"Haha... Plain girl, the Plain Nine Nether Smoke and Cloud Flag has been taken away by me now. I think the medicinal effect of the tea brewed by the innate spring rain Ganlin spirit plant will be fully effective immediately. Why do you have to struggle in vain? You might as well Why don't you just follow me to the East to the Paradise Mountain and enjoy the Paradise together?" Maitreya's clone couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the plain Jiuyou Yanyun flag, and looked at Empress Jiuyou Suyin's face with a smile, her face becoming increasingly crimson. , The fat hand couldn't help but stretched out and touched the turbulent vagina of Empress Jiuyou Suyin.

Empress Jiuyou Suyin saw Maitreya stretching his hand towards her vagina, her eyes showed extremely humiliating and desperate look, the purple auspicious energy wrapped around her body gathered into one hand to resist the fat hand, but Jiuyou Suyin's eyes showed extremely humiliation and despair. However, Empress You Suyin knew that the power of the medicine in her body was taking effect. Her true nature seemed to be lost, and she had lost the plain Nine Nether Smoke and Cloud Flag. If her innate energy tried to resist the fat hand stretched out by Maitreya's clone, she would definitely fail again. It couldn't block the sky-swallowing cloth bag covering her head.

What she is doing now is just struggling helplessly before dying.

"You thief, you are seeking death!" Just when Empress Jiuyou Suyin showed extremely humiliated and desperate expressions, an angry shout rang out, and a golden giant knife struck Maitreya's clone in the head from a distance. Behind the giant sword is a young man dressed in white.

"Seeking death!" Maitreya's clone saw a golden giant knife slashing at his head. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand to slap the golden giant knife.

"Run away!" Empress Jiuyou Suyin couldn't help shouting with an anxious look on her face when she saw this.

Although the man in front of him is just a clone of Maitreya, what kind of person is Maitreya? He is a quasi-leader. Even if he is a clone, he is extremely powerful, let alone just a monk in the lower realm. Even if he is an immortal, this slap Slapping him away would be like swatting a fly, swatting him to death in an instant!

The person who came was naturally Xia Yunjie, and the golden giant sword was naturally the Golden Ba Immortal Sword.

Although Xia Yunjie from a distance didn't know who the Maitreya clone was or who the woman was. But from the way the Maitreya clone touched the woman's breasts with a lewd smile, and the woman's expression of humiliation and anger, she knew that this Maitreya clone was not a good person, so how could he allow the woman to be humiliated. So he swung the knife out on the spot.

With Xia Yunjie's current strength, even if he is an immortal, as long as he is not at the Immortal Dew stage or above, he can immediately make the opponent panic and even be injured instantly with one strike of his sword without warning.

So when Xia Yunjie swung the sword, he thought that even if he couldn't kill the fat man, he could still chop him into confusion. After all, this is the lower realm, and the Jiuyou Realm is only a first- and sixth-level realm. Even if there are powerful immortals, they are very few. In Xia Yunjie's opinion, the obese man is just a powerful immortal.

But when the man flipped his fat hand and slapped him with the Golden Ba Immortal Sword, Xia Yunjie's hair suddenly exploded. A huge crisis frightened his soul to tremble, as if he was under this palm. Next, he became as small as an ant.

Xia Yunjie flew back quickly without even thinking about it. Although he did not transform into Dijiang during the flight, some of Dijiang's skills were already included in his flying escape technique.

Although Xia Yunjie's reaction was extremely fast, he was still hit "gently" by the wind brought by the giant palm. The palm wind brought by the giant palm hit him "gently". Not only did the Golden Ba Immortal Sword instantly fall into the air, but Xia Yunjie himself also fell back at a faster speed like a kite with its string broken, and the blood in his body surged. , a mouthful of blood almost came out of his mouth.

"Who is this person? How could such a terrifying person exist in the lower world!" Looking at the obese man from a distance, Xia Yunjie looked horrified and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

If the palm struck just now was strong, Xia Yunjie knew that even if he had an extremely strong body, he would probably be beaten into a pile of pulp.

"Hey, the response is quite fast." The Maitreya clone was obviously a little surprised. This palm failed to kill Xia Yunjie, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

However, this look of surprise disappeared in the blink of an eye, and soon Maitreya began to look at Empress Jiuyou Suyin with a smile, and began to stretch his hand towards her again.

In his opinion, Xia Yunjie was just an ant, so how could he take it to heart?

Seeing the Maitreya clone touching Empress Jiuyou Suyin's undulating vagina, Xia Yunjie's eyes showed an extremely painful and contradictory look.

To save him is to die. Unless he is willing to burst out the Zifu's immortal energy, there is only one ten thousandth chance. But once he breaks out the purple mansion's immortal energy, even if he kills the man and saves the woman, he may be forced to leave the lower world. From now on, he will never be able to see his family or the woman he loves so much!

If he didn't save him, he would just watch the woman being fucked by Maitreya's clone!

Faces that were unforgettable to him appeared before his eyes, and the painful and contradictory look in Xia Yunjie's eyes became even stronger.

what do I do? God, tell me, what should I do? Xia Yunjie looked into the distance and shouted in his heart!

"Let's go! This person does not belong to your world!" Empress Jiuyou Suyin seemed to feel the conflict and struggle in Xia Yunjie's heart, and she looked towards Xia Yunjie and said quietly.

"Plain girl, at this time, you still care about others, I have to admire you! But if I didn't know that you have always been compassionate, I would not be able to win your trust, and you would eventually fall into my hands! "The Maitreya clone said with a hint of sarcasm and pride on his face.

"Go? If I turn around and leave now, even if I find my way home and find Shen Liti and the others in the future, can I face them calmly? If they know that I once watched a woman being raped before my eyes and turned away , will they still love me? Am I still a man in their minds?" Xia Yunjie's eyes were filled with tears for some unknown reason.

"Farewell, parents! Farewell, my dear ones! I'm sorry, this time I really may have to leave you forever! But I know that if you know my decision at this time, you won't blame me! "Xia Yunjie wiped away the tears from his eyes, with a determined look in his eyes.

Silently thinking in his heart, a black light rushed out, revealing a black flag.

As soon as the black flag appeared, the energy of the world suddenly rioted, and endless energy poured into the black flag. The runes on the flag became dazzling, and a witch with four wings and six claws, a human face, and a bird body was faintly revealed. Ancestor Emperor Jiang came.

Almost at the same time, the witchcraft power in Xia Yunjie's body also began to surge crazily, "Ka ka ka ka!" Four flesh wings grew out from his back, and then six claws stretched out from his chest and abdomen.

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