"I, I, don't know." Han Lizhi blushed, but finally shook his head.

"Don't know?" Xia Yunjie couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, but then he understood that Han Lizhi didn't know, but was embarrassed to say it.

"Don't be embarrassed. Young people should dare to think, speak and do. Tell me, maybe I can help you." Xia Yunjie encouraged with a smile.

Looking at Xia Yunjie's encouraging eyes, Han Lizhi's eyes lit up and his face flushed even redder. As if he was suffering from Lin Zhuoyan's stuttering disease, he stammered: "Xia, Xia, Professor Xia, he, he, actually I want to be..." A fashion designer."

"This ideal is very good." Xia Yunjie laughed when he heard this, and finally understood why Han Lizhi was embarrassed to say this.

It’s really hard for a farmer’s son to associate himself with a fashion designer who represents fashion.

"Professor Xia, please don't comfort this kid. Tell me, we are just a farmer. He doesn't study hard and wants to be a fashion designer all day long. Is this reliable?" Han Yaochuan said with a bitter smile.

"There is nothing unreliable. Without fashion designers, where would the clothes we are wearing now be? Besides, no one stipulates that farmers cannot be fashion designers. So aren't many tailors also born as farmers?" Xia Yunjie said with a smile. .

"That's right. When we saw that this boy didn't like to study and always liked to draw, sew and cut, we specially asked him to learn from an old tailor. Although it is said that few people these days are more direct. Buying fabrics and hiring tailors to make clothes, but it is still possible. It is also a craft, and you should be able to barely support your family in the future. But this kid didn't study tailoring seriously at all, and he just made some designs at every turn, and cut a hole in the fabric. , cut it somewhere, ruined the fabric, and made the teacher so angry that he drove him home." Chen Dongmei took over the words with an annoyed look.

"Mom, you don't understand. I want to be a fashion designer, not just a tailor..." Although Han Lizhi was embarrassed to speak just now, but now that her mother was scolding and despising his behavior, she didn't know where it came from. He immediately retorted with an unconvinced expression. It was as if a sacred place in my heart that I had always guarded was suddenly violated.

"I don't understand, don't you understand! Fashion designer, don't forget what your dad does? Is that something you can play with? You should just work hard for me in your uncle's small restaurant. Maybe you can do it in the future. Open a small restaurant like your uncle and support your family." Chen Dongmei couldn't help but get angry when her son retorted.

"Haha, sister-in-law, don't be angry. It's always good for young people to have ideas. Only with ideas can you have motivation and pursuit. Even if you are very ambitious, it is better than having no ideas at all." Xia Yunjie came to Han Lizhi's rescue with a smile.

"Professor Xia, it's not his fault that he is angry. Even I am angry. After all, we are just farmers. If he is willing to study hard, let alone a fashion designer. Even if he wants to be an aircraft designer, I will let him." Him. But he couldn't even graduate from high school. You said you wanted to be a fashion designer. Isn't that a joke?" Han Yaochuan said.

"Second uncle, you can't say that. Bill Gates has become the richest man in the world without graduating from high school. This has nothing to do with his diploma." Han Xuejiao defended her brother.

"How many Bill Gates are there in this world? Do you think Zhizhi is the right person?" Chen Dongmei rolled her eyes.

Hearing this, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but look at Chen Dongmei differently. Although this woman was a village woman, her words were still very sharp.

But since he asked Han Lizhi today, even if Han Lizhi is the son of a farmer, even if he never graduates from high school, and even if he can never become a Bill Gates-like figure, it is definitely possible to become a fashion designer.

"Don't argue. I know a fashion designer. If you are willing to let Li Zhi travel far away, I will help you contact him and let Li Zhi become an apprentice with him. As long as he is willing to study hard, he may not necessarily become a famous person. He is a master figure in the world's fashion industry, but I want to make a living in the domestic fashion industry, so that will be no problem." Xia Yunjie saw Han Lizhi lowering his head, and Han Xuejiao opened her mouth to refute, so she added with a smile.

"Really?" Han Lizhi suddenly raised his lowered head, his eyes lit up with dazzling light, and his face was filled with excitement.

Han Lizhi didn't dare to think about master-level figures at all. He still had this self-knowledge, but even if he couldn't become a master, just having the opportunity to learn from a fashion designer would be enough to make him excited and yearning. .

"Of course it's true, but I can help you find a teacher, but I can't help you if you can learn something famous. It depends on your own efforts." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Professor Xia, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!" Seeing Xia Yunjie nodding in affirmation, Han Lizhi clenched his fists excitedly, with a firm look in his eyes.

"Thank you very much, Professor Xia. If you are determined to have the opportunity to learn real fashion design from your teacher, of course we will be very happy, but I don't know how much the tuition fee is? You also know our family's situation. If it is too high..." Han Yaochuan Seeing that my son finally had a chance to realize his dream, I was happy for him, but when he thought about the tuition fees, he suddenly became filled with sadness.

Upon hearing his father's words, Han Lizhi, who was in high spirits, immediately shrank like a deflated rubber ball.

These days, as long as it involves art majors, whether it is painting, performance, or fashion design, tuition fees are extremely expensive. Especially if a person like him who has not even graduated from high school wants to learn fashion design from a fashion designer, I am afraid he will have to pay an extra sum of money. Otherwise, why would they accept you as a student who has not graduated from high school?

"Haha, don't worry about this, Brother Han. This fashion designer has a very good relationship with me. If I decide to go to him, I will just study and work part-time without tuition." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

The fashion designer Xia Yunjie mentioned was naturally Scola, the design director of the Italian Gucci Group and the top international fashion master. He recommended people in the past. Unless Scola felt that money was more important than life, otherwise he would not dare to mention money even if he was beaten to death. Not only did he not dare to mention it, but he also had to do his best to teach Han Lizhi.

Just kidding, Mr. Xia, even the emperor of the Italian underground forces had to respectfully call Mr. Xia a big shot when he saw him! Of course, Scola still breaks out in a cold sweat just thinking about the methods Xia Yunjie used on him back then.

"Really?" Except for Lin Zhuoyan, everyone in the Han family, including Han Xuejiao, all said with surprise.

"I'm a university professor, how can I lie to you?" Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"This, this, no, of course not. It's just that I'm so grateful, so grateful. We don't know what to say. Determined, determined, what are you doing stupidly? Why don't you bow to Professor Xia and say thank you." Han Yaochuan and others were so excited that they spoke incoherently.

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