Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1009: Taking advantage of the situation

Shen Baiqiang heard his wife yelling in the living room. He didn't know what happened and hurried to the study.

"What's going on?" Shen Baiqiang asked anxiously as soon as he arrived at the door of the study.

"Look at this photo." Zhang Qiuye said with a pale face. At this time, she was really scared. Fortunately, her daughter found out early. Otherwise, she would have ruined her daughter's life if she really wanted to find out after marrying him.

"I thought something big happened? It's just a photo!" Seeing that his wife hurriedly called him over just to look at a photo on the computer, Shen Baiqiang breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily.

"It's just a photo. You said it so lightly. Do you know that you, a father, almost harmed your daughter for the rest of her life?" Zhang Qiuye saw that her husband said it lightly, and remembered that his business was not going well, so she decided to take action against her daughter. She almost hurt her for the rest of her life, and she suddenly felt like she was out of breath. She stretched out her hand to pull him over, pointed at the photos on the computer, and said: "Look carefully. Fortunately, Liti found it." , otherwise I will see how you, a father, will face your daughter in the future."

"What nonsense are you talking about? What harmed my daughter... Damn it, Lin Buqun, that bastard, I'm going to settle the score with him now!" Shen Baiqiang listened confusedly at first and didn't take it seriously, but when his eyes followed When my wife's finger fell on the photo, she was immediately frightened and angry.

"Why are you going? Can't you beat him up? Besides, the Lin family is a really rich and powerful family. If you go there, you are asking for trouble. Fortunately, you found out early and finally didn't make a big mistake. ." Zhang Qiuye grabbed her husband who was showing signs of violence and rolled his eyes.

Although Shen Baiqiang was furious, he was an adult who had experienced storms after all. After his wife pulled him away, his angry heart slowly calmed down. He sighed, slapped himself in the mouth and said, "It's all me." It’s no use being a father!”

"Who can predict what happens in business? The only blame is that people in this world are not old-fashioned, and they have to rely on themselves even if they have money." Zhang Qiuye saw that her husband was blaming himself, but he couldn't bear to blame him any more, but was relieved. road.

"Oh, it's my fault that I have no vision. I encountered dishonest people in business, and I ended up like this when I found a partner for my daughter." Shen Baiqiang said.

"Okay, okay, don't think about blaming yourself, think about how to tell your daughter. You and I were both angry at her just now, but now it's the two of us who are wrong." Zhang Qiuye said.

"What can I say? Since that Lin Buqun is not a thing, I have to follow my daughter's wishes. If she wants to fall in love with that little Chinese medicine doctor, let her do it. I don't care about her affairs." Shen Baiqiang was a little frustrated. He said coldly, obviously business matters and his daughter's life-long event, these two things together had a great impact on him.

"Are you talking about being a father? How can you ignore your daughter's affairs? Not to mention that this is a major matter that affects your daughter's life." Zhang Qiuye rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Then what do you think we should do? We did something wrong before, and my daughter is obsessed with that little Chinese doctor again. Can you still object at this time?" Shen Baiqiang asked.

"Whether you object or not, you have to meet someone before you can decide." Zhang Qiuye said thoughtfully.

"You mean, you want to meet that little Chinese medicine doctor?" Shen Baiqiang asked.

"Nonsense, my daughter has a boyfriend. Don't we parents need to meet and ask her questions? After all, Liti is still young and has experienced so many things. What if she is deceived by someone's sweet talk? What to do?" Zhang Qiuye rolled his eyes again.

"That's true. I just want to go to Haizhou to collect debts in the past two days. Looking at the current situation, Lin's Supermarket no longer has to place hope. I just hope to get more debts back, otherwise there will be no way to start operations. Produced." Shen Baiqiang said.

Those who make thermal underwear do not start production until winter, otherwise it will be too late. They usually need to produce the goods before winter comes. From this point of view, making thermal underwear is also a bit dependent on the weather. After working hard for most of the year, once the weather warms up in winter, it will be easy to accumulate these goods. The past two years have been warm winters, and Shen Baiqiang's capital turnover has been difficult. In addition to the difficulty in collecting debts, it also has a lot to do with the weather. But once the business is launched, Shen Baiqiang cannot stop production just because he has no funds on hand. Otherwise, once winter comes and there is no goods on hand, the situation will only get worse. Therefore, it is actually not easy to do business in the industry. Many people only see the smooth and prosperous side of them, but they do not know that once there are some problems, especially problems in the capital chain, it will be enough to plunge them into a vicious cycle and be unable to extricate themselves.

"You should run around more and push more. If it doesn't work, go to court." Zhang Qiuye said.

"If you really go to court and don't say whether you can get the money back, it's a complete loss of face. I'm afraid it will be more difficult to do business in this industry in the future, so I'd better endure it. Maybe this year will be a cold winter and they will leave. If things go quickly and smoothly, it will be easier to pay back the money. They are indeed in some difficulties now." Shen Baiqiang said.

