Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 762 The vision that cannot be found

Thor chose to track the attendant on the airship. In addition to being really interested in the white porcelain kitten, there was another big reason.

Klum's death was very similar to that of businessman Mike.

They were the only two corpses that Saul had seen in a month, so he was very impressed with them.

Both men drowned.

A third-level wizard, like an ordinary person, could not escape the call of death.

And both of their souls disappeared after death.

Thor heard the sound of water as he searched for their consciousness.

In addition, Paul, the third-level wizard apprentice on the airship, once warned Thor that the white porcelain kitten could make people drown, allowing Thor to connect the two dead people.

Because it was almost dusk, there were not many pedestrians on the street.

The people who occasionally pass by are all wizard apprentices.

These people seemed to be in a hurry and looked tired, like office workers.

Thor also had the illusion that he had returned to the Gortha Wizard Tower.

He continued to hide his aura and magic power fluctuations, walking on the edge of the street like an ordinary person.

Although the guiding stone left by Kate along the way is rough, it has no magic power. In the eyes of the wizard apprentices on the street, it is just the most inconspicuous stone.

Thor didn't walk long before he found the attendant's residence in an alley near the airport.

It was an old but independent two-story building. Perhaps it is to cater to the overall decoration style of Sky City. Even such old houses are painted with brown walls and brown roofs on the outside.

It doesn't look that shabby.

But even so, this is not like a house that a servant can own.

Thor noticed that there was only the scent of a living person in this two-story house.

The attendant lives alone.

Sol looked up and saw the orange cat lying on the roof.

He smiled at the orange cat and jumped in directly from the half-open window on the second floor.

The room where the window was located was the servant's bedroom, and the servant was tinkering with something in the bedroom at this time.

Although he was facing the window, he was like a blind man, completely unaware of a soft body squeezing in through the crack of the window that was only half-open.

After Thor came in, the orange cat jumped in silently one step behind.

The presence of the two people was obvious but did not attract the attention of the attendants.

Thor stepped forward, came to the attendant who had been looking down at something, and suddenly raised his hand and pressed the other person's back of the head.

The attendant immediately fell down without warning.

"Lord Thor, you won't interrogate him?"

"Trouble, I'd better just watch it."

After Sol finished speaking, his whole body seemed to be frozen in place.

Kate glanced at him and didn't dare to move.

What the orange cat didn't know was that Thor had already entered the attendant's dream.

Although he was knocked unconscious by Thor, thanks to the operation of the Nightmare Butterfly, the attendant still dreamed honestly.

His dream was very real.

Thor took a second look, and he probably bought the empty boat after becoming rich overnight, and scolded the senior attendants, guards, maids, captains and others who were usually aloof.

They all knelt before the attendant and kissed his toes.

"Have you enjoyed it enough? Think of something useful."

Sol waved his hand, and the scene in front of him changed.

The attendant returned to the room, but it was filled with white porcelain kittens. These kittens also have white eyes. It's not painted red.

Not exactly what Saul saw in Businessman Mike.

The attendant had not recovered from the sweet dream just now, and it took him a while to remember where he was.

But he still maintained his excitement.

"Work hard, keep working hard, the money I save will soon be able to buy an empty boat!"

He got under the bed and pulled out a small bottle containing red paint of unknown composition.

He opened the bottle, dipped a brush in a little paint with one hand, picked up a white porcelain kitten without red eyes with the other hand, and carefully painted all the kitten's eyes red.

Saul noticed that after the attendant painted the kitten's eyes red, he would hold the kitten's body very carefully and put them in the bedside cabinet.

At this time, there were already a dozen white porcelain kittens with red eyes inside the cabinet.

Thor stepped forward and picked up a white porcelain kitten with unpainted eyes.

The details in the dream told Thor that these were indeed inferior craftsmanship.

He also mentioned a kitten with red eyes. There was nothing unusual about the paint or the kitten.

Sol even imitated businessman Mike and stroked the white porcelain cat's head.

But he still felt nothing, and nothing lucky happened.

"Is it because my strength cannot be affected by the white porcelain cat, or is this just a dream, and the other party is not the real person, so he cannot affect the people and things in the dream?"

Sol put the white porcelain kitten back, but the attendant did not react at all.

"It's not right here either." Thor waved his hand again, "Since the moment that excites him the most is wrong, what about the moment that scares him the most?"

The squire's dream turned into several frightening scenes. For example, falling into the water, or the airship exploding.

But none of these dreams contained anything unusual.

"It's quite clean." Thor waved his hand again, "Let me see what the most unforgettable day looks like for you."

This time, Sol came to the street with his attendants.

The streets here are very unfamiliar, and none of the streets Saul passed today looked like this.

The most special building is a broken tower not far away.

The top of the tower is made of broken bricks and protruding beams.

Standing under the broken tower was a big boy who looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old. He was wearing the most ordinary wizard apprentice robe, and the bottom edge even had burrs.

But the attendant immediately ran over.

Thor followed the squire like a ghost.

He heard the attendant and the boy say, "I'm almost out of stock."

But the boy said expressionlessly: "You can't come over before I find you. If it happens again, we will terminate our cooperation."

"No, no, I will never take the initiative to look for trouble again."

The boy did not embarrass the attendant, and he never seemed to have any expectations for the attendant.

"Be obedient, or I can replace you at any time."

The attendant nodded repeatedly.

The boy turned around and left. In the end, he didn't take out anything that seemed like the "goods" in the servant's words. He was quite principled.

Thor wanted to follow the boy to have a look, but this was the attendant's dream after all. When the boy reached the edge of the street, his figure had already begun to blur and fade.

Just as Thor was wondering if this boy was the one he was looking for...


Suddenly he heard the sound of bubbling water again.

In an instant, Sol's eyes changed.

"Got you."

Thor exited the squire's dream.

The attendant was still lying face down on his bed, soundly asleep.

"Lord Thor, did you find what you were looking for?"

"It can only be said that another small fish was lured out with small shrimps. It is not clear whether this small fish is the culprit. But a wizard apprentice does not seem to be someone who can control a white porcelain kitten."

"Do you need me to search this house?"

Thor shook his head.

"The owner of the kitten is very good at hiding traces. He will even erase the abnormal information about the white porcelain kitten from people's consciousness. If it were anyone else, no matter how they trace it, they will only find that the white porcelain kitten is just an ordinary handicraft. All All information related to its vision has been erased."

Thor clasped his hands.

"Interesting. Since we can't find it using advanced methods, let's use the most primitive method."

"Meow?" Kate still didn't understand.

"It's like you carved a shape out of the most ordinary stone to guide me. Such people who are invisible at the level of witchcraft can often be seen with the naked eye."

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