Xia Yunjie smiled when he heard this, and then walked to the bedside, deliberately modest.

Seeing Xia Yunjie approaching, Wei Wanqiu felt more and more that her daughter's mentor was young, and then remembered that the injury was on the waist and hip, and a hint of red appeared on her pale face.

Xia Yunjie didn't think it was anything. Firstly, he was a doctor, and secondly, although Wei Wanqiu was not yet fifty years old, she already looked like an old woman in her sixties or seventies, so it didn't make anyone think otherwise.

Because Han Yaochuan and others were around, Xia Yunjie naturally couldn't show off his miraculous medical skills. Of course, it wouldn't matter if only Han Xuejiao and Lin Zhuoyan were present. They were both his students, and sooner or later they would know about his miraculous medical skills. So like an ordinary orthopedic surgeon, Xia Yunjie touched the bones along Wei Wanqiu's lumbar spine a little, and then quickly retracted his hand and said: "It's not serious, it's just a slight fracture of the left ischium. I'll help set the bone now, and then I'll boil a few more plasters, take them home and put them on, and after a few days of rest, I should be able to move freely."

"Really?" Han Yaochuan and Chen Dongmei blurted out in disbelief when they heard this.

The orthopedic surgeon here told them clearly before that the patient would have to stay in the hospital for at least a week, and even consider between conservative treatment and surgical treatment, before he could go home to rest, and rest would take at least one or two months. to get out of bed. Now Xia Yunjie told them that it was just a minor fracture. After he set the bones and applied a few plasters, he could move freely after a few days of rest. How could this not surprise them? If it were that simple, Chen Dongmei wouldn't have to lose her temper with Han Yaochuan before. She was still willing to serve for a few days. Moreover, if this is the case, the savings in medical expenses will not be a penny.

Han Xuejiao and Lin Zhuoyan also looked surprised. They were studying medicine and knew the seriousness of the fracture, not to mention that the location of the fracture was the ischium, which involved the sciatic nerve. How could they move freely after just setting the bones for a few days?

However, the two of them did not dare to question their instructor. Others did not know the identity of his teacher, but they knew that even the famous expert Liu Yiwei was his student and respected him highly. How could the two students dare to Open your mouth and question your mentor.

"Of course it's true." Xia Yunjie smiled and nodded to Han Yaochuan and Chen Dongmei.

After all, Han Yaochuan and Chen Dongmei were not doctors and didn't know much about medicine. Seeing Xia Yunjie's confident expression, they thought the professors and doctoral supervisors at the university were great. However, they didn't know that Xia Yunjie had made Wei Wanqiu's condition much milder, even more so. It’s not clear whether this fracture of the ischium is different from fractures in other parts of the body.

"That's great, thank you Professor Xia. Otherwise, our sister-in-law would have spent a lot of money and suffered a lot on this medical treatment!" Han Yaochuan and Chen Dongmei finally couldn't help but smile.

Ever since they knew that Wei Wanqiu went to the county public security bureau to cause trouble and was sent to the hospital, their faces have been shrouded in sadness. Especially when the incident involving police assistance made Chen Dongmei sit on the ground and cry. Now I finally heard some good news.

Xia Yunjie smiled and waved his hand, and then said to Wei Wanqiu: "Xuejiao mother, please relax as much as possible, I will straighten your bones right now."

"Thank you, Professor Xia. If it weren't for you, I don't know how I would have gotten through this." Wei Wanqiu, like Han Yaochuan and Chen Dongmei, just thought that Xia Yunjie was a professor at the university, a doctoral supervisor, and his medical skills were better than those of the doctors in their county. It was a normal thing. Seeing Xia Yunjie starting to set her bones, she couldn't help but shed tears of gratitude.

She also didn't expect that asking for an explanation for her husband would end up like this. Thinking of the quarrel between Han Yaochuan and his wife before, she really wanted to die.

"You're welcome, Xue Jiao's mother. I'm Xuejiao's teacher, so I should help." Xia Yunjie was laughing as he moved his hand down Wei Wanqiu's lumbar spine, and then suddenly moved his palm, and there was a slight "click" sound. rang in the ward.

Wei Wanqiu yelled "Ah", and then immediately said with a look of surprise: "Hey, my butt doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

"Mom, is it true?" Han Xuejiao couldn't help but rushed to the hospital bed with a face of surprise and asked.

"Well, yes. Your teacher's medical skills are really good." Wei Wanqiu said with a happy and incredulous look.

I am happy that my daughter has a mentor with such a good medical skill. What is incredible is that Xia Yunjie's bone setting has immediate results. Regarding the latter, although Wei Wanqiu is just a village woman, but the injury was on her body, she still felt a little bit wrong at this time. A magic that can be explained by a university professor or a doctoral supervisor.

"Of course!" Han Xuejiao replied proudly, then wiped the tears from her eyes, stood up and bowed deeply to Xia Yunjie: "Thank you, teacher."

"Thank you, Professor Xia, thank you Professor Xia." Seeing their niece thank Xia Yunjie, Han Yaochuan and his wife recovered from the surprise and hurriedly bowed to Xia Yunjie again and again.

This not only saves their sister-in-law a lot of pain, but also helps them save a lot of money.

"We are all our own people, so there is no need to be polite." Xia Yunjie waved his hands and said politely, and then said to Han Yaochuan: "Brother Han, go and go through the discharge procedures. There is no need for Xuejiao's mother to stay in the hospital anymore. "

"Okay, okay, I'll go through the discharge procedures right now." Han Yaochuan said with joy on his face, and then quickly left the ward.

Not long after Han Yaochuan left, he returned to the ward, along with a middle-aged male doctor who had a sign of deputy chief doctor on his chest.

The middle-aged male doctor was obviously angry. As he walked away, he scolded Han Yaochuan: "What nonsense, your sister-in-law injured her ischium. If she doesn't get proper treatment, she might have to spend the rest of her life in bed. If that's the case, you You are so responsible...you, why did you get out of bed?"

However, before the deputy chief doctor finished speaking, his eyes widened immediately because he saw that the patient had already gotten out of bed with the support of two women.

This is completely impossible. You must know that if the ischium is injured, the patient's lower body cannot use any force at all. If he really needs to use force, it would be strange not to cry bitterly. But now, the patient has gotten out of bed. Although he is being supported by someone, this is already a miracle.

"Dr. Wang, you see I'm not lying to you. My sister-in-law can get out of bed now, so she should be able to go home." Han Yaochuan was surprised to see his sister-in-law get out of bed, but soon he looked happy. Dr. Dichong Wang, the deputy chief doctor, said.

"Isn't it possible? It's obviously a fracture of the ischium, and it's relatively..." Dr. Wang did not answer Han Yaochuan's question, but looked at Wei Wanqiu up and down with a look of disbelief, and even picked up the film he had just taken and looked at it carefully.

"Nothing is impossible, Dr. Wang. Now that the patient has regained her mobility, she has the right to request to be discharged." Xia Yunjie interrupted with a smile before Dr. Wang could finish what he said.

"Who are you?" Dr. Wang looked at Xia Yunjie with some dissatisfaction.

In China, no matter where they are, doctors are still very good. Dr. Wang is the deputy chief doctor. Even in a hospital in Jiangzhou City, he is considered a person with a high professional title. In a county people's hospital, his status is naturally higher. Xia Yunjie spoke to him in such a tone, and he was naturally dissatisfied.

"I am a teacher at Jiangzhou University College of Traditional Chinese Medicine." Xia Yunjie replied.

"Are you a teacher at Jiangzhou University College of Traditional Chinese Medicine? That's a coincidence. I also graduated from Jiangzhou University College of Traditional Chinese Medicine." Dr. Wang couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this, then looked at Xia Yunjie with suspicious eyes and asked, "What about you? You must know Professor Hong Wenjing?”

"Of course." Xia Yunjie nodded and couldn't help but smile. He thought to himself, students from Jiangzhou University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine are indeed all over Jiangnan Province. Even an orthopedic surgeon I met here in Dongtong City came from Jiangzhou. Graduated from the State University College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"I used to study for my master's degree with Professor Hong Wenjing. You must be the new teaching secretary of the college, right? I went to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine the year before last. I remember that the teaching secretary of the college was a woman. Her name was Yang, by the way. Shuqin." When Dr. Wang saw that the other party was indeed a teacher from his alma mater, the dissatisfaction on his face quickly turned into a smile.

"No, I am an associate professor of traditional Chinese medicine at the college. My name is Xia Yunjie. Since you are a student of Professor Hong Wenjing, this matter will be easy to handle. This patient is the mother of my student. I have helped her set her bones. She should be discharged from the hospital now. No problem, you can help her go through the discharge procedures." Xia Yunjie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Dr. Wang in front of him was a student of Dean Hong Wenjing, otherwise he would have had a hard time explaining how Wei Wanqiu's fracture was cured. Even if People may not believe it after explaining it. Even if they believe it, I am afraid they will have to spread it everywhere and ask around. Now that Hong Wenjing is a "great god", the follow-up matters will naturally be thrown directly to him.

"You are an associate professor in our college? Did you help her straighten her bones?" Dr. Wang was even more shocked when he heard this than when he saw Wei Wanqiu getting out of bed when he entered the door.

"Yes, yes, this is the disease that Professor Xia helped my sister-in-law treat. He is my niece's tutor, and he is also a doctoral supervisor." Han Yaochuan said proudly.

Seeing the proud expression on Han Yaochuan's face, Dr. Wang was as dumb as a stone.

This rural person does not understand how frightening it is to get out of bed immediately after setting the ischium and bone, and does not understand the weight of a PhD supervisor. But Dr. Wang is a doctor, so how can he not understand?

But how is this possible? How old is the young man in front of me? He looks like he has just graduated from college.

"Dr. Wang, let's take a moment to talk." Xia Yunjie didn't want to reveal too much to Han Yaochuan and others, so he pulled the sluggish Dr. Wang out of the ward.

"I know it's a bit strange to explain this matter. Well, just call Dean Hong Wenjing and tell him about the matter. He will tell you what to do." Xia Yunjie patted Dr. Wang on the shoulder and said .

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