Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1102: Stirring up the trend

What the building manager's aunt said before sounded normal to Xia Yunjie, but when he heard the last sentence, he felt a little uncomfortable. How could he dare to talk to the building manager's aunt any longer, so he hurriedly walked away.

Seeing this, Ye Wenqing hurriedly followed him and said, "Teacher, Class 05 Chinese Medicine Class 1 is on the third floor. I will take you there."

Now that he has become a class teacher, he will definitely have to deal with the student union cadres in the future. When Xia Yunjie saw Ye Wenqing taking the initiative to lead the way, he naturally would not refuse. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble." Ye Wenqing said repeatedly with a happy smile on his face when Xia Yunjie nodded.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, he became a teacher at such a young age, and he is also an associate professor. He is so handsome, I don't know how many girls will be fascinated by him!" Seeing Ye Wenqing accompanying Xia Yunjie upstairs with an attentive look on his face, The building director's aunt stood at the door of the dormitory building and shook her head with emotion.

Just as she was feeling emotional, the building director's aunt saw a young man swaggering past her into the door of the girls' dormitory.

"Hey, this classmate, do you think that I, the building president, no longer exist? This is a girls' dormitory, and you can come and go at will?" The building president's aunt suddenly raised her eyebrows and stopped the boy.

"Didn't that person go in too?" The boy pointed at Xia Yunjie, who was walking upstairs accompanied by Ye Wenqing.

"Can you compete with him? He is a teacher, are you?" the building director's aunt asked disdainfully.

"Ah!" The boy turned around and ran away after hearing this.

I have spent three years in college and will graduate next year. My only regret is that I haven’t visited the girls’ dormitory yet. I saw some boys going in in front of me, so I thought I could take advantage of today’s registration day to sneak in too, but I didn’t expect that. is teacher.

Damn it, is the teacher amazing? Can teachers just enter the girls' dormitory? If I had known earlier, I would have studied hard before and become a teacher!

In fact, this is the first time that teacher Xia Yunjie has entered the girls' dormitory.

Seeing that there were all girls in the corridor and the open room, Xia Yunjie had experienced the love and harassment of more than ten box princesses in the charming Ginza box, and had also experienced the teasing of Hollywood super female stars. But I still have the uncomfortable feeling of entering the land of daughters.

The girls, on the other hand, saw that Xia Yunjie seemed to have seen some strange animal, and they all pointed at him. Some of the nymphomaniac girls even shouted: "Look, look, there is a handsome guy!"

I called Xia Yunjie to the point where I really wanted to turn around and leave. He is a dignified associate professor!

It has to be said that no matter which industry you are in, being young and handsome is your capital and has a natural advantage, at least in front of women.

The arrival of Teacher Xia quickly caused a sensation among the girls in Class 1 of Chinese Medicine Class 05. The girls rushed into the girls' dormitory where Xia Yunjie was, and gathered around him asking questions. They were many times more enthusiastic than the boys, and the atmosphere was therefore particularly lively.

That's nothing. There are other dormitories for girls from the freshmen class on the same floor. When they saw that the head teacher of the Chinese Medicine Class 1 was such a gentle and handsome young teacher, they all couldn't help but poke their heads in their direction. There was envy and jealousy in his eyes. There were even a few girls who were bolder and more curious who even came over to watch.

I have to say that being surrounded by my own students, even girls, is a completely different feeling than being surrounded by a group of beautifully dressed princesses in the charming Ginza. The former gave Xia Yunjie a strong sense of pride and warmth in his achievements, which aroused his sense of responsibility as a teacher, while the latter made Xia Yunjie feel uncomfortable and wanted to escape.

Xia Yunjie kept chatting with the girls for a long time with a gentle smile on his face. Until he understood almost everything and saw that the time to meet the boys was coming soon, he stood up and said, "It's almost time. I'll take you around the campus." , get familiar with it, and then find a quiet and spacious place to introduce everyone to each other."

Hearing that the teacher was going to take them to familiarize themselves with the campus environment, the girls were all a little excited. They got up and followed Xia Yunjie out of the dormitory, downstairs and out of the girls' dormitory.

As a result, the most shocking scene since the founding of Jiangzhou University appeared on the campus in broad daylight.

A "boy", surrounded by more than a dozen girls, walked toward the boys' dormitory in a mighty manner.

That "raw" demeanor, that awesome look, along the way, shocked the hearts of many boys, blinded the eyes of many boys, and made many boys who had not yet had a girlfriend feel so ashamed that they wished they could find one. The hole was drilled.

****, it’s really irritating to compare people to each other. Compared with him, I’ve spent all these years in college in vain!

Damn, you are so awesome, you are simply my idol!

God, this is so unfair. I also have a pretty face. Why am I still single now?

Damn it, this is so shameless and despicable, one person actually takes up so many resources! However, when will I be so shameless and despicable?

Xia Yunjie had always regarded himself as a teacher, so naturally he didn't realize there was anything wrong with traveling with a group of his students. He walked all the way with a calm expression and even joked with the girls around him from time to time. That way naturally made him more popular. , which makes people even more jealous.

******, if you pretend to be sexy, you will be struck by lightning!

After a long journey that blinded countless boys, Xia Yunjie finally led a group of girls to the downstairs of the boys' dormitory.

Downstairs in the boys' dormitory, the boys were already waiting there as agreed. When they saw Xia Yunjie approaching with a group of girls, they went to greet him.

After reuniting, Xia Yunjie led a group of students on a walk, introducing the campus along the way.

"This is the teaching hall. From now on, you will come here for class every day."

"This is the library. After you get your library card, you can come here to borrow books. Books have their own golden rooms, and books have their own beauty. If you want to succeed in your studies, you want to find a good job after graduation. , you must read more books.”

"This is the first cafeteria and the largest cafeteria in our school. There are six cafeterias in our school. You can choose according to your preferences and location. You should have already received the meal card. You only need to deposit money into the meal card in the future. That’s it, there is a special deposit window in the First Canteen.”


Xia Yunjie walked and introduced all the way, and arrived at the sports square unknowingly.

"This is the sports square. You are all studying medicine and you should know that life lies in sports. I hope to see you here often. Over there is our new sports building, which has indoor basketball courts and volleyball courts. ..." Xia Yunjie stood outside the basketball court and pointed at the sports square to introduce.

"Hey, classmate, please throw the ball to me." Just as Xia Yunjie was introducing, a basketball rolled in front of his feet, and a tall boy in a vest waved and shouted at him.

Xia Yunjie bent down and picked up the basketball, threw it in the direction of the tall boy without looking at it, and then continued to introduce: "There are also badminton courts, table tennis..."

Before Xia Yunjie finished speaking, he was interrupted by exclamations of "Wow!" and "Fuck!"

Because just as he was speaking, the basketball he stretched out casually fell directly into the basket from outside the court in a standard parabolic fall.

"Hey, what are you boys doing? The teacher is introducing you, what are your names?" The girls followed Xia Yunjie's introduction without taking their eyes off him. Now that they saw Teacher Xia talking, several boys actually said, " Wow!" and "Holy shit, shit!", and they all began to criticize with dissatisfaction. Especially the fat girl Tan Ying, who had asked Xia Yunjie about registration in front of the stall two days ago, was so angry that she wanted to beat her up. A meal for a few guys.

How dare you interrupt my idol teacher’s speech!

"Didn't you see it? The teacher's basketball hit the net just now! This was outside the court! It's so fucking awesome." The boys who saw the basketball hit the basket didn't seem to notice at all. The girls looked at them with "fierce" looks and said in disbelief with a look of amazement on their faces.

"Wow, is it true? Teacher, you are so awesome, I admire you so much!" The girls had always admired and liked this handsome, gentle, kind and kind young teacher. After hearing this, they all shouted with admiration. , some girls even have "nymphomaniac" eyes in their eyes.

"This is impossible, this is off the court!" The boys were much more realistic, especially some boys who often played basketball, who expressed doubts.

There was no way, except that Xia Yunjie was a little taller, he didn't look strong at all. He was already very good in their eyes if he could hit the basket from the three-point line. Now those boys actually said that the teacher That casual throw just now threw the basketball into the basket. How could that be possible? This is outside the stadium! How much strength that takes!

"Hey, classmate, how did you do that just now? Can you throw another one and try it? It's so fucking cool!" However, those boys' doubts had just subsided when the one who just rushed to Xia Yunjie The tall boy who shouted "throw the ball" ran over and looked at Xia Yunjie with a look of disbelief on his face.

The tall boy's words proved the fact that Xia Yunjie was standing outside the court just now and threw the basketball into the basket. Suddenly, the boys looked at the gentle and fair Teacher Xia with monster eyes, while the girls shouted excitedly. He shouted, "Teacher, one more! Teacher, one more!", as if Xia Yunjie had become a super idol star.

Seeing the boys' monster-like looks and the girls' excitement, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly. His action just now was purely subconscious and had no intention of showing off. Unexpectedly, it caused a small disturbance.

ps: Please give me a recommendation vote on Monday. Also, there will be three chapters today.

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