Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 79 The Honest Soul

"The soul fragment should refer to the white shadow. But what is the spirit ester? Is my left hand so powerful? What's the matter with preserving the soul fragment?"

Questions emerged one after another.

Sol found that there was too much knowledge that he had never been exposed to. He relied on the diary to come up with a modification plan, but he could only use it, but he didn't understand the principle.

As a result, his knowledge of the left hand is also limited.

"The soul fragment, shouldn't it be Sid's soul fragment? What's the use? You can't really play cards."

"And that black shadow. Diary, has that black shadow been absorbed by you?"

Sol looked at the diary and felt a little headache. The diary has never been obedient.

Of course, it may also be because the diary has no thoughts at all, and all behaviors are due to a set of established guidelines.

At this time, the diary in front of him suddenly started to flip backwards, and the thickness of the remaining pages was rapidly decreasing.

"Wait!" Thor immediately became nervous.

How is this going? Why did you flip back all of a sudden?

Turn to the back, can the previous pages still be used?

Don't tell him now that the number of warnings in the diary is limited.

The diary didn't slow down because of Sol's nervousness, it quickly turned to the last page.

And the last page of the diary is a piece of black paper.

The black paper has no patterns, and it looks rougher than other papers in the diary. The edges are not very regular, like a square piece of paper that someone tore off casually, and carefully glued to the back of the diary.

Just when Sol lowered his head to look at the black paper that suddenly appeared, a white phantom suddenly shot out from his left hand and crashed into the black paper.

Then, a line of white, thickly-inked, huddled text emerged on the black paper.

【This is where? Why is it so dark? 】

This group of words is definitely not the words of the diary.

who? Who is hiding in the diary?

Is it the original owner of the diary? Or... the original Thor?

Thor's breathing was briefly messed up.

"No, the phantom just got in from my left hand... Are you Sid?"

[I am Sid. Who are you, how do you know my name? 】

Oh my god, this diary has been upgraded again?

It's not right, it should be Thor who killed Sid's wraith and obtained the soul fragments, and then activated the new function of the diary.

Seeing that this soul could answer the question, Sol rolled his eyes and asked him, "Sid, do you still remember how you died?"

[I was killed by Thor with a disposable witchcraft prop. But before that, in order to escape the predicament of being besieged, I had to break the elf sculpture, which caused my mental body to be extremely active and unable to cast spells, so I was successfully attacked. In fact, I am much better than Sol. and who are you? How do you know I'm dead? 】

"It seems that it is really Sid." Saul guessed that this is the ability of the diary to communicate with the soul.

"This death wizard diary is probably much more powerful than I originally imagined!"

Thor originally thought that the diary could only predict death. Now it seems. The diary has profound attainments in death, soul, and matter.

I really don't know what kind of person made this death wizard diary.

Sid's soul answered truthfully to the two questions Saul asked just now.

This made Saul have some speculations about the function of the diary.

Is the soul unable to lie?

No, it should still be the ability of the diary itself.

If the wraith is honest, how can there be so many scary ghost stories in the world?

"Sid..." Saul smiled, sitting on the ground and shaking his legs triumphantly.

No, I can't shake it, let it go.

"How did you know about the Death Wizard's Diaries?"

The diary is currently Sol's biggest cheat. He must confirm whether anyone else knows the existence of the diary.

[The death wizard's diary was passed down from our family's ancestors. When my grandfather was not crazy, he often read the book without a single word. 】

In Sid's introduction, his grandfather was a very powerful first-level wizard. Because he majored in dark elements, he was particularly interested in the death wizard's diary handed down by his family. He believed that it must contain some kind of mysterious knowledge about death.

And that knowledge is enough to elevate ordinary wizards to levels that would otherwise be unattainable.

But after looking at it for many years, from black hair to white hair, Sid's grandfather still didn't get any results, and finally drove himself crazy.

