Xia Yunjie and Han Xuejiao naturally knew everything.

Lin Guodong is a judge, so he naturally has extraordinary insight and judgment. The more he listened, the more solemn his face became. After waiting for a long time to ask, he stood up and said directly: "Let's go to Hanjiacun."

Han Xuejiao's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this, and her face was filled with joy. She finally saw hope.

Xia Yunjie was not that optimistic, but Lin Guodong's decisiveness still made his eyes brighten, showing a hint of appreciation, and he was also quite happy in his heart.

No matter which direction this subsequent case will take, it at least shows that there are still judges who truly handle cases impartially and are truly responsible for the people.

"Okay, please excuse me, Judge Lin." Xia Yunjie nodded, stood up with Han Xuejiao, and left his office with Lin Guodong.

After leaving the court, a BMW and a court car drove all the way to Hanjiacun.

When he arrived at Hanjiacun, Lin Guodong threw himself into work non-stop. He first asked Wei Wanqiu, Han Yaozong and his wife, and others, and then visited the villagers in Hanjia Village one by one, especially Han Biru's next-door neighbor, whom he repeatedly asked in detail.

Lin Guodong's arrival and his investigation gave Wei Wanqiu, Han Yaozong and others hope, and they were naturally grateful to Xia Yunjie.

Baiyun Town is the base where Gu Yaofei started his business. His roots are in Baiyun Town, and Hanjia Village is a village under the jurisdiction of Baiyun Town. Lin Guodong's behavior of visiting the villagers of Hanjia Village one by one with such "big fanfare" to investigate the rape case of Han Biru five years ago quickly attracted the attention of interested people, and soon spread to Zhang Chong's ears.

Zhang Chong ran to Deputy Director Gu Yaofei's office again.

"What's going on with this Lin Guodong? What does he want to do? Does he think he is Bao Qingtian?" Gu Yaofei thought that the case would be returned to the Wenyong County People's Court and the matter would be settled, but he never expected that 100% The matter that was absolutely certain to be over suddenly showed up with a "foolish" judge. Gu Yaofei was immediately furious and slapped the table with anger on his face.

"No, I've asked. This Lin Guodong is an old judge of the Criminal Tribunal. He is usually honest and doesn't talk much. He has been standing still for many years. This case was sent back to the Criminal Tribunal, and he took the initiative. Regarding this case, I thought he was enlightened this time, but I didn't expect that he actually wanted to be Bao Qingtian!" Zhang Chong said.

"Is Bao Qingtian such an easy person? Okay, I know this. You can go down." Gu Yaofei got angry, but soon calmed down and waved his hand to send Zhang Chong away.

Zhang Chong felt very relaxed this time. As for Xia Yunjie, a university professor, he was really a little wary at first, but if it was Lin Guodong, he really wasn't worried at all.

Isn't he just a judge or judge of a small criminal court? What's the use of jumping around? The entire Wenyong County People's Court alone has more than a hundred people on staff and about fifty judges. Lin Guodong is just an ordinary judge in the middle. There are more than a dozen court leaders. Any one of them can take away Lin Guodong's power to handle cases. What's more, this case also involves the county magistrate who is in charge of a population of one million. Can Lin Guodong, a small judge, be able to withstand the county magistrate?

Even Zhang Chong didn't take it to heart, so Gu Yaofei naturally wasn't worried. He was just annoyed by the way the people in the court were doing things, which made him as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

But no matter how disgusting it is, since Lin Guodong is stubborn, he can no longer be responsible for this case, and the court's personnel arrangements are not his turn to dictate. Gu Yaofei, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, simply asked Sun Hengyi County Magistrate.

This was something his son had done, so naturally he, the father, had to clean it up.

The five-year-old case was brought back to the Municipal People's Court, which was enough to make the county magistrate Sun Hengyi feel disgusted. He finally managed to get the case back to his own territory through some connections. Thinking that this time he would No need to worry, I didn’t expect the people under my jurisdiction to be more “responsible” than the Municipal People’s Court. On the third day, they started going directly to the place where the crime occurred to conduct an in-depth investigation.

The investigation is fine, but the problem is that you are investigating his son! How can he, the county magistrate, not feel disgusted and angry?

So County Magistrate Sun Hengyi called the president of the Wenyong County People's Court to the office to have a serious talk about work matters. Of course, words can't be explained clearly. The dean is a smart man and he will understand what is going on as soon as he hears it. Naturally, he will feel angry in his heart.

This honest man is really an honest man, and he actually made such a big mistake for himself.

