Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,072 Who allowed you to come up?

"That's a catamaran-type luxury yacht produced by the Polish company Sunreef. It's the private yacht of Queen Catherine of Kenoweland. If you like it, we can buy a yacht for fun another day." Xia Yunjie looked at the luxury yacht with a smile on his face. His expression was not only unexpected, but also unnatural, because Her Majesty Queen Catherine was his lover in Cyprus.

"Okay, that's a good idea." Su Zhiyan said happily for a while after hearing this, and then she and Zhong Yangying seemed to suddenly realize something. They both stared at Xia Yunjie with strange eyes and looked up and down, making Xia Yunjie feel uncomfortable all over. The unnatural expression on his face became more and more obvious.

Seeing Xia Yunjie's obviously problematic expression, Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying suddenly understood, and exclaimed with surprise and surprise on their faces: "Could it be that your foreign girl lover is not a Cypriot girl but Kino Villan?" Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Ahem, yes. I think she should also be on this yacht today." Xia Yunjie looked at the surprised expressions of Su Zhiyan and the two of them, and replied with some guilt and some surprise.

Just now, even if he didn't specifically release his spiritual search, he had already noticed Catherine's aura, which surprised Xia Yunjie.

Because he didn't expect to take Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying to Marina Port. Not only did they see Catherine's luxury yacht, but Catherine was actually on the yacht.

Although Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying had this suspicion, they were still surprised for a while when Xia Yunjie nodded in the affirmative.

After a long time, Su Zhiyan looked at Xia Yunjie with an exaggerated expression and shouted: "Oh my God, you are such a big pervert that you actually picked up someone else's queen! If the white people in Europe and America knew about this, they would probably cry to death."

"Yunjie, is Queen Catherine really on the yacht today?" Zhong Yangying asked with a hint of curiosity on her face.

No matter how much money Yangying Zhong has, the identity of the queen makes people feel particularly mysterious and noble, and it also makes China's richest woman involuntarily have the expectation to meet her.

Not only because Catherine is Xia Yunjie's woman, but also because of her status as a queen.

"Yes, yes, is Catherine really on the yacht? If so, ask her if she is interested in meeting us now?" Xia Yunjie's status as a foreign girl's queen obviously also aroused her interest. Su Zhiyan's interest immediately followed after hearing this.

Seeing Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying's sudden interest, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but smile bitterly, but in the end he nodded and said: "Since you want to meet her now, let's go over. I'll ask Alina to ask if it's convenient. Convenient? But looking at today’s situation, it seems a bit complicated.”

"That's true, how about another day." After hearing this, Zhong Yangying looked thoughtfully at Alexander and others who were boarding the deck.

"Anyway, the Queen knows whether it's convenient or not, so there's nothing wrong with asking. Besides, I also want to know how Yelena and Alexander came to board the Queen's yacht. Aren't you curious, Yunjie?" Maybe it's because of your personality. , or perhaps because of her age, Su Zhiyan's curiosity or heart for gossip is obviously much stronger than Zhong Yangying's, and she said disapprovingly when she heard this.

"Now that you've met him, let's go and ask. I'm indeed a little curious." Xia Yunjie said as he walked towards the dock where the yacht was docked.

"Oh, my God, Mr. Xia, why did you come to Cyprus? Why didn't I hear Her Majesty the Queen mention that you are coming today." Before Xia Yunjie reached the yacht pier, Alina had already seen Xia Yunjie, and she couldn't help but express a look on her face. Welcoming him in surprise.

At that time, Her Majesty the Queen returned to China to deal with matters, and it was Alina who stayed with Xia Yunjie. She knew that Xia Yunjie had fairy-like abilities, and she also knew that he had used magical powers the last time he met pirates at sea. Even when she was alone with Xia Yunjie at the Queen's beachside villa, she dreamed of sleeping with him. Unfortunately, Xia Yunjie didn't seem interested in her. However, this did not weaken her gratitude and awe for Xia Yunjie at all.

"I came here with a friend, and I happened to see that Catherine was also here, so I came over to take a look." Xia Yunjie replied with a smile, and then specially introduced both parties.

"Hello, Dr. Xia, we meet again." During the introduction, the two parties walked to the pier, and Hof also walked over at this time, stretched out his hand to Xia Yunjie, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes when he said hello.

What Hof knew more about Xia Yunjie was his superb medical skills, super strength, and of course Her Majesty the Queen's fascination with him. As for other mysterious abilities, Hoff didn't know anything about it. So although Hoff admired Xia Yunjie's superb medical skills and terrifying power, he still thought that Xia Yunjie had surpassed Her Majesty the Queen. It's just that he, the captain of the bodyguard, can't control who Her Majesty the Queen likes, so she doesn't dare to say anything. It's just that today, Hof saw Xia Yunjie coming over without saying hello in advance. Not only that, but he also brought two beautiful women with him. Judging from the close attitude of the two women towards him, it was obvious that the relationship with him was not that of an ordinary man and woman. Hof Naturally, he was very dissatisfied with Xia Yunjie.

"Yes, Mr. Hof, are you okay?" Xia Yunjie shook hands with Hof and smiled.

"Fortunately, I wonder what's going on with Dr. Xia's visit this time? If you want to see Her Majesty the Queen, I'm afraid it will be a little inconvenient today, because there are..." Hof nodded, and then said with a serious face.

Xia Yunjie and others didn't know who was gathered on the yacht today, but Hof knew it all. Anyone who walked out was a big shot who could say a word or two in their respective countries. How could Xia Yunjie and others join in casually? As for the relationship between Her Majesty the Queen and Xia Yunjie, it is naturally not easy to reveal it in front of these people! Besides, Xia Yunjie also brought two other beautiful women with whom he was obviously having an affair. If Her Majesty the Queen knew about this, she would be happy!

Before Hof finished speaking, Alina hurriedly interrupted: "No, no, convenient, convenient. Her Majesty the Queen will definitely be very happy if she knows that Mr. Xia is here. Mr. Xia also has two beautiful girls. Madam, please follow me, Her Majesty is currently in the office cabin taking a call."

Hof didn't know Xia Yunjie's true identity, but Alina knew a little bit, and she also knew that he was their savior, including Her Majesty the Queen. Not to mention that there were only some Russian financial oligarchs and godfathers of Italian mafia families on the yacht. Even if Mr. Mario, the President of Russia and the godfather of the Italian Mafia, are on the yacht, as long as Mr. Xia Yunjie comes, those people will probably become insignificant in the eyes of Her Majesty the Queen.

So how could Alina dare to let Hof finish what he said next.

Seeing that Alina actually said such words on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen on her own initiative, Hof couldn't help but look a little ugly. He wanted to reprimand her, but he saw that she kept winking at him. In addition, he was concerned about Xia Yunjie and Her Majesty the Queen. In the relationship between lovers, he finally chose to remain silent, but his face looked as if Xia Yunjie owed him a lot of money.

"It seems that Catherine has some things to deal with today. Why don't you go ask her first? If it's inconvenient, we can change the day." Xia Yunjie saw that Hof's face was quite ugly, and there were indeed many people on the yacht. Some people don't really want to get involved.

"Haha, it is not inconvenient for Mr. Xia, and for Her Majesty the Queen, Mr. Xia is her most important person, isn't it?" At the end of Alina's words, not only her expression was ambiguous, but her words were even more ambiguous. Xia Yunjie was embarrassed to say that, and Su Zhiyan's pretty eyes beside him rolled her eyes at him at this moment.

Naturally, Xia Yunjie didn't notice Su Zhiyan's glare, smiled at Alina and said, "Okay then."

After saying that, Xia Yunjie held the hands of Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying in a gentlemanly and considerate manner, helping them go up first, and then he followed.

Seeing Xia Yunjie holding the hands of Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying, Huo Fu's face became even more ugly.

Her Majesty the Queen was with Xia Yunjie, and Hof already felt very wronged by Her Majesty the Queen. He didn't expect that this Chinese doctor would be so upright and intimate with two beauties.

"Her Majesty the Queen is answering a phone call in the cabin at this time. Can Mr. Xia and the two ladies follow me directly to see the Queen, or should they find a place to sit casually first?" Naturally, Alina and Xia Yunjie will not see anyone else, and they will wait for the three of them. They all got on the yacht and asked respectfully. I didn't feel at all that Her Majesty the Queen was on the phone and there was nothing wrong or impolite in taking Xia Yunjie and the others to see her.

"Since Catherine is on the phone, don't disturb her yet. Let's just find a seat and sit anywhere." Xia Yunjie said.

"Okay, Mr. Xia and the two ladies, please feel free to do so. I will go and report to Her Majesty the Queen." After hearing this, Alina smiled at Xia Yunjie and the others and made a gesture of invitation.

Xia Yunjie and the other three nodded to Alina, and then walked along the corridor on the yacht deck to the salon area.

The salon area has a sun-shaded roof and is surrounded by transparent glass windows that provide an unobstructed view of the sea. Sitting there is not much different from sitting in a spacious living room with an unparalleled sea view. The only difference is that the salon area is closer to the sea.

Chinese women are different from foreign women. After all, they are still a little afraid of the sun. Although Xia Yunjie prefers to stay on the unmanned stern deck, considering Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying, they still chose the salon area where there were already some people sitting inside.

On the yacht, in addition to some people already sitting in the salon area, there were also some people sitting or standing on the front deck.

"Why are you on this yacht? Who allowed you to come on?" Just as Xia Yunjie and the other three were walking along the deck corridor towards the salon area, Alexander stopped them with a look of surprise and contempt.

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