But Xia Yunjie's witchcraft power had just turned, and before Shen Dijiang could escape, he saw a purple auspicious energy sweeping toward him, instantly rolling him up.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Yunjie couldn't help but turn pale with fright. His witchcraft and true energy burst out instantly, trying to break free.

But that purple auspicious energy is a wisp of extremely pure innate energy of Empress Jiuyou Suyin, let alone a monk in the middle stage of Juxia or the middle stage of Jiuding Earth Witch. Even an ordinary golden immortal, if he is caught by this Even if a wisp of innate energy surrounds him, he can't escape.

Xia Yunjie's witchcraft power and true magic power had just exploded, and it was like being hit in the head with a stick. He was forced back and couldn't move any more.

"Don't forget that I saved you!" Xia Yunjie shouted, regretting so much that his intestines turned green.

But Empress Jiuyou Suyin didn't seem to hear Xia Yunjie's cry at all. The purple auspicious energy rolled up the Tiantian Bag again, and the Tiantian Bag fell into her hands, followed by a cloud of smoke from the Tiantian Bag. A plain-colored flag emerged from the middle, which was her personal treasure, the plain-colored Nine Nether Smoke and Cloud Flag.

As soon as the plain-colored Nine Nether Smoke Cloud Flag emerged from the Tiantian Cloth Bag, it swept up a cloud of smoke and tightly wrapped the Tiantian Cloth Bag, not allowing it to leak out the slightest breath. At the same time, a wisp of cloud smoke was released. Yun Yan showed a sword-like shape and lightly drew it against the void, and the void was cut open, revealing a passage.

The Empress of Jiuyou Suyin did not allow Xia Yunjie to comment. She used her innate energy to roll up herself and Xia Yunjie, and instantly fell into the void passage, and disappeared in the Jiuyou realm in the blink of an eye.

In the upper realm, come east to Mount Bliss.

A fat man sat on the Nine-Pin Lotus Platform under a brilliant glow. The man had a protruding belly, bare breasts, big ears and shoulders, and a round face full of smiles, which made people look at him. He seemed to be infected, and he couldn't help but feel affection for him.

Suddenly, the smile on the fat man's face disappeared. His smiling eyes, which were originally squinted, suddenly shone sharply.

A vast and majestic aura swept across the Eastland Paradise in an instant, causing the sun and the moon to lose light. Countless people were so frightened that they lay on the ground and muttered in the direction of the Eastland Paradise Mountain and the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace.

"I didn't expect that Wei Shan Jiuren would fall short. Not only did the plain girl escape from my control, she actually killed my clone and took away my sky-swallowing bag." The fat man had murderous intent in his eyes and kicked him. He stepped off the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform, and then all the way down to Donglai Bliss Mountain. After a while, he appeared in the Jiuyou Realm again, where Xia Yunjie and the others had fought just now.

This fat man was naturally none other than Maitreya, the deputy leader of the Western Sect.

"The clone is indeed dead!" Maitreya's always smiling expression was as cold as the countless cold places in the Nine Nether Realm.

The cold breath emanated from his body and swept through the Jiuyou Realm, making the monks in the entire Jiuyou Realm feel like a disaster was coming. They were in panic all day long. Even several islands near Maitreya were frozen for thousands of miles in an instant.

"What exactly happened? With Su Nu's current situation, even if the clone reveals its identity in advance and fails to ingest the innate spring rain and nectar to Su Nu, Su Nu can't kill the clone? Could it be that Su Nu had it before? Hidden? In fact, she can still use immortal power? This is impossible. I have carefully planned and arranged it for tens of millions of years, and there is no way it will go wrong. Could it be that she finally discovered the way of Jiyin? This is impossible, if that woman Having discovered the way to the extreme Yin, I am afraid that she has already come to me to come to the Paradise Mountain to kill me. Is there anyone else involved? Who could it be?" Maitreya's expression changed between gloomy and clear for a long time, and finally disappeared from where he was. , returned to the upper world and came to the Paradise of Paradise.

Maitreya had just returned to the Paradise of Elysium in the East. There was a fairy sound in mid-air, a strange fragrance hit him, the sky was filled with rays of light, and flowers were flying. However, there came a tall and thin man wearing a gray robe with his hair tied up high in a bun. man.

Every time the man took a step, a lotus flower bloomed under his feet.

When the immortals who came from the east to the Paradise Mountain saw the man walking down step by step from mid-air, they all fell to the ground and paid homage.

"Headmaster, why did you come to Donglai Mountain of Joy today?" When Maitreya saw the man coming, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed.

"I was just sitting quietly practicing in the mountains, and suddenly I sensed your departure. Could it be that there has been a change on the plain girl's side?" The man known as the head teacher entered the hall with Maitreya, then sat on the futon and asked .

The voice was loud and majestic.

"Muslim, it's true that there has been a change on the plain girl's side. My clone is dead, and all the painstaking efforts of thousands of years have been wiped out." Maitreya replied with a bitter look on his face.

Hearing this, the calm expression of the man known as the Head Master finally changed, and he regained his composure after a long time: "Unless a plain girl, it will be difficult for you to make further breakthroughs on the Yin-Yang Bliss Road and reach my current state. It seems we have to continue to lay low and wait for the opportunity."

Miroku nodded helplessly.

"Do you know who intervened and changed the foolproof plan?" The man known as the leader asked calmly when Maitreya nodded.

"Although the clone comes from me, it has an independent mind. If we don't actively contact each other, it will be difficult to know what is happening on each other's side. Besides, immortals and mortals are different, so it is not easy to contact, and the clone We are also worried about being discovered by plain girls, so we rarely contact each other actively. But this time, we don’t know who is involved." Maitreya said with a wry smile.

"The one who has the best friendship with Su Nu is Jiutian Xuannv. Su Nu's whereabouts should not be hidden from Jiutian Xuannv. According to my thinking, it is most likely Jiutian Xuannv." The headmaster nodded and analyzed.

"Fortunately, Su Nu is obsessed with the way of extreme yin. If she wants to make a breakthrough, I'm afraid I don't know how much time it will take. She can't use her immortal power now. Otherwise, if she joins forces with Jiutian Xuannv to come to my door, I will have a headache." ." Maitreya said with a bitter face.

Obviously Maitreya and the leader had the same guess, and they never expected that the person who intervened would be just a monk from the lower realm.

"It is destined to drink and peck. Now that it has happened, you put it down. Fortunately, that Su Nu still adheres to the way of extreme yin and retains the innate pure yin body. You still have hope to understand the yin and yang with her. The Great Avenue of Bliss can be regarded as the greatest blessing among misfortunes." Seeing this, the headmaster said with relief.

"It's difficult!" Maitreya sighed.

This is a valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, just like a paradise.

The waterfall pours down from the top of the mountain, falling into a blue pool in the valley like the Milky Way falling from the sky, splashing countless crystal water droplets. When the wind blows, the water mist disperses, but it is like a fairyland.

A ray of purple light suddenly crossed the sky and landed on the edge of the valley pool, revealing two people, none other than Xia Yunjie and Empress Jiuyou Suyin.

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