It took five years to complete a solid case. The handling of this case itself involved many people, including the police who solved the case, the staff of the procuratorate responsible for supervision, and of course the court staff who finally made the verdict. If the case is really overturned, all the people in these units will be implicated, and he, the president of the court, will naturally have to bear certain leadership responsibilities.

Of course, the most important thing is that the current case is directed at the county magistrate's son. If the case is overturned, wouldn't it mean going against the county magistrate?

The president of the court did not think that his arm could twist the thigh of the county magistrate. He is the head of a county, but he is just the head of a hospital.

"County Magistrate, this is an oversight on my part. I will definitely make improvements." The president of the court said with a serious face.

"Well, I trust Comrade Guo Ming's ability. I have also seen the progress our court has made in the past few years when you were the president. But you still need to strengthen the management of the team, especially the judge team. This is The key factors related to ensuring the fairness of the law must not be taken lightly. Some judges who are not proficient in their business must move their positions when the time is right. We cannot tolerate them just because they can't be merciful. It's delaying the people's cases." County Magistrate Sun Hengyi nodded when he heard this, and said a few more words of sincerity.

Guo Ming, the president of the Wenyong County People's Court, couldn't help but tremble when he heard this. Sitting in his position, he could naturally tell who the county magistrate was referring to.

It seemed that the county magistrate was really angry this time and would not let Lin Guodong go.

"What the county magistrate said is that some people are indeed not suitable to sit in the position of judges, but are suitable to work in labor unions, women's committees and the like." Dean Guo replied with a serious face.

Speaking of this, Sun Hengyi naturally would not continue to criticize him. After hearing this, he nodded with satisfaction, then exchanged a few words with Dean Guo Ming, and then dismissed him.

"Tomorrow we will go to Shenghe County to find the victim Han Biru." The sun was setting. Lin Guodong's face was a little tired after collecting evidence for a day, but his expression looked particularly solemn.

Although Lin Guodong is just an ordinary judge in the Wenyong County Court and has never been appreciated by his leaders, his many years of career as a judge have long tempered his keen insight and judgment.

If it weren't for the fact that the law is extremely rigorous and requires evidence, and does not allow for any negligence or personal emotions. After such a day of visits, Lin Guodong could almost conclude that Han Yaozong was definitely wronged and he was definitely not a rapist.

But precisely because of this, Lin Guodong feels particularly heavy now.

Lin Guodong is an honest man, but he is not stupid. If he were really stupid, he wouldn't be able to be a judge. He knew very well that once he wanted to reverse the case for Han Yaozong, he would face a very terrifying power that he could not bear at all. So when he first received this case, although he suspected that it was an unjust case, he still took a chance and hoped that it was just his wrong judgment and that he would not have to face that terrible power. However, the results of a day's visit only confirmed that he was wrong. previous conjecture.

Now there were only two choices before him, either to give up and not continue the investigation, or to continue and challenge all the investigators who had previously participated in this case and the county magistrate.

In the end, Lin Guodong chose the latter!

Looking at Lin Guodong's solemn and firm gaze, Xia Yunjie was deeply shocked, and at the same time, his heart was filled with joy.

No matter how many dark sides there are in society, as long as people like Lin Guodong exist, this society will eventually become brighter and brighter.

"Okay, let's meet at the county town tomorrow." Xia Yunjie nodded and replied.

This night was a relaxing night for Xia Yunjie. Lin Guodong's performance made him see light and hope. No matter how Sun Hengyi and others counterattacked, Xia Yunjie had already let go of the heavy stone in his heart.

They were just a few clowns, and it would be too easy for Xia Yunjie to crush them to death. As long as people like Lin Guodong existed in this country, he would have nothing to worry about and feel sentimental about.

But for some people this night is destined to be a long night.

Han Xuejiao lay awake all night. She knew very well that no matter how powerful and convincing the evidence provided by the villagers was, the final key would still be the testimony of Han Biru and her father tomorrow, because they were the victim and the victim's family. Only if they prove that it was not her father who did it, and only if they prove that the criminal is someone else, can there be any real hope of overturning this case.

Lin Guodong also had trouble sleeping all night.

As soon as he returned to the court, he was summoned by the dean to give him a severe scolding, and then the dean involuntarily disqualified him from retrying the case. Not only that, he was even deprived of his qualifications to try the case. He was directly assigned the position of trade union officer.

When things have reached this point, Lin Guodong should be able to sleep peacefully. It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't control it! But the result was just the opposite. When Lin Guodong thought of a villager who had been wrongly accused of being a rapist and spent ten years in a prison cell. When he thought of his family's expectant eyes on him, Lin Guodong felt that he couldn't be at ease at all.

He is a judge, a judge who delivers justice to the people!

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