Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1124: Arrogant for a while

"No, I won't die this time!" Han Bixue bit her lip with her white teeth, as if she didn't even notice that her lip was bitten and bleeding.

"Bi..." Han Yaohui opened his mouth to stop him, but when he saw the bright red blood flowing out of his lips, the next words were stuck in his throat and he could no longer say them out.

"Don't worry, no one in this society can cover the sky with one hand. Zhang Chong can't, Gu Yaofei can't, and neither can you, the county magistrate of Wenyong County." Xia Yunjie said with certainty.

Lin Guodong took a deep look at Xia Yunjie. He was indeed a scholar, but he was still too young! I sighed softly in my heart.

But soon the emotion in Lin Guodong's eyes turned into determination.

so what? What is wrong are those who try to cover the sky with one hand, and think that they can trample the law if they have the power in their hands. If we surrender, then we will truly fulfill their wish to cover the sky with one hand, and their wish to trample the law wantonly!

No, even if they really have the ability to cover the sky with one hand, I will break off one of their fingers!

Han Yaohui and Han Biru also looked deeply at Xia Yunjie, with only heroic determination and sorrow in their eyes. If things were really as simple as Xia Yunjie said, then they didn't have to give in or hide in Shenghe County.

Now that five years have passed, can the verdict really be reversed?

Only Han Xuejiao looked at her teacher with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Unconsciously, Han Xuejiao developed a sense of blind confidence in her ridiculously young teacher, who repeatedly shocked her.

"I hope so. It's pointless to live like this anyway." Han Yaohui sighed softly, and then together with Han Biru, they told Lin Guodong everything about the incident, including the coercion and inducement they received at the police station.

Although Lin Guodong had already read the testimony submitted by Xia Yunjie, after hearing the client's personal statement, he was still trembling with shock and raging anger arose in his heart.

After a long time, Lin Guodong suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a firm gaze: "Don't worry, unless they arrest me too, if it doesn't work in the city, I will go to the province, and if it doesn't work in the province, I will sue to Beijing!"

Looking at Lin Guodong, Xia Yunjie was deeply shocked at this moment. He found that even though he had the ability to reach heaven and earth, he still seemed insignificant in front of Lin Guodong at this moment.

"Judge Lin, you are a real judge, you are a good person! If we regret it again, we will not be human beings!" Seeing Lin Guodong say this, Han Yaohui shed tears of shame when he thought about his previous actions.

Han Xuejiao and Han Biru also had tears in their eyes.

"Go to Dongtong City. This case will never be overturned in Wenyong County. I don't believe it. I appealed as a judge. They can still send the case back to Wenyong County so rashly." After leaving Han Biru, Shop, Lin Guodong said resolutely.

Xia Yunjie nodded. He did not stop Lin Guodong, nor did he tell him that with him here, he actually didn't need to go to Dongtong City anymore. He wanted to see how far Lin Guodong could go, and how arrogant those people would be.

Both Xia Yunjie and Lin Guodong obviously underestimated the courage and arrogance of Zhang Chong and others.

Wenyong County is located on the only road from Shenghe County to Dongtong City. When Xia Yunjie's BMW passed through Wenyong County, he was stopped by the police.

"Comrade Lin Guodong, you are suspected of corruption and bribery. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation." It was the police who stopped the car, but it was the law enforcement officers of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Procuratorate who came to arrest you.

"Chief Wang, what do you mean? How could I be involved in corruption and bribery?" The court and the procuratorate are both judicial organs, and they usually have many contacts at work. Lin Guodong knew the law enforcement officers who came to arrest him, and he couldn't help but see this. He asked with an angry look on his face.

"Just because you have not taken bribes does not mean that your family members have not taken advantage of your position to take bribes. Okay, Lin Guodong, come back to the procuratorate with us first. Wait until the results of the investigation come out to find out whether you have been wronged or not." Section Chief Wang seemed to be a little bit confused. He didn't even miss his old feelings and said with a straight face.

"Impossible, it's impossible for Su Mei to do such a thing. You must have made a mistake. Ah, I understand, you, you are setting up, you are..." Lin Guodong couldn't believe it for a while, and then followed Suddenly he came to his senses and pointed at Section Chief Wang with a look of grief and anger and cursed.

"Lin Guodong, you are also an old judge. Do you think it is appropriate for you to say this? It is natural to investigate others' corruption and suffer the consequences. Investigating you is framed! Tell me, this is what an old judge should say Really?" Section Chief Wang didn't get angry when he heard this, he just asked with a gloomy sneer.

"I..." Lin Guodong opened his mouth, but finally closed it.

It’s true that he is an honest person, and it’s true that he has a firm heart, but this does not mean that he cannot distinguish the situation. In fact, he can see it clearly, so he kept his mouth shut.

What's the use of shouting again? It is nothing more than letting uninformed people look down on the judge, and it is nothing more than humiliation. It would be better to just go to the procuratorate quietly.

