Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,447 Director Qin

The smile that escaped from the corner of Xia Yunjie's mouth made the guards secretly relieved, thinking that they had misunderstood the other party.

But at this moment, there were faint footsteps of many people in the passage connecting the door of the Municipal Bureau Building, and then there was a group of people like stars surrounding the moon, surrounding a man in police uniform, both in figure and appearance. A woman who looked extremely beautiful, but with a hint of coldness and majesty walked out.

The woman has delicate skin, no wrinkles, and black hair. She looks like she is only in her twenties, but she has an air of calmness and maturity that makes it difficult for people to associate her with a young woman in her twenties. together.

This combination of young appearance, youthful body, mature temperament, and solemnity that is not angry and self-defeating makes the woman in the police uniform exude a unique and fascinating aura.

"Director Qin is coming out!" The two guards naturally saw the situation on the other side of the building, and their expressions shuddered, and they were ready to return to their posts.

At this moment, the expressions of the two guards suddenly changed, because when the young man standing at the door saw the appearance of Director Qin, his calm expression suddenly became excited. Not only that, but he also stepped forward to cross. The gate leads towards the City Bureau Building.

"Oops! This person really came to appeal to Director Qin." The two guards hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out their hands to stop him: "Sir, please..."

But before they finished speaking, the two guards' eyes showed a look of horror, because they suddenly found that they could not move, but the young man walked past them.

When the young man walked past them, their bodies were suddenly able to move again. The two looked at each other and saw the shock and hesitation in each other's eyes, but in the end they decided to catch up to Xia Yunjie and stop him. .

But just when they took steps to chase Xia Yunjie, they found that Xia Yunjie stopped on his own initiative, looking in a certain direction, motionless. Seeing this, the two of them stopped subconsciously. Their eyes followed Xia Yunjie's gaze and saw that it was the direction of Qin Lan, director of the Provincