Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,193 Murderous Intent

"Miss Zi Yan is indeed very powerful. She is worthy of being the granddaughter of Seventh Elder Xie Zhong. It seems that she has broken through to the middle stage of Sanding Earth Witch." Yin Meng looked at Zi Yan with a slightly dignified expression.

"Zi Yan, be careful, I suspect this guy is already in the late stage of the magic bead." Luo Zhan took back his halberd and whispered to Zi Yan with an extremely ugly face.

The late stage of magic beads is equivalent to the late stage of golden elixir for cultivators.

Zi Yan's delicate body trembled when she heard this. Just now, Yinmeng sacrificed Baisha Demon and grabbed Luo Zhan's halberd with just one claw. She had this suspicion in her heart. Now Luo Zhan's warning has confirmed her suspicion.

However, witches cultivate their true bodies, and their cultivation is much slower and more difficult than that of other cultivators. However, because of this, the combat effectiveness of witches of the same level is often stronger than that of other cultivators. So if Yinmeng is only in the middle stage of the magic bead, Zi Yan is sure to escape unscathed even if the magic spells are famous for being weird and evil. But if Yinmeng is in the late stage of the magic bead, it is hard to say.

"Although your pride, Luo Zhan, is annoying, your eyes are still vicious. Yes, I am already in the late stage of the magic bead. Miss Zi Yan, I still advise you to keep the three-leaf Tianlongzhu fruit and the other end." Hand over the Youbi Toad." Yin Meng raised his chin slightly and said proudly.

"Yin Meng, I admit that I may not be your opponent, but if I break through with all my strength, do you think you can trap me with your late magic bead cultivation?" Zi Yan held the scimitar tightly in her hand and asked proudly.

"That's true." Yin Meng smiled coldly, then suddenly looked up at the sky and said: "Brother Ying Chong, I think you have seen enough, right? You don't want to reap the benefits of the fishermen, right?"

"Haha! Brother Yinmeng is indeed worthy of being the crown prince of the Baisha Kingdom!" A metallic voice suddenly sounded above the clouds, and then a sudden gust of wind blew up, and the clouds suddenly dispersed, and several huge eagles emerged from The sky swooped down, and when it landed, it showed a human shape, just blocking Zi Yan and the others' retreat.

"Ying Chong!" Zi Yan and others finally changed their faces, with a look of panic in their eyes.

Even if Yin Meng's cultivation has reached the late stage of the Demon Pearl, Zi Yan and the others are still 50 or 60% sure of breaking out if they risk everything. But now with the Eagle Chong of the Fierce Eagle Kingdom, the hope of breaking out is almost zero.

This is not to say that Ying Chong's cultivation level is higher than Yin Meng's. On the contrary, Ying Chong's cultivation level should be similar to Zi Yan's. In the middle stage of Demonic Pill, it is still a small level behind Yin Meng. But Ying Chong's body is Fierce Eagle, which has extremely terrifying speed compared to Zi Yan and the others.

Facing such terrifying speed, it was impossible for Zi Yan to escape their pursuit, and once they caught up, Yin Meng would be able to catch up soon. With the two working together, Zi Yan has no hope of winning.

"Miss Zi Yan, you're fine, you're right here!" Ying Chong said with a smile on his face.

This is a young man with deep-set eyes, twinkling eyes, angular face, blond hair, and a body as tall as a mountain.

"I didn't expect that, with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, we narrowly escaped death and picked the three-leaf Dragon Pearl fruit, but you want to pick the peach last. There is nothing so cheap in the world." Zi Yan said with a frosty face.

"Haha, there is no such thing as a person getting all the good things in the world. Otherwise, we don't want the Youbi Toad. As long as Miss Zi Yan gives me the three-leaf Tianlong Pearl Fruit, I will turn around and leave. ." Ying Chong said.

"That's no problem, but does Brother Ying think Emperor Yinmeng's grandson will agree?" Zi Yan said.

Ying Chong smiled when he heard this and said, "Now I don't have to worry about Miss Zi Yan having to worry so much."

"Brother Ying, what you are doing is too unreasonable! I stopped the person, but you just wanted to take advantage and leave." He sneered darkly and pitifully, with two balls of ghostly fire dancing in his eyes. With.

"Emperor Taisun, what are you talking about? How could I, Ying Chong, be such a person? Isn't the Three-leaf Heavenly Dragon Pearl Fruit still in the hands of Miss Zi Yan? I want to persuade her to donate the Three-leaf Heavenly Dragon Pearl Fruit first , as for the two of us, we can discuss it in private." Ying Chong said with a smile.

"That's good, I thought Brother Ying wanted to take it all for himself!" Yinmeng said.

"It seems that you have already convinced us!" Zi Yan said coldly through gritted teeth.

"Does Ms. Zi Yan think you still have the possibility of escaping?" Yin Meng and Ying Chong looked at Zi Yan and asked.

"One is higher in cultivation than me, and the other is as fast as lightning. I really have no hope of escaping, but I can still destroy the Three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit, right?" Zi Yan said coldly.

When Yinmeng and Yingchong heard this, their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at Zi Yan coldly.

"Don't doubt my words. We, the Wu clan, have always had a strong character, and we can do whatever we say." Zi Yan said, with a determination in her voice that she would rather be broken than broken.

Yin Meng and Ying Chong's expressions changed again.

"Then what do you want? You can't possibly think that we will let you go just because of your words, right?" He asked in a cold voice.

"Blood oath duel! Whoever wins gets the Three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit! Regardless of winning or losing, the Youbi Toad must belong to us! Otherwise, I would rather destroy the Three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit right now, so that no one can get it." Yan said.

"No problem!" Yinmeng blurted out almost without thinking. He has the highest level of cultivation here, and he is naturally happy to compete in a battle to determine the ownership of the elixir.

"Emperor Grandson, you have oversimplified things. Do you think Miss Zi Yan is such a stupid person? I know you have the highest level of cultivation, but I still compete with you. Besides, who among the three of us is really competing? Are you willing to compete first?" Ying Chong said sarcastically.

The muscles on Yinmeng's face twitched when he heard this, and a trace of anger flashed, but in the end he turned his eyes to Zi Yan. For him now, the most important thing is the Three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit.

Once he brings the Three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit back to the Baisha Kingdom, then he, the emperor's grandson, will definitely stand out among the emperor's grandsons and become the emperor's grandson who is truly expected to aspire to the throne.

"The three of us are not competing, they are competing!" Zi Yan pointed at Luo Zhan and others and said, with a look of helplessness in her eyes.

She could see that the cultivation levels of the people brought by Yinmeng and Yingchong were not low. The hope of Luo Zhan and others winning was actually not great, but at least the chance was much higher than zero.

When Yin Meng and Ying Chong heard this, two balls of ghostly fire in one eye swept past Luo Zhan and the people behind Ying Chong, and two golden lights shot out from the other eye. In the end, their expressions changed several times, but they still nodded in agreement.

They knew that with the strong character of the Witch Clan woman, she would dare to directly destroy the Three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit.

"Swear!" Seeing Yin Meng and Ying Chong nod, Zi Yan said with a cold face, and took the lead to take out a drop of blood and shoot it into the sky.

Upon seeing this, Yin Meng and Ying Chong also took out a drop of blood and shot it into the sky.

Three drops of essence and blood merged in the air, and then everyone stamped their own oaths on the three drops of essence and blood.

When the oath was completed, the three drops of essence and blood slowly turned into an ancient word "oath" and disappeared between heaven and earth. But faintly, Zi Yan and the three of them felt an inexplicable pressure from heaven and earth.

No one dares to underestimate the coercion of heaven and earth, because that oath has been recognized by the great avenue of heaven and earth. Once violated, the punishment of heaven and earth will come instantly.

The competition is conducted by drawing lots, and there are no restrictions on the participation of the same person. Anyway, as long as one person from one side can fight to the end, he will be the winner.

This was destined to be a brutal fight. As soon as the fight started, someone started to bleed!

Because the three-leaf Dragon Pearl Fruit Grass is a heaven-level elixir that can affect the strength of a country, no one will give up until the end.

"Sure enough, the blood of this one-horned beast is more powerful and richer than that of the saber-toothed tiger!" Xia Yunjie sighed in a good mood while feasting on the flesh and blood essence of the one-horned beast by the waterfall.

"Now that I have absorbed and refined this one-horned beast, I will find time to absorb and refine the blood crystal later. The damage to my physical body should be almost healed, and the Wuding Cauldron should be able to repair it. Seven or eighty-eight, the Mingfu Yuanshen should also be able to become more refined, and sooner or later he can break through to the realm of all things, but the Zifu Yuanshen and the Huangting Yuanshen have been lost, and I don’t know how to reunite them." About half an hour. After that, Xia Yunjie finally absorbed and refined the one-horned beast, feeling satisfied but also deeply regretful.

Because until now, Zifu and Huang Ting cannot retain even a trace of spiritual energy. Once the spiritual energy enters, it will be lost directly, as if Zifu and Huang Ting have leaked somewhere.

"Perhaps when the soul of Mingfu breaks through to the realm of all things, there should be some changes in Zifu and Huang Ting." However, Xia Yunjie was only regretful and did not completely despair. His intuition told him that since the foundation of Mingfu is still there, then Zifu He Huangting must reunite one day, and it is very likely that he will change when the Mingfu Yuanshen breaks through to the realm of all phenomena, because he lost the Zifu Yuanshen and Huangting Yuanshen at the Wanxiang realm.

"It's almost time, it's time to go find them!" Putting away the blood crystal and the horn of the one-horned man Biao, Xia Yunjie stood up and flew towards the rendezvous point agreed upon before the action.

Before reaching the meeting point, Xia Yunjie felt the familiar fluctuations of witchcraft power, and the fluctuations seemed very chaotic and weak.

Xia Yunjie's face changed slightly, and his figure suddenly walked through the jungle like a ghost, and appeared in the green pool on the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Xia Yunjie! You're still alive!" Seeing Xia Yunjie's sudden appearance, Zi Yan exclaimed almost in disbelief, while the others' eyes only brightened slightly, and then dimmed again.

Because Ye Tong and others, including the most powerful Luo Zhan, were all lying on the ground covered in blood. Ye Tong's entire chest was sunken, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken. Blood kept pouring out of his mouth. But the worst thing was for Luo Zhan. Both of his arms were almost cut off. At this time, Zi Yan was forcing his arms back while tearing off the flesh and blood of the Youbi Toad and stuffing it into his mouth.

As the flesh and blood of the Youbi Toad was swallowed, a witch cauldron full of cracks gradually formed on the broken arm.

The witch clan cultivates the physical body, and the flesh and bone marrow is full of witchcraft power, so the ability of flesh and blood to regenerate is very strong. Although the broken arm caused great damage to Luo Zhan, it can still be reattached as long as the arm can be retrieved and reinstalled in time. Of course, the flesh and blood of the Youbi Toad also played a great role.

"What's going on?" Xia Yunjie glanced at Ye Tong and others, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Not to mention that he now has feelings for Ye Tong and others, but they are probably the people of Wu Xian Kingdom who have a very deep relationship with him. There is no way he can just sit back and watch them being abused like this!

ps: There will be a second update around ten o'clock.

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