After all, I am a veteran judge of the court for many years, and I have been able to maintain my reputation for many years. Many colleagues can testify to this. Even if the procuratorate and the leaders above want to punish themselves, they still have to consider the impact. Of course, the premise is that his wife did not accept benefits from others without telling him.

No, Su Mei definitely won't. She is a teacher, a true soul engineer, and she always reminds herself not to make mistakes. How could she accept benefits from others without telling him!

Soon, Lin Guodong calmed down and felt ashamed for his suspicion.

Lin Guodong kept his mouth shut, but Han Xuejiao suddenly lost control and frantically pushed away the law enforcement officers from the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Procuratorate who were about to take Lin Guodong away. While pushing, she said with tears: "You must have made a mistake, you must have made a mistake." You're wrong, Judge Lin is not that kind of person, he is a really good judge, you can't take him away, he still wants to overturn my father's case!"

"Young man, you can't tell what is good or bad on the surface. Some people look sanctimonious, but they are full of bad things inside. Okay, don't hinder our law enforcement. Everything is decided by the law." Section Chief Wang Seeing this, he frowned, stopped Han Xuejiao and said.

"Yes, everything will be decided by the law. Han Xuejiao, if you really think that I am a good judge, then you must believe that the law will eventually give your father a clear answer. Even if he cannot do it today, he will one day in the future. ." Unexpectedly, Lin Guodong nodded in agreement with Section Chief Wang's words. Looking at Han Xuejiao's serious expression, he said with sincerity.

Han Xuejiao could not listen to what Section Chief Qian said, but she had to listen to Judge Lin's words. Looking at Judge Lin's firm eyes, Han Xuejiao bit her lip and nodded heavily with tears in her eyes.

Xia Yunjie watched all this quietly without saying a word, but the cold light in his eyes was particularly penetrating. It wasn't until Lin Guodong said these words of advice to Han Xuejiao under such circumstances that Xia Yunjie's eyes gradually softened, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Yes, you have to believe in the law. Even if the law cannot give Han Xuejiao's father a clean slate today, there will always be such a day in the future, because there are still many grassroots judges like Lin Guodong in this society, and of course there are people like Qin Lan and Feng Zhengcheng. Such a good senior official.

Although a few scoundrels in the government can temporarily disrupt the atmosphere of local society and become arrogant for a while, they will never last forever.

Seeing a smile on Xia Yunjie's face under such circumstances, Section Chief Wang and others felt inexplicably panicked, as if they always had a bad premonition.

"Judge Lin said well. I will go to the Procuratorate with you. I want to see how lawless they want to be!" Xia Yunjie did not look at Section Chief Wang and others. Instead, he walked up to Lin Guodong and said.

Judge Lin looked at Xia Yunjie. Although he admired the young university teacher in front of him, there were not many such teachers these days. But just because of his appreciation, Judge Lin felt increasingly bitter in his heart, what a stupid scholar! Now that they have even moved me, what use can you, a teacher from other places, do?

Judge Lin smiled bitterly in his heart, but Section Chief Wang and others suddenly woke up from their inexplicable panic and looked at Xia Yunjie as if they were an idiot. It turns out that this guy is a fool! Who does he think he is, the county magistrate of Wenyong County, the county party committee secretary? He's just a teacher from out of town, and **** actually dares to say such arrogant things!

"I'm fine, Professor Xia. You should go back with Han Xuejiao first. After things are settled on my side, we can continue." Lin Guodong said.

"Continue? Lin Guodong, please wake up!" Section Chief Wang shook his head, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth. He was also involved in Han Yaozong's case, so the bureau sent him here this time. I thought that Lin Guodong would give in after suffering this loss, but he didn't expect to say such words. He was simply hopeless.

"It's you who should wake up!" Xia Yunjie glanced at Section Chief Wang and others coldly, and then said to Lin Guodong: "Don't worry, Judge Lin, I'll go with you. With me here, they don't dare to do anything to you. "

"I'm warning you Xia Yunjie, we are enforcing the law. If you stop him again, we will arrest you too." Seeing that Xia Yunjie was still bragging, Section Chief Wang finally grimaced.

Originally, the above intention was to leave Xia Yunjie alone and ignore him. After all, he had lost the support of the local judge. How could he, a teacher from out of town, cause any trouble? On the contrary, if he were also arrested, after all, he was A university teacher, and it also involves another city. Maybe it will cause trouble in the city, which will not be good.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xia Yunjie's temper is just like Zhang Chong described, like the stones in the toilet are smelly and hard, and there is nothing they can do to him. Otherwise, if it were a teacher with a more cowardly personality, they would have arrested him long ago. Get up and scare him. In fact, Zhang Chong and others adopted this method from the beginning. Unfortunately, they were frustrated when they encountered a university teacher with Xia Yunjie's personality.

However, if Xia Yunjie insists on causing trouble by himself, Section Chief Wang and the others will naturally not give in.

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