Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,160: Layoff Storm

Compared with Teacher Li's radiant charm, which attracted many single male teachers to pursue her, and ushered in the prosperous time of her life, Teacher Liu Leehom who successfully lost weight seemed much more miserable.

When Mr. Leehom Liu succeeded in losing weight, he returned to his hometown in Dongtong City with great interest and made an appointment with his favorite blind date. However, the other party directly brought a fat man to meet him and told him that the fat man was her boyfriend. friend.

Looking at the guy who was obviously fatter than his previous self, Liu Leehom was confused when she heard that that guy was her new boyfriend.

How could this be? Didn’t you say you thought you were fat at first? Why did you find someone fatter now? And didn’t you agree that after two months, if you succeed in losing weight, you would give yourself a chance? Why has she found a partner within two months?

Later, Liu Leehom found out that the fat man was also a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, but he was a deputy chief doctor and well-known in the traditional Chinese medicine community in Dongtong City.

At first, Leehom Liu thought that he would be sad if the person he loved ran away with someone like this, but it turned out that he was not sad at all. On the contrary, he was secretly glad that the woman thought he was fat. But the only thing that made Liu Leehom feel very unhappy was that the fat man actually behaved in front of him, bragging about how great he was and being acquainted with many old Chinese medicine doctors in Jiangnan Province, making him worthless. And the woman was complimenting him from time to time, as if she was laughing at Leehom Liu for being a toad who wanted to eat swan meat.

Of course, Liu Leehom was not as high as Xia Yunjie. He was so excited that he immediately called Liu Yiwei.

This day is the weekend, and Liu Yiwei basically spends time with his family in Cangbei County. Cangbei County is connected to Dongtong City, and it only takes about 40 minutes to drive there.

Liu Leehom and Xia Yunjie are colleagues in the same office, so their relationship with Liu Yiwei is naturally very good. Even because Liu Leehom and Xia Yunjie are colleagues, Liu Yiwei humbly calls him Teacher Liu. Now Liu Leehom specifically called him and asked him to come over to support the scene. Of course he obliged, so he answered the phone and drove all the way to Dongtong City.

Liu Yiwei's reputation in the traditional Chinese medicine community in Jiangnan Province is now on par with Feng Wenbo and other famous doctors, so his weight in the traditional Chinese medicine community is naturally extraordinary. When he arrived, the fat Chinese medicine doctor was dumbfounded when he saw Liu Leehom carelessly patting the shoulder of Liu Yiwei, a famous medical expert in Jiangnan Province, and calling him Xiao Liu, while Liu Yiwei respectfully called him Teacher Liu. After the woman knew Liu Yiwei's identity, she was naturally ashamed and regretful.

It is obvious that although Liu Leehom is only an attending doctor at the moment, even famous medical experts like Liu Yiwei respect him so much. In the future, he will naturally become deputy chief doctor and chief doctor. Maybe, in a few years, he will become a famous medical expert in Jiangnan Province. In fact, a few years later, Liu Leehom really became a famous medical expert in Jiangnan Province, and the woman regretted it so much that her intestines turned green. Of course, this is all a story later.

Liu Leehom asked Liu Yiwei to help him pretend to slap the snobby man and woman in the face. It was just a small episode in life. He got angry and was teased by Lu Gaoda and other colleagues in the office for several days. This matter gradually faded away. It faded away and no one mentioned it again.

Time on campus flies by. After Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong ignored Xia Yunjie for a period of time, they later began to ask Xia Yunjie to have dinner with him and stay overnight in Deya Community from time to time.

Regarding this, Liu Leehom and others are not only envious, but also accustomed to it. There is no way, why is this guy Xia Yunjie so handsome, young, and so superb in medical skills! It’s hard not to attract women!

However, Xia Yunjie is not as chic and romantic as Liu Leehom and others imagined. In fact, every time he sees Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong, a faint sadness ripples in his heart.

Xia Yunjie couldn't explain why, but this emotion was always rippling. He could also see that Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong were still optimistic and laughing on the surface, but there was also a hint of sadness deep in their eyes.

There is friendship on one side and love on the other. No matter who gets married in the end, their hearts are destined to be bitter. But Xia Yunjie thought more, because he also had Zhu Xiaoyan, he also had Shao Lihong, he also had Qin Lan...

However, the three of them have a tacit understanding that no one will expose.

When shopping, Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong would hug him closely, one on the left and the other on the right. They would also cuddle up on the left and right while watching TV. Sometimes they even got tired of watching, and they would fall asleep and wake up with each other clinging to him. After arriving, no one would specifically mention it except for a slight blush on her pretty face, as if nothing had happened.

Maybe it would be good for the three of them to live like this. Sometimes this ridiculous thought would flash through Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong's minds for no reason, but they would quickly put it away.

How is this possible?

On this sunny day, Xia Yunjie unexpectedly received a call from Tao Kaishan, a former security colleague of Weida Company.

They hadn't gotten together for a while, and Tao Kaishan called and said he wanted to invite Xia Yunjie to go clubbing with him, along with several colleagues who had been close friends with him, including Lao Luo, Captain Xu Yongjun and others.

Xia Yunjie naturally said yes.

After work, he casually had some food in the school cafeteria. Seeing that it was almost time, Xia Yunjie set off to Nanshan Road, a famous bar street in Jiangzhou City.

The bar for gatherings is naturally bluenight.

When Xia Yunjie arrived, the bar had not yet reached its peak period and there were not many people. However, Tao Kaishan and others were already there, and when they saw him, they hurriedly raised their hands to wave to him.

Xia Yunjie went to Tao Kaishan.

Not many security colleagues came. In addition to Lao Luo, Captain Xu, and Xiao Zheng and Xiao Dong, they were all colleagues who had a good relationship in the security room.

Xia Yunjie had just sat down when Wu Yuqi, Liu Ke and Xu Jia, three former bar girls and now the bar owner, had heard about it and rushed over. First he said hello to Lao Luo and others, then stayed beside Xia Yunjie, opened a beer for him, inserted some fruit with a toothpick, peeled some pistachios, and then got up and left.

Lao Luo and others have become accustomed to Jie Ge's unparalleled charm and brilliance. In addition to envy and adoration, they no longer sigh with emotion as before.

Tao Kaishan's mood was obviously a little low. After Wu Yuqi and the other three left, he clinked glasses with Xia Yunjie and said, "Brother Jie, drink, drink. I won't come home until I'm drunk tonight."

After saying that, he raised his head and poured a glass of beer down his throat.

"Hey, Kaishan's momentum is different now. Could it be that Captain Xu sent you to participate in the security information training last time and you were promoted after you came back?" Xia Yunjie saw that Tao Kaishan was obviously a little depressed, and deliberately joked, trying to adjust the atmosphere. .

"What about promotion? I'll be thankful if I don't lose my job." Xia Yunjie didn't mention the training and promotion. It was a good thing. At this mention, Tao Kaishan's mood became even lower. He filled himself a glass directly and prepared to drink it all in one gulp.

"What's going on? Aren't you doing a good job? How could you lose your job?" Xia Yunjie frowned slightly when he heard this, stretched out his hand to hold the wine glass in Tao Kaishan's hand, and asked in confusion.

"It's not because Tao Kaishan offended the human resources manager!" Lao Luo said angrily.

"Manager Jin Yuwei of the Human Resources Department?" Xia Yunjie frowned again and asked with a surprised look on his face.

He has held three positions in Wei Da Company, one as a security guard, the other as a personal bodyguard, and the third position as a human resources officer. I am very familiar with Manager Jin Yuwei, and later I had a special experience with her when I went to Africa, so I naturally know what kind of person Jin Yuwei is. He will never involve his personal feelings in his work, and he is definitely not the kind of person who will retaliate against others.

"It would be great if it were Manager Jin Yuwei. She will definitely not be as knowledgeable as little people like us." Tao Kaishan took off Xia Yunjie's hand from the wine glass and sighed.

"It's not Manager Jin. Could it be that the human resources manager has been replaced?" Xia Yunjie asked unexpectedly again, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, he didn't want Jin Yuwei to be involved in this matter.

"There has been a change. Manager Jin has now been promoted to the vice president of our company. The current manager of the human resources department is Zhang Zhengtao, a returnee doctorate. It is said that he is an alumnus of Mr. Su when he studied in the United States." Lao Luo replied.

"Oh, so that's it. How did Kaishan offend him?" Xia Yunjie asked curiously, secretly feeling ashamed.

Although he is the big boss behind Weida Company, he has always been a hands-off shopkeeper. Unless necessary, he never takes the initiative to interfere with the company's affairs. Even when Jin Yuwei was promoted to the company's vice president, he did not know at all that the human resources manager had changed. .

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Once when I was driving in Kaishan, I saw a BMW hit an old man riding a bicycle. The old man was injured and asked the driver of the BMW to compensate him. But the BMW owner said that he didn't When he bumped into the old man, he fell down on his own, it was just a blackmail."

"Because there are so many things like this these days, many onlookers actually sided with the BMW owner. Instead, they said that the old man was disrespectful and had a bad heart. Kaishan couldn't stand it and stepped forward to speak for the old man. After the traffic police arrived, He also acted as an eyewitness, and the BMW owner naturally lost money later.”

"Originally, this matter was over. Unexpectedly, a few days later, the BMW owner came to work at our Weida Company and took the position of deputy manager of the human resources department as soon as he arrived. Because he had just arrived. , even though Zhang Zhengtao discovered that Tao Kaishan was originally a security guard at Weida Company, he didn’t bother him."

"Tao Kaishan also thought that the incident was Zhang Zhengtao's fault. He also spoke according to the facts. This matter should just go away. Unexpectedly, Mr. Su recruited Zhang Zhengtao to take the position of deputy manager of the human resources department. He had already saved it. He was familiar with human resources work and asked him to take over Manager Jin's position. So within a few months, just in the first two weeks, Manager Jin was promoted to the vice president of the company, and Zhang Zhengtao officially took over as the manager of the human resources department. Zhang Zhengtao sat down. When he got the position of human resources manager, he immediately started to find problems with Tao Kaishan. He found out about his past late arrivals and early departures, and the fact that he only had a junior high school education, etc. He said that now Wei Da Company is an international company and the security guard is Wei Da Company. A good image also requires a high degree of education! Therefore, we must gradually replace the security guards with low education levels, and now someone from the human resources department has made it known that Tao Kaishan will be the first security guard with low education levels to be replaced."

Lao Luo and others told Xia Yunjie everything from beginning to end. After finishing speaking, everyone sighed and poured wine into their mouths.

ps: There are three chapters today, please give me a monthly pass at the beginning of the month, thank you.

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