Saul didn't wait for Konsha's answer.

Nor did he really expect an answer.

Leaving Kongsha's room, he continued to go up, crossed the dark corridor, ignored the whispers from the dark place in the distance, and went straight to the fourteenth floor of the west tower.

1416 dormitory.

This is the new home of Senior Byron.

Apprentice wizards can choose to move to the corresponding floor after being promoted, or they don't have to move if they find it troublesome.

But most people choose to move, after all, the hardware facilities are much worse.

Today was the first time Sol came to Byron's dormitory to look for him, and it was still late at night. I don't know if Senior Byron was asleep.

All apprentices cannot be expected to be night owls like Konsha.

Thor knocked lightly on the door three times, then put his hands down to wait a little while.

However, the next second, the dormitory door opened automatically.

"Huh?" Sol probed in and took a look, but saw no one in the living room.

He went in.

The living room is messy, it's like a move and half the owner has gone to sleep. There are many boxes open, and the contents have not been taken out. There are also some boxes stacked high together, blocking the panoramic view of the room.

"Senior, Senior Byron?"

No one responded.

Sol thinks that Senior Byron should not be there. After all, with the mental power of a third-level apprentice, it is impossible to sleep until now and still not wake up.

The door of the dormitory was unlocked when no one was there. Could it be that the door was specially reserved for myself?

Sol took two steps forward, "walking through mountains and rivers", and finally found the experimental platform hidden behind the big box.

The experimental table was also very messy, with an unknown number of things placed there. However, there was a palm-sized blank area in the middle of the table, and a letter was placed on it.

The letter reads "Only Saul can see".

"The writing is still so ugly." Sol shook his head and sighed, picked up the letter and opened it.

The letter reads:

Only Sol can touch this piece of paper, if anyone else touches it, don't look at it, go to detoxify it quickly. You have 10 left to live.

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ...

Sol, I have received the first task of a third-level apprentice, and I need to go out for a while. During this time, I owe you eight credits. If you are in a hurry, you can use the red potion on the table to deduct it. If you are not in a hurry, wait until I come back and continue to repay.

It's a pity that I don't have many friends in the wizard tower, and no one owes me credits, so I can't entrust you to others to take care of you. Please take good care of yourself, and hope to see you alive when you come back. If you die, the eight credits will be cancelled.

I also hope that I can successfully complete the first mission and come back alive. If you are afraid that I will die, you can also take the bottle of red potion first as collateral.

Nothing else, goodbye.

By the way, if the other person who took this letter is your friend, you can tell them that there is no poison in the letter, and there is no need to find an antidote. If not then forget it.

Still owe you eight credits Byron.

Saul couldn't help laughing after reading the letter.

He obviously didn't tell senior Byron about the countdown joke. I don't know how he thought of it. He obviously looks dumb, but sometimes he is strangely shrewd.

He originally wanted to ask Senior Byron about Lingzhi, but now it seems that he has no way to ask. He can only hope that Senior Byron will return safely.

The red potion Thor didn't move, letting it continue to stand on the table. I didn't bother to check what the potion was, because I was afraid that I couldn't help it.

Sol destroyed the letter casually, and left the dormitory like a dump.

After returning to the corridor, the door of the dormitory closed automatically again. Sol believed that after this time, it would not open again easily.

"Senior Byron has also left. It seems that I can only ask Senior Mark tomorrow. Although he knows that I have transformed into a witch body, he doesn't know the materials in it. He probably won't associate Lingzhi with it."

Saul turned to go back to sleep.

At this moment, he suddenly saw his own shadow on the ground, as if there was something extra.

A slender thing flickered past the back of the neck.

Sol immediately became alert, stopped, and prepared spells and potions.

He raised his left hand and slowly touched his neck.

At the same time, he noticed the shadow on the ground from the corner of his eye.

Sol didn't feel anything strange until he touched the skin on the back of his neck.

There has been no other change in the shadow on the ground.

"Is it my illusion, or has that thing left?"

Sol entered into semi-immersed meditation again, scanned his surroundings, and found no abnormal spirits.

But he didn't relax just yet, but maintained a high degree of vigilance, and slowly left the third-level apprentice's dormitory area.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he entered his dormitory.

"Sure enough, it is still very dangerous to walk in the tower at night. Now that Kongsha and Byron are not in the tower, it is better not to go out in the middle of the night."


After lunch the next day, Sol hurried to Katz's laboratory, trying to find senior Mark to buy common sense.

Just as he was about to open the door and enter, he heard the sound of conversation coming from inside.

"...It's good that you can endure hardship like this. If your uncle could have worked harder at that time, he wouldn't have left the wizard's tower at the age of thirty."

"I will continue to work hard, Senior Cole, um, can I do experiments with you?"

"It's okay, anyway, you have been doing experiments with Mark here before, so you should have experience. It also saves me from looking for assistants everywhere."

"Thank you so much, Senior Cole!"

"You're welcome, doing experiments with a cute little girl like you will make you feel much better."

Hearing this, Sol walked in, and saw the second-level apprentice named Cole, with a hand on Angela's shoulder.

That Cole was slightly fat, but he had a warm smile on his face. Looks very gentle.

And Angela was still smiling, as if she didn't notice anything wrong.

Seeing someone coming in, Cole withdrew his hand naturally and nodded to Saul.

"This is Mentor Katz's laboratory, what can you do?"

"Hello senior, I want to find Senior Mark, is he not here?"

Angela reminded Cole softly.

Cole raised his eyebrows, and then the smile on his face became wider.

"It turns out that you are Sol, the first-level apprentice that the instructor values ​​most now." He walked towards Sol, "He has gone out for training, and now I have taken over Mark's original job. You can ask me if you have anything .”

The other party looked very enthusiastic.

Saul thanked him politely.

"Thank you senior, but I'm looking for senior Mark to return his things. Since he's out, I'll wait for him to come back. I'll go back first, see you senior."

Cole was a little disappointed to see Saul leave so soon, but he didn't stop him. He just invited him to come and play when he was free.

Sol made a few perfunctory sentences, glanced at Angela who was standing silently behind Cole, and exited the laboratory.

Back in the corridor, Sol was a little dazed. Unexpectedly, the three seniors he was familiar with all left the wizard tower overnight.

Then I can only go to the library to find a needle in a haystack.

There are very few people in the library, whether they are borrowing books or returning books, they are all in a hurry and do not want to stay longer.

As soon as Sol walked into the library, he found that the anxious middle-aged man who was originally sitting on the left did not appear there.

And who accidentally touched that "holographic image"?

"Do you want to borrow books?" A very arrogant voice came from the right.

Sol turned his head, and saw a young man of eighteen or nineteen was looking down at him with his chin up.

"If you want to borrow a book, go in, if you don't borrow a book, get out."

After careful observation, the arrogant young man was 90% similar to the anxious middle-aged man from before.

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