Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 93 Birthday Present

Thor picked up a pair of long black elbow-length gloves from the long table in the mortuary.

These gloves are custom-made, fit the skin very well, and are very thin, so there will be no obvious sense of separation when holding items.

Moreover, the material of the gloves is resistant to dirt and water, and it is not easy to be ignited, which is worthy of the customized price.

Most importantly, it does not affect Thor's spellcasting.

It's just a little hard to wear.

Gloves that fit so well are a hassle to put on.

Thor wears it on his left hand first.

The inside of the glove is very harsh and cannot be pulled smoothly.

At this time, a slender black tentacle protruded from the back of Sol's neck, and flexibly helped Sol pull the edge of the glove and help him put it on smoothly.

"Thank you, Xiaozao."

This weird-looking tentacle was part of the Soul Eater Swamp that Sol inadvertently brought back from the abandoned laboratory under the wizard's tower garden.

After several confirmations and inquiries, Sol was basically sure that this little tentacle wasn't too dangerous.

Especially this tentacle can be removed from the back of his neck with a "boom" as long as it is pulled hard, without leaving any wounds.

Obviously it wasn't parasitic on him.

After helping Sol put on the gloves, Xiaozao shrank back obediently.

Sol named this tentacle Algae because it didn't resemble the huge, terrifying and aggressive black tentacles in the swamp back then, but rather resembled the core consciousness of the Soul Eater Swamp.

At the beginning, the core consciousness grew like a seaweed dumpling, so Saul directly simplified it and called it Xiaozao.

Xiaozao is sometimes silly and sometimes very clever. It has been following Sol, and never shows up when there are outsiders.

Neither the tutor nor the seniors found something wrong, or they found it but only regarded it as the research material that Sol carried with him. No one disputes this.

The environment of the mortuary is somewhat similar to Xiaozao's original living environment. Xiaozao has gained weight after staying with Sol for a few years.

With the gloves and the magic circle drawn on the bones, Sol finally didn't have to be careful about the stray current from Monica's tutor when he was in class.

Sol had just put away his things when there was a regular knock on the door.

Before Saul passed by, Keri's voice came from outside the door.

"Open the door, open the door, it's my birthday!" Keli's voice didn't fluctuate, it sounded like she was saying "open the door, check the water meter".

As soon as the door opened, Sol saw Keri standing outside the door holding a square box.

"Happy birthday!"

The box looked familiar, Sol turned around and saw the rows of small boxes placed on the console.

Turning his head without a word, Saul reached out to take the box in Keri's hand and invited her to come in.

People in this world don't seem to have the habit of celebrating birthdays, at least wizard apprentices don't.

After Sol accidentally learned of Keri's birthday, he casually gave away an unknown reagent No. 1 that he had prepared from his diary on that day.

Sol has also produced many kinds of unknown reagents like this in the process of exploring the transformation of the witch body, but most of them are useless or even harmful.

And the purpose of this No. 1 reagent is to remove certain impurities in the metal and make the metal harder.

He thought Cori, who majored in metal properties, might be useful, so he gave it to her as a gift.

Unexpectedly, this little gift moved Keli very much. She had never received a gift purely for herself.

She asked Sol's birthday, and since then she has celebrated his birthday every year.

The anti-electric field rune that Sol drew on the hand bone was a gift from Keli last year.

Quite valuable.

"Is it worth it?" Saul asked casually, putting it on the table and opening it.

"How could the things I gave be worthless?" Keri crossed her arms, expecting Saul's expression after unwrapping the presents.

Sol finally opened the tightly packed little box.

A piece of cotton cloth was stuffed inside the box, and when the cotton cloth was lifted, a blue fruit the size of a thumb was revealed.

"This is..." Sol only felt familiar at first, but finally remembered, "Is this the fruit of the companion flower?"

"Yes." Keri nodded heavily.

"Or a fruit that can increase mana?" Mana has always been a pain in Sol's heart.

Especially after reaching 45 joules, Sol's speed of increasing his magic power got stuck again.

And the blue fruit of an accompanying flower can at least help Thor increase the magic power by 1 Jiao.

It's a pity that the cultivation of this kind of fruit is uncertain, and it is not easy for their apprentices to get companion flowers.

The companion flower Thor got for the first time produced blue fruit.

Later, he also got two companion flowers through work and exchange.

It's a pity that white fruit has never been cultivated.

"The two birthday presents you gave me were too timely. It seems that I will prepare better presents next time."

Keri nodded "hmm", she was never polite in this regard.

"If you have a way, give me some poison with special toxicity."

"What do you want toxins for? Don't you major in metallicity?" Saul heard for the first time that Keri needed poisons.

"After all, my tutor is majoring in the poison attribute, and many of the topics and objects he studies are related to poison reactions." Keli shrugged her shoulders.

It seems that after becoming a second-level apprentice, he is eligible to do some research projects with his mentor.

Apart from going to Rum's mentor and Senior Nick from time to time, Saul cooperates with some undifficult experiments, and usually only works in the mortuary.

Of course, this kind of him is actually envied by other apprentices.

"Okay, forget about that for now, I actually made a birthday cake, let's go back to the dormitory and eat together..."

"No... let's forget about this."

"I promise it's better than last year's."

"No! I still have experiments, so I can't live in the bathroom tonight."

"No!" Keri turned behind Saul and pushed his back, "The food this time is all fresh!"

Saul couldn't really use his strength, so he could only resist with difficulty.

At this time,

"Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop, what's a birthday cake? A new poison?"

Nick came out from behind the scarlet door of the morgue, and raised his hand to greet the two.

With outsiders around, Keli stopped immediately and returned to her aloof appearance.

"Uh, good afternoon, Senior Nick." Saul straightened his collar, "The birthday cake is actually a kind of food to celebrate the birthday."

"Does your hometown still have the custom of giving gifts on birthdays?" Nick walked in, raised his hand and held a piece of letter paper in front of Sol, "That's just right, I also have good news here, let me give it to you as a gift."

Sol pulled out the letter from between Nick's fingers, unfolded it, and read it with his head down.

Immediately, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"It's a letter from Senior Byron!"

Hearing Byron's name, Keri looked over curiously.

It's just that she remained polite and didn't approach.

Saul read it quickly, the expression on his face gradually changing to surprise and disbelief.

He raised his head and asked Nick: "Senior Byron said that he invited us to go out and do missions together... What does this mean?"

Nick replied calmly: "It means literally, as long as the instructors agree, with the invitation of the third-level apprentice, even if you are a first-level apprentice, you can participate in the mission outside the tower. And the instructors have never disagreed."

Then Nick raised his hand and clapped twice.

"Congratulations, you can go out."

It's on the shelves on Friday, and the next chapter is the testimonials

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