"You, you, they have difficulties, don't we have difficulties? Okay, let's not talk about this. I will call my daughter and see when she will be home in the next two days to meet with her friend." Zhang Qiu Ye said

"You go ahead and fight." Shen Baiqiang nodded.

So not long after Shen Liti sent the photo to her mother, her mother called.

"Your dad and I have seen the photo. Your dad and I both thought about you and didn't expect it to end up like this. I hope you don't blame us."

"How could it be possible? You don't know. If you want to blame it, it's also Lin Buqun. This guy is so hateful!"

"That's great if you think so. Your dad and I are going to Haizhou tomorrow. See if you can ask that Xia Yunjie to come out and meet us." Zhang Qiuye said.

"Ah!" Shen Liti didn't expect that just after she solved Lin Buqun's problem, her parents were eager to meet Xia Yunjie, and she couldn't help but screamed out in fright.

"Ah what? Didn't you say that Xia Yunjie has excellent medical skills, is gentle and considerate, handsome, motivated, and knows how to cook good food? Are you lying to us?" Zhang Qiuye said.

"No, of course not. He is indeed very nice, but he and I have just started talking not long ago. Isn't it too early to meet you now?" Shen Liti thought, but her pretty face was already covered with red clouds. cloth.

That guy was just a fake. According to her original intention, he was just using it to block arrows. After the incident, she just "kicked" him away. She didn't expect that his parents would be so eager to get him. Saw him.

"Why so early? With my daughter's personality and appearance, since we have already dated her, is it possible that he will fall in love with her and fall in love with her?" Zhang Qiuye said.

"Who can say for sure about feelings?" Shen Liti blurted back.

"What? Is this Xia Yunjie more impetuous? Has he had many girlfriends before? No, your dad and I must meet him tomorrow." Zhang Qiuye immediately thought wrong when he heard what his daughter said I thought Xia Yunjie was a guy who had different ideas and unstable emotions.

"Mom, where did you think of it? You said that other people are very good and outstanding." Shen Liti couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this.

"Anyway, no matter whether he is good or bad, don't you say that he has excellent medical skills? Your dad has not been sleeping well recently and keeps complaining of headaches. I just asked him to help." Zhang Qiuye said.

"Mom..." Shen Liti felt a little dumbfounded when she heard this.

She now knows that Xia Yunjie's medical skills are indeed quite good, but she really doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​how good he is, especially when her father's headache is a migraine, a recurring problem, and it's not easy to see well. But since it has been said that the medical skills are superb, if after seeing it, the effect is not natural at all, it will inevitably give people the feeling of bragging.

"What are you doing? Can't you just ask him to help your dad take a look?" Zhang Qiuye interrupted.

"Okay, I have an early shift tomorrow morning and won't get home until around four or five o'clock in the afternoon. When will you come over?" Shen Liti had no choice but to reply. She knew her parents' temperament. Since she had decided to meet Xia Yunjie, unless she said she had broken up with Xia Yunjie now, she would not be able to hide from the first grade of junior high school, but she would not be able to hide from the fifteenth grade. But obviously now is not the time to "break up" with Xia Yunjie.

"That's just right. Your dad and I will go to collect the debt first, and then go to your place where you live in the evening. You haven't tasted mom's cooking for a long time. Tomorrow, mom will cook your favorite dishes." Zhang Qiuye said.

Shen Liti could only continue to say yes at this time, and then hung up the phone.

"It's over this time! It's over this time! It's a big deal this time!" Shen Liti was so anxious after hanging up the phone from her mother.

"What's the end? Your parents won't want you to continue dating that Lin Buqun after seeing the photo, right?" When Shen Liti was anxious, Xia Yunjie walked out of the bathroom and asked.

"Of course not, it's my parents who are coming over tomorrow and want to meet you." Shen Liti said.

"No, this won't work, this absolutely won't work!" As soon as Xia Yunjie heard that Shen Liti's parents were going to meet him, his scalp suddenly felt numb.

"Why not?" Shen Liti also thought it was not possible before, but when Xia Yunjie also said no, she felt unhappy again.

"Please Miss Shen, you don't know that I am a fake. Do you think I behaved better after meeting your parents, or did I act stupid?" Xia Yunjie rolled his eyes angrily.

"Of course you should behave better." Shen Liti replied without thinking.

"But the question is, what should you do if your parents like me? What should you do if you insist on marrying your daughter to me?" Xia Yunjie asked again.

"That's true, then just pretend to be dumbfounded. No, no, if you pretend to be dumbfounded, my parents will have to find a partner for me again." Shen Liti said.

"How about the thirty-sixth stratagem is the best one?" Xia Yunjie said.

ps: Sorry, there is still only one chapter today.

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