Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 77 Interesting spiritual body infusion

Before Saul tried to explain, Nick turned his head and said to the female apprentice on the induction chair: "Okay, you go out, and have a review at least once a month. If you feel abnormal, you can come earlier."

When the electric chair is turned off, all shackles are released.

The female apprentice supported the armrests of the electric chair and stood up, her footsteps a little messy. She nodded silently to Nick, unable to see whether she was happy or disappointed.

Watching the female apprentice leave the laboratory and close the door, Nick said to Saul: "Do you know what we are doing now?"

"I saw that the woman had a spiritual body that didn't belong to her. Was she invaded by a spiritual body?" Thor tried to analyze.

"Her situation cannot be called intrusion. In fact, it is more appropriate for you to call her him. After all, the soul of that man is the current owner of that body."

Thorn's eyes widened.

man's soul? Current owner?

What does this mean? Do you want to win? Or a different body?

"Our current experiment is actually a project of our mentor. The full name is "Research on the Feasibility and Adaptability of Spiritual Body Transferring into the Survival of Other People's Corpses". But the name is too long, and we all call it soul infusion."

Nick handed the information in his hand to Saul for him to see.

"You don't have to watch the content that makes you feel uncomfortable, after all, it's beyond your knowledge."

Sol looked down.

Sure enough, he either couldn't understand most of the content, or was dazzled.

He could only see that it was a record of experimental observations. On the first few pages is the identity file of the subject, followed by the date, the experiment process and so on.

It can be seen from the files that the soul of the experimental subject came from the first-level apprentice in the tower, but the body belonged to the second-level apprentice who died due to various reasons, but the body was relatively intact.

The first-level apprentices are old apprentices who are in their twenties and have not yet entered the second-level. Before the experiment, they will sign a contract to voluntarily give up their original body and bear all the risks of the spirit body indoctrination experiment.

Of course, how voluntary this is voluntary is still open to debate.

There are also records of the different reactions of using the control panel at the back, which he only glanced at.

There are too many things I don't understand.

For example, what are the major attributes of the soul, what is the characteristic index of the body's response, the freshness of the meat, the aggregation of the spirit body, and a bunch of rune deduction...

After reading this record, Sol clearly felt his lack of knowledge.

He originally thought that knowledge could be obtained by self-study, but now that he thinks about it, he is still too arrogant.

However, in the past, there was always a Sid behind him watching over him, and he had to take a slant in order to survive, but now he can study with peace of mind and make up for his progress.

Oh, and you have to deal with the wraiths on your body first.

"Senior, is it easy to transfer the spirit body to other people?"

"Of course it's not easy. First of all, you have to maintain the sanity and integrity of the spirit body. Wraiths and evil spirits possessing the human body will not advance our research in any way."

"Then there is the step of indoctrination, which is very painful for both the experimenter and the experimenter. After all, it is not the original body of the spirit body. And we have encountered a big problem at this step." Nick stared at the top of Sol's head, a little tentative Said, "If you do research in this area in the future, you can take a look together."

He turned the record to the first page, pointing to the gender of the spirit body and corpse.

"We can only instill a male soul into a female body, or vice versa. But we cannot infuse a male soul into a male body, nor can we infuse a female soul into a female body. This Not even the instructor figured out what went wrong."

Sol read the contents of the file again and found that it was indeed the case.

what is this?

Opposites attract, like repel?

But does the soul also have gender? Or is the gender of the soul based on the self-knowledge of the soul consciousness?

Seeing that Saul seemed to be deep in thought, Nick felt that it was almost done, so he continued to explain.

"The last step is long maintenance and observation. Many spiritual bodies collapsed shortly after entering the body. How to maintain it for a long time is also a difficulty in this research.

"As for the observation, it is the experiment we just did. You have also seen it. It is very interesting. The body and soul respond to the stimulation of the electric chair is almost completely opposite. Therefore, the behavior of the body they control is also very strange. But how to solve it, That's all the tutor's business, we are only responsible for recording for the time being."

Nick took back the note in Sol's hand, "I think you have a preliminary understanding of spiritual body infusion, and then we will call number two in. Today, uh... there are only two people in total."

Subject No. 2 is a male.

It was also the second-level apprentice that Sol had met with Rum's mentor.

Is there only two people in total?

The female second-level apprentice who had rushed out of the face behind her didn't come over.

Is there something wrong with her?

The test process of No. 2 is similar to that of No. 1. Saul helped record the data, and today's tasks are all done. Sol can't participate in other follow-up experimental procedures.

So, while Nick was packing up, Saul made his request.

"Huh?" Nick put down the record in his hand and looked Sol up and down, "You have a wraith on your body? The corpses in the wizard tower will be specially treated, and there are very few evil spirits and wraiths coming out. And the wraith Haunting requires a certain amount of emotional entanglement. Why...won't you be Sid? Why does he hate you so much? Will he still be haunting you even after he dies?"

Saul couldn't answer this question, so he could only touch the back of his head innocently.

"I don't know too well. It was Teacher Rum who saw that there was a vengeful spirit in me, and asked me to find the senior to deal with it."

"Mentor... asked you to ask me to deal with it?" Nick's eyes were a little strange, but his emotions were extremely restrained, and nothing could be seen on the surface.

"Yes, yes..." Saul suddenly became a little nervous when Nick stared at him like this.

"I understand." After a long while, Nick slowly raised his chin, and clicked on the electric chair in front of them, "Then you sit on it."

Saul "?!!!!"

"Me? Sit on it?" Saul pointed to himself first, and then pointed to the electric chair opposite.

"That's right, you don't think that I, a second-level apprentice, would be better at dealing with vengeful spirits than my mentor?" Nick picked up the control panel again and began to draw, "Of course it's because here is the most suitable inductor for torturing vengeful spirits." Chair."

"Can the electric chair get rid of wraiths?"

"Of course it won't work if it's too strong, but if the wraith on your body is really too strong, then you won't be able to live now."

Nick adjusted the control wheel and saw Sol still standing there.

"Are you scared? Don't worry, it's... great."

Nick borrows Sol's words.

Sol's mouth twitched twice, "Then I sat on it?"

Nick nodded.

"I really sat on it?"

Nick looked at Sol with some doubts, "Go...?"

Saul didn't respond when he saw the diary. It seems that this is not an assassination conspiracy by Senior Nick.

He recalled the expression on the male spirit body he had just seen, and decided that when he sat on it later, he must manage his expression well.

Saul climbed into the high chair, rolled over and sat down.

The induction chair immediately tailored a set of "torture tools" for Sol according to his figure.

But Nick comes up and drives those spikes into Thor's skin. The front end of the rope is very thin, and it doesn't hurt at all when pierced into the skin, just a little itchy.

Nick only inserted the rope at Sol's wrist and ankle, deliberately avoiding Sol's left hand and neck and other vital points.

"Senior Nick?" Saul asked suspiciously.

"It's not to observe your emotions. There is no need to stick so many, as long as you can solve the grievances."

Nick said as he walked back to the console and picked up the control panel.

Sol's heart immediately lifted.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, his fingers clenched the armrest of the induction chair.

"Persevere... persevere..." Saul encouraged himself in his heart.

Then he saw Nick's hand click on the control wheel a few times.


We agreed to add this week, and we did it on Wednesday! (With dark circles under the eyes)

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