During the years when his grandfather was insane, Sid's father lost a lot of money due to poor management, and finally had to sell everything in the family. Among them was the death wizard's diary, and by chance, it was sold to a third-level apprentice from the wizard's tower in Gorza.

The third-level apprentice took many books related to witchcraft from Sid's house, and casually said that they would hand them in to the library for credits.

And just three days after the third-level apprentice left, the grandfather suddenly woke up, and as soon as he woke up, he went to find his death wizard diary.

After learning that the diary was sold, the grandfather became very angry and almost killed his father on the spot. Fortunately, Sid and his mother stopped in front.

After that, Sid's grandfather locked himself in the original laboratory for three days and three nights without eating or drinking.

When he came out, he raised his hands high and laughed loudly.

Because my grandfather's hair and beard were disheveled and he was in a mess, everyone thought he was crazy again.

But who knew that while the grandfather shouted "I know, I know", he shot and killed Sid's father and mother suddenly.

Not only that, he also killed all the other people who came, and the whole manor became a bloody hell.

After killing all the people in the manor, the grandfather ran out barefoot and disappeared.

Sid, who was only fifteen years old, hugged his knees and crouched shivering beside his parents. A pair of trousers were dirty and smelly, and the murderous grandfather had disappeared, and he didn't dare to move.

I was afraid that my grandfather would find out that I was still alive.

After waiting for a long time, without hearing the crazy laughter, Sid fell to the ground, his legs were numb and painful, as if he had fallen into a frying pan.

But when he got up tremblingly, when he looked up again, he saw his grandfather came back, still holding the head of his sister who had gone out to get married.

Grandfather threw his sister's head at Sid's feet, and Sid's legs gave way and he collapsed again in the pile of corpses.

Grandfather walked up to Sid, knelt down slowly, but did not shoot him.

His expression became as kind as Sid's when he was a child, with a teasing smile on his grandson.

"Little Sid, you are now a first-class apprentice? Very good."

Sid looked at his grandfather, trembling all over.

He didn't understand why his grandfather, who had just killed all his family members, was still talking to him with a smile.

Grandpa didn't mind Sid's fear, but grabbed Sid's cold corpse-like hand, "Now grandpa has a chance to become a great official wizard for you, do you want it?"

Sid shook his head like a tambourine.

"Huh?" Grandfather stared at him with murderous intent.

Sid immediately turned to nodding up and down.

So Sid was sent by his grandfather to the Golsa Wizard Tower and became a wizard apprentice majoring in water attributes.

Saul knew almost everything about it.

At this point, the white characters on the black paper have changed from the original rich milky white to a very light pale white.

Each word is no longer round, but becomes tapered.

【Grandfather told me before sending me into the carriage that he had discovered that the diary is an extremely unique existence. Anyone who has kinship in this world cannot be its master. Even if you get it, you can only see a hardcover book without words. The diary will only appear after the death of the original owner. But the person who killed the original owner with his own hands will not be recognized by the diary. Who are you? Why do you still know the diary? 】

"Why is there such a complicated setting? There can't be relatives alive, and you can't kill the owner of the diary yourself."

"This death wizard diary, does it still pay attention to cause and effect?"

Saul was a little puzzled, but he finally understood Sid's reasons for targeting him, as well as the reasons for those poor frame-ups.

It was the rules of the diary that bound Sid!

【I don’t know either, my grandfather told me. Who are you? What is cause and effect? 】

Sol completely ignored Sid's question, "No, didn't you say that you have to have no relatives to get the diary? Don't you still have a grandfather?"

【Grandfather died before I left, but I left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to attend his funeral. Who are you? Why do I have to keep answering your questions? 】

Sid's handwriting has become so light as gray that it is difficult to decipher it.

"Your grandfather is dead?" Sol squinted his eyes, leaned down, carefully read the words on the black paper, and suddenly asked with a chuckle, "Where is your grandfather...buried?"

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