Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1011: You’d better sleep in the bedroom with me

Seeing Xia Yunjie start bragging again, Shen Liti couldn't help but let out a "chick", rolled her pretty eyes at him and said, "Good night, a martial arts master who is impervious to cold and heat!"

"Well, good night!" Xia Yunjie nodded noncommittally, showing off the arrogance of a master.

"Giggle!" Shen Liti couldn't help laughing when she saw this, and then closed the bedroom door.

I put on my pajamas, lay down on the bed, and turned off the lights. I thought I would be able to fall asleep quickly at this point, but my mind kept thinking about Xia Yunjie sleeping outside, and wondering if there was no air conditioning outside, so he would not be able to sleep. .

In the final darkness, Shen Liti bit her lip, climbed out of bed again, then opened the bedroom door and turned on the light in the living room.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Shen Liti turn on the light, Xia Yunjie opened his eyes and asked in confusion.

Shen Liti didn't know that with Xia Yunjie's current cultivation level, as long as he was willing to pay attention, even the slightest movement could not escape his perception. How could such a big movement from Shen Liti not alarm him? She thought the living room was stuffy and Xia Yunjie really couldn't sleep. In fact, when she came out of the air-conditioned room, she did feel a wave of sweltering heat.

"Why don't you sleep in the bedroom with me?" Shen Liti said with a blushing face under the light.

Looking at Shen Liti's pretty red face under the light, Xia Yunjie felt particularly touching. At this time, of course he knew why the woman in front of him suddenly got up and opened the door and turned on the light.

"Don't worry, I'm immune to the cold and heat." Xia Yunjie said.

"The cold and heat don't affect you! Do you think you're writing a novel?" Shen Liti rolled her eyes and said, "Come to the bedroom right now."

"Don't be so anxious!" Xia Yunjie exaggerated.

"You're so anxious! Don't get me wrong and move the sofa to the bedroom." Shen Liti was so angry that she couldn't help but want to pinch Xia Yunjie.

Speaking of this, Xia Yunjie naturally couldn't refuse unless he showed Shen Liti that he really had the ability to withstand the cold and heat, so he had to say: "No need to go to such trouble, I can sleep on the floor. It's a wooden floor anyway, not a tile."

"Is the floor too hard?" Shen Liti asked worriedly.

"Don't forget that I am a martial arts practitioner. People who practice martial arts have very hard bones." Xia Yunjie said.

Regarding Xia Yunjie's martial arts, although Shen Liti didn't believe in the invulnerability of cold and heat, she still admired him very much. It seemed reasonable after thinking about it, so she didn't force it anymore and said: "Then why are you still lying down? Why don't you get up."

"Can you avoid it?" Xia Yunjie said with an embarrassed look on his face. In the middle of summer, even though he was protected from the cold and heat, it was impossible for him to sleep with his clothes on. His whole body was only a pair of underpants, which was covered by the sheet, so Shen Liti didn't see it.

"Tch, you have thin arms and thin legs. Even if you take off your clothes, I have no interest in admiring it!" Shen Liti's pretty face blushed slightly, then she gave Xia Yunjie a white look with her beautiful eyes, turned around and entered the bedroom, but she couldn't bear it in her mind. I remember a picture of a beautiful man taking a bath that I suddenly saw that year.

It was a perfect figure without a trace of fat, and that proud thing was also huge.

The picture that came to mind made Shen Liti suddenly regret inviting Xia Yunjie to sleep in the same room.

After putting on his clothes again, Xia Yunjie took the sheets and pillows into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Shen Liti had already helped spread the sheets on the floor. At this time, she was wrapped tightly in the air conditioner. She looked at Xia Yunjie who was holding pillows and sheets with a red face.

Although he and Xia Yunjie had lived under the same roof for a long time, and his body had been seen by him, this was the first time that the two of them slept in the same bedroom, and their heartbeats were extremely happy.

"Go to sleep, don't think wildly. And don't climb into my bed, otherwise..." Shen Liti concealed her inner nervousness and made a scissor hand gesture with a fierce look on her face.

"I think you should use the word 'pounce' more accurately, and I think you should put a pair of bright scissors next to the pillow to be more intimidating." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Puch! You guy! Okay, okay, go to sleep." Shen Liti rolled her eyes at Xia Yunjie, then leaned out and pressed the light switch.

The bedroom suddenly became dark.

She thought she could finally sleep peacefully, but Shen Liti found that she couldn't sleep even more. The sound of her slight breathing was as loud as thunder, making her head full of confusion.

p\u003e "Can't sleep? How about I go out and sleep." Xia Yunjie felt Shen Liti's breathing disorder and asked softly.

"No, it's just that I'm not used to having an extra person in the room suddenly. If we talk, we will naturally fall asleep when we are tired." Shen Liti said.

"Okay, what do you want to say?" Xia Yunjie said.

"How does it feel to sleep in the same room with Hai Qiong?" Shen Liti asked.

"Well, that's right, but she has random thoughts and needs to talk to her a lot." Xia Yunjie replied.

As soon as Xia Yunjie finished speaking, he felt a pillow hit on the bed.

"You are just thinking nonsense!"

"Actually, I can really fall asleep right away, or I should just sleep without chatting." Xia Yunjie caught the pillow and threw it back and said.

"Have you had a girlfriend recently?" Shen Liti changed the subject smartly.

"Didn't I tell you? There are several of them, including beautiful bosses, beautiful celebrities, and..."

"Okay, okay, let's change the topic again. How are your medical skills? My dad has not been sleeping well recently and has migraines. He said he would come over this time to see you for him."

"Isn't it awesome enough that you can even see that you're gay?"

"Seriously, I don't expect you to cure my dad's old problem, but if you can alleviate it a little bit, it will be enough to make them look at you with admiration."

"I'm just being serious with you, but if your parents are really impressed by me and insist on urging us to get married or something, I won't be responsible!"

"How about teaching in a university? Are there any teachers who bully you because you are young, and because you only got in through your late master's relationship? But no matter what, you are still young, and you have to endure it if you can. Wait for ten After decades or twenty years, with seniority, the situation will always get better. Just like in our industry, we were often reprimanded at the beginning." Seeing Xia Yunjie say that what she said was serious, Shen Liti had no choice but to change the topic again.

"Well, teaching is quite good. Some people did bully me at the beginning, then an associate professor was fired, and a deputy dean was demoted to an ordinary teacher. Now no one dares to bully me anymore. I am now An associate professor, with two master's students and a doctoral student. Oh, by the way, the female doctor is a beauty with great talent. She will definitely become a real leader in traditional Chinese medicine in the future. The other two are a little behind , but his future achievements will definitely be much higher than those of current masters of traditional Chinese medicine."

"That means you are now a doctoral supervisor?"

"Isn't that nonsense?"

"Well, let's go to sleep!"

At the same time, in a certain room, a naked man finally climbed off another man's body like a deflated rubber ball.

"Forget it for today and go to sleep."

"Brother Qun, are you very tired due to a lot of things in the company recently? Do you want to see a Chinese medicine doctor and prescribe some medicine to replenish your health?"

"It's probably just because of tiredness. Let's check again in a few days." Lin Buqun lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, with a trace of doubt and worry in his eyes.

There hasn't been much going on in the company recently, and he has always paid attention to exercising, but why can't he lift today? Could there be something wrong with your body? But for the time being, he didn't want to tell the man who was clinging to his chest like a little bird.

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