hand, "Actually, the apprenticeship entrance test does not require all three talents to meet the standard. As long as it is recognized as having training value, you can pass the test, so you You don’t need to worry too much about your abilities. But you have to remember one thing, remember! It was I who believed that you were worth cultivating, so that you survived.”

Thor nodded sharply, he would remember.

Modifying the word count of a paragraph seems to delete the paragraph comment. Chapter 11 changed a bug.

Thanks for the big reward! Thank you readers for your support!

Writing a novel is really a test of mentality, especially when this book is being promoted, everyone's support is my booster!

no eunuch

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