After Shen Liti came to her senses, she wanted to pounce on Xia Jie and bite him a few times.

I thought to myself, before I asked you to read my fortune and tell my fortune, you had to put on airs, believe everything I said and not believe it. stand up. These are my parents, atheists. Their business is not good. You don’t discuss business with them, but you even talk to them about fortune telling and your fortune telling! Isn't this simply because their impression of you is not bad enough?

Although she was scolding Xia Yunjie in her heart and wanted to pounce on him and bite him a few times, now that what had happened, Shen Liti had no choice but to find a way to remedy the situation. Before her parents could speak, she had already rushed to say: "Mom and Dad, do you believe in fortune telling?" If you don’t believe it, then you don’t have it. But Yunjie is still quite good in this aspect. Do you still remember Dong Sisi?”

"Well, of course I remember, your colleague when you were working in Jiangzhou City was a girl with a cheerful personality." Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye nodded with strange expressions on their faces and said. I don’t know why my daughter suddenly mentioned Dong Sisi at this time.

"Dong Sisi's uncle ran a garment factory. There was a period of time that was not going well. Either the warehouse caught fire or workers were crushed while unloading goods. Later, there were reports that the staff dormitory was haunted. In the end, her uncle was unable to hire anyone. A Feng Shui master, what do you think the result will be?" Shen Liti said.

"What's the result? Isn't this Feng Shui master Yun Jie?" Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye were intrigued by their daughter's story and couldn't help but look at Xia Yunjie curiously and asked.

"Of course not. Yunjie is not engaged in this industry and he is so young. How could Sisi's uncle invite him to see the Feng Shui practice? Dong Sisi was afraid that his uncle would be fooled and deceived by the so-called Feng Shui master. I just heard that Xia Yunjie also has some skills in physiognomy and feng shui, so I invited him to help expose it." Shen Liti continued.

"Oh, what's the result? Did Yun Jie expose the Feng Shui master's deception?" Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye couldn't help but become more curious after hearing this.

"Not only did he expose the Feng Shui master's deception, but he also stopped by to help Uncle Sisi's factory do a Feng Shui inspection. For this, Sisi's uncle even gratefully gave Yun Jie a red envelope. Guess what? How much is this red envelope?" When Shen Liti mentioned how much it was, she couldn't help but glare at Xia Yunjie with a mixture of love and hate.

Of course what I love is that he has principles in doing things and doesn't accept the red envelope. I hate him for the same thing. That's 200,000 yuan! As a small Chinese medicine doctor, with a salary of 200,000 yuan, it would take him several years to earn a salary.

"Ah!" Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye both exclaimed in surprise when they heard this. They looked at Xia Yunjie up and down again with monster eyes.

At first, they thought Xia Yunjie was just superstitious about this stuff. After reading some relevant books, they thought he was a fortune-telling and Feng Shui master. Unexpectedly, after hearing what his daughter said, he actually had a very high "professional" level. Not only could he help people expose the scam, but some people even asked him to read Feng Shui and even gave him a red envelope afterwards.

"How much is the red envelope?" After being surprised, Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye were completely aroused by their daughter's curiosity and asked immediately.

"What do you think?" Shen Liti pretended.

"Five thousand?" Shen Baiqiang guessed.

Shen Liti shook her head.

"It's not like no one in our town asks for Feng Shui to be taken care of. How can it be worth so much?" Zhang Qiuye saw Shen Liti shaking her head and immediately rolled her eyes at Shen Baiqiang and said.

"Ahem, I run a factory, so of course it's two different things than hiring a Feng Shui master from our town." Shen Baiqiang defended.

"It doesn't cost five thousand. I think two thousand is the upper limit. It only costs three or four hundred for one person in our town," Zhang Qiuye said.

"That's true." Shen Baiqiang nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"What kind of vision do you have? Uncle Sisi's clothing factory has an annual output value of tens of millions. Of course, the person hired is not an ordinary Feng Shui master, but a truly famous Feng Shui master. I heard that it seems that he specially hired someone from Dongtong City invited a master named Zhang, who is said to be very famous in their wealthy circles. Let alone two thousand, five thousand people will not even look at you. Guess again, guess again!" Shen Liti said with contempt. He glanced at his parents and said disdainfully. But when she said this, Shen Liti was shocked in her heart, because she actually didn't understand the Feng Shui master's business at all. Some of her impressions and knowledge of the Feng Shui master were mainly obtained from some Hong Kong dramas. Those masters in Hong Kong dramas watched The Feng Shui fees were very high, so although Shen Liti was surprised by the two hundred thousand red envelope, there was no comparison after all. The one who touched her the most was that Xia Yunjie refused, and the rest was nothing. Now after listening to what her parents said, she realized that Xia Yunjie, a guy who was often teased by herself and Du Haiqiong as a magician, the red envelope from that one time was probably worth the income of an ordinary Feng Shui master for several years, and he should be regarded as the top That kind of thing.

"What, five thousand is more than that!" Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye's eyes widened in shock when they heard this.

In 2005, although five thousand yuan was not a huge amount of money, it still required two or three months of hard work for ordinary working-class people. Xia Yunjie was just casually helping people do Feng Shui and his income was more than five thousand yuan. How could this not be the case? It surprised Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye.

"That's not 10,000, right?" After being surprised, Zhang Qiuye proposed a higher number in disbelief.

"More than that." Shen Liti shook her head.

"That's not all, the 20,000." Shen Baiqiang said.

"How long will it take for you to guess like this? Let me just tell you, it's two hundred thousand, two hundred thousand!" Shen Liti said.

"What! Two, two hundred thousand!" Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye were completely shocked when they heard the word two hundred thousand.

When their factory was doing well in the past, its annual income was only 20,000 to 300,000 yuan. But now, it's so good that a small Chinese medicine doctor who was looked down upon by them before just showed people Feng Shui once, and they got it. Give him a red envelope of two hundred thousand! There is nothing more impactful and ironic than this result.

"Yes, two hundred thousand! It's a pity that Yunjie refused. He said that he never thought of relying on this industry to make a living." Shen Liti looked at her parents' shocked expressions and couldn't help but glared at Xia Yunjie again. said.

"What! Rejected!" Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye finally recovered from the "huge" figure just now, but they were shocked again.

This time, even though Shen Baiqiang claimed to be a business owner and had dealt with all kinds of people in the society, he still felt that he could not see through the little Chinese doctor in front of him.

He is said to be young, and he is just a little-known Chinese medicine doctor, but his medical skills are very good. He said that he currently has no career foundation, not even a house, but he actually refused 200,000 yuan because he never thought about making a fortune by helping people read Feng Shui and read fortune tellers.

"So, parents, Xia Yunjie is still quite good in this regard. Since he said whether your business will be very prosperous, maybe it will be very prosperous recently, you don't need to worry too much." Shen Liti finally digested it after her parents After overcoming this ups and downs of impact, he said with relief.

Although in fact, Shen Liti still didn't believe in such ethereal things as physiognomy, but at this point, she could only try her best to speak for Xia Yunjie.

If it weren't for what Shen Liti said just now, Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye would definitely have to preach to their daughter, not allowing her to believe in these nonsense things, but now they can't say these preaching words no matter what.

After all, Xia Yunjie's feng shui check for others is worth 200,000 yuan, and the appearance fee is very high. Regardless of whether the physiognomy is accurate or not, or whether it is nonsense, if people are willing to help Shen Baiqiang read this physiognomy, it is because of Shen Liti's face, otherwise most people really can't afford it. Therefore, because of this fortune telling, whether Shen Baiqiang was willing or forced, whether he believed it or not, he still owed Xia Yunjie a favor. How can we preach again?

"Since Yun Jie has really done some research in this area, we can only hope so." Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye nodded and said, the worry on their faces was unconsciously less than before.

This is the human mentality. They always like to hear good things and not bad things. In addition, Xia Yunjie does seem to have some information. Whether he believes it or not, it can always provide some psychological comfort.

However, Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye still didn't believe in these supernatural things. After this incident, they did not continue to ask about physiognomy, feng shui and other things. Instead, they changed the topic and asked about Liti's recent work. Along the way, he also asked about Du Haiqiong with concern.

Du Haiqiong and Shen Liti are good friends. Both Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye have met her and like her very much.

While chatting, Xia Yunjie specially wrote a prescription for Shen Baiqiang.

Shen Liti's apartment was a bachelor's apartment. Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye couldn't live here, and they couldn't afford to pay for a hotel stay. Moreover, Shen Liti had a flight tomorrow morning, so around nine o'clock, Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye got up and left. .

Shen Baiqiang was a factory owner and had a small truck. He drove here by himself, so Xia Yunjie didn't need to drive them.

The two sent Shen Baiqiang and Zhang Qiuye downstairs. During this period, Zhang Qiuye pulled Shen Liti aside and warned: "Liti, this Yunjie, it seems that your father and I have a pretty good relationship. Okay, I won’t say anything against your relationship. But after all, he is younger and has no financial foundation. You still have to be more careful and don’t jump in with all your heart. And you probably haven’t had a relationship with him yet. ?”

"Mom, what are you talking about? We just started talking not long ago, how is that possible!" Shen Liti couldn't help but said with a blush.

"That's good. I just saw him entering your bedroom to get his bag very casually, for fear of you young people..." Zhang Qiuye breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and get in the car and go home with your dad! Really, no matter what age it is, you still have to take care of this kind of thing!" Shen Liti saw that her mother was still nagging her, for fear of being overheard by Xia Yunjie As she walked away, she couldn't help but blush and hurriedly pushed her mother into the car.

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