"I don't know why Han Biru identified my father. But teacher, please believe that my father will never do such a heartless thing!" Seeing Xia Yunjie frowning, Han Xuejiao thought he was also working with the police. Others also began to believe that it was her father who had done bad things. They couldn't help but feel anxious and said in an almost crying voice.

"Xuejiao, don't worry. I'm not doubting your father. I'm just wondering why Han Biru identified your father. It seems that things are not as simple as imagined. I'm afraid there is someone else behind who is instigating or coercing. Otherwise, what would Han Biru do? Do you want to identify your father?" Xia Yunjie turned to look at Han Xuejiao and said in relief.

"Yes, yes, someone must have instigated or coerced her. For this matter, my mother and I went to her and her parents to beg her not to frame my father, but they always avoided it," Han Xuejiao heard. Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and nodded hurriedly.

"That's right. If your father really did something bad, the victim and her family would like to rush to your house and scold you. How can they avoid it? It's obvious that they feel guilty." Xia Yunjie nodded after hearing this.

"Thank you, teacher. But that's useless. My dad has admitted this case himself, and the court has already ruled it. And it's been five years now. We don't even know where Han Biru's family has moved. Even if we know, , since she identified my father at the beginning, how could she go back on her words now? Even if she goes back on her words, who will help us reverse the case? Why don't they slap themselves in the mouth?" Han Xuejiao saw that Xia Yunjie stood by her from beginning to end. When Dad spoke, he was very grateful, but after the gratitude, he felt deeply helpless.

She and her family and relatives are just ordinary people. They were unable to reverse the case back then. Now that it has been five years since the case was sentenced, is it possible to reverse the case again? Moreover, in the past five years, her mother has never responded to the problem, but who has ever dealt with her? Today, she was admitted to the hospital because she went to the county public security bureau to report a problem. As for the reason, although her second uncle and second aunt both said it was just a fall, Han Xuejiao did not believe that her mother would fall for no reason. It was probably It was caused by some pushing at the police station.

"Xuejiao, your thoughts are a bit too pessimistic. Although society has its dark side, it is generally good, and our judicial system is constantly improving. As long as there is evidence to prove that your father is wronged, I think the government The judicial authorities will always overturn your father's case and restore his innocence." Although Xia Yunjie also knows that there are indeed some dark sides in some places, but as a teacher, when he sees that his students have such a pessimistic attitude towards society, I still feel that it is necessary to correct her and let her establish an optimistic and uplifting mindset.

"Impossible teacher, we have no official position, who cares about us? Not to mention that the policeman who used to handle my dad's case is now the deputy director of the county public security bureau. Do you think he will allow the case to be reversed? I don't think so now. I wish my father could be cleared. Now I only hope that one day I will learn good medical skills from you, teacher, so that others will no longer dare to look down on us and laugh at us, so that our family can raise its head in front of others again, and that my father will be released from prison. When I came out, I felt relieved to see me." Han Xuejiao did not change her pessimistic attitude and perspective just because of Xia Yunjie's advice.

"No, your dad's situation is just an example after all. You have to believe that in a clear world, justice will prevail in the end. This has nothing to do with whether the official is an official or not. This is a matter of judicial fairness." Although Xia Yunjie actually felt sad in his heart. I quite agree with Han Xuejiao's conclusion. After all, five years have passed since a case, and the person who originally handled the case has now been promoted to the deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. Even if you think about it, you know that it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to reverse the case, but as a teacher Xia Yunjie is a teacher who educates people, but he still does his best to instill in his students the beautiful and righteous side of society.

Seeing that her tutor insisted on his own opinion, and looking at that young and fair face, Han Xuejiao didn't know whether she should admire such a teacher or laugh at his naivety and bookishness.

However, no matter how she viewed the tutor in front of her who was skilled in medicine but seemed naive in terms of social experience, since he insisted on his opinion and since he was a teacher, Han Xuejiao finally chose silence instead of continuing to refute.

Han Xuejiao fell silent, and Xia Yunjie finally fell silent because he didn't know how to teach students to have good hope for society in the face of such cruel facts. Lin Zhuoyan was even more reluctant to speak easily because of his stuttering. For a moment, The atmosphere in the car became a little stuffy.

He hoped that he wouldn't have to use Qin Lan's connections or his own special abilities this time. Feeling the dullness in the car and feeling Han Xuejiao's silent persistence, Xia Yunjie sighed deeply in his heart.

He knew that the possibility of his wish to come true was very slim, but he decided to persist. He didn't want his students to always see the bad side of society. He hoped that she could see the beautiful and just side of society. In fact, Xia Yunjie himself Why not? Otherwise, he could just call Qin Lan or even Zhao Xingjun, the provincial party secretary of Jiangnan Province. Why would he need to go to Wenyong County in person?

Dongtong City is connected to Jiangzhou City. The white BMW sedan was racing all the way on the highway and arrived at the expressway exit of Wenyong County before noon.

After entering Wenyong County, Han Xuejiao's mood was obviously a little unstable, feeling uneasy, worried and anxious.

"Don't worry, don't be anxious, the teacher will help you." Seeing that Han Xuejiao was emotionally unstable, Xia Yunjie comforted him softly.

Han Xuejiao was still just a student after all. Seeing Xia Yunjie say this, she seemed to find support in her heart and her nervousness relaxed.

"Thank you, teacher." Han Xuejiao said with a grateful look on her face.

Wenyong County People's Hospital is the best and largest hospital in Wenyong County.

In the intensive care unit of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Han Xuejiao's mother Wei Wanqiu is lying quietly on the white sheets. She is less than fifty years old. If she is a well-maintained woman, she can still exude the charm of a mature woman. She has a charming flavor, but Wei Wanqiu has half of her hair gray and her skin is thin, making her look like an old man in her sixties or seventies.

Tears rolled down the corners of the already wrinkled eyes, soaking the snow-white pillow cover, but it was not because of pain, but because of humiliation, because of returning in vain again.

Wei Wanqiu no longer cares about this kind of physical pain. If it weren't for the fact that her daughter was not married yet and was still studying, she would have actually thought of committing suicide.

The feeling of being criticized and humiliated, the feeling of being looked down upon even by your loved ones, the feeling of being wronged and squatting in jail while your loved one is not around. If you don't experience it personally, it would be difficult for others to understand that kind of feeling. pain.

"Second uncle, I'm useless. I'm hurting you again." The ward door was pushed open and Han Yaochuan came in. Wei Wanqiu hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said to Han Yaochuan with a guilty look on her face.

People in rural areas are simple, and they still call their husband's brother after their children according to the previous tradition. Unlike today's urbanites or young people, who are used to being called by their first names.

"If you really feel that you are hurting us, don't do such stupid things again in the future. Look at how bad it is now, what do you want us to do? Leave you in the hospital and ignore you? Yaochuan will definitely disagree, but we have to deal with it. Where are the medical expenses? Where are the people who serve you?" Chen Dongmei took over the words before her husband could speak.

"Dongmei, what are you talking about! Didn't you see that my sister-in-law is injured and lying on the bed now?" Han Yaochuan couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this.

"Second uncle, don't talk about Dongmei. Dongmei is already very good. It's me who's bad. It's me who's useless. It's me who's hurt you. Second uncle, please sell our old house. , we owe you too much, you have to live, and you need money to study now." Wei Wanqiu couldn't help feeling guilty and anxious when she saw Han Yaochuan blaming his wife for his own affairs.

"Sister-in-law, don't talk about the house. After the house is sold, where will he live when he comes back? Will he find that he doesn't even have his own house as soon as he comes out of the cell? This makes me feel ashamed as a younger brother. Where to put it. Besides, if this child Zhizhi can work as hard as Xuejiao and study, I will help him continue to study no matter how hard and tired he is. But this kid is not a student at all. He refuses to study again this year. Now, I'm already working in the town and can earn money to support myself, so you don't have to worry about this." Han Yaochuan was startled when his sister-in-law mentioned selling the house and said hurriedly.

"Earn money to support yourself? Humph, just washing dishes for others in a small restaurant. How much money can you make in a month? If you think of a way to use some money to help him find a decent job, I don't think he can even find a partner in the future. That's a problem!" Originally, Chen Dongmei's eyes lit up when she heard her sister-in-law said she wanted to sell the house, but when her husband immediately rejected it, Chen Dongmei couldn't help but get angry when she thought of the hardships these days.

It's no wonder that Chen Dongmei is angry. People have selfish motives after all, and as a woman who has no blood relationship with the Han family, she naturally thinks more about her own family.

In fact, compared to other relatives, Chen Dongmei is very good.

"Ah, I have already dropped out of school to work! How can this be done? He is only eighteen years old this year! No, second uncle, no matter what, we cannot delay the child. We cannot let him wash dishes in a small restaurant. Let him go to school. With this skill, it will be easier to find a partner in the future." Wei Wanqiu said anxiously.

Their family was very close to Han Yaochuan's family. Han Lizhi's child, Wei Wanqiu, had always been treated as her own child. Now that she heard that he dropped out of school to work at the age of nineteen, she felt really anxious and like a knife. She knew that Han Lizhi Dropping out of school to work so early was largely due to their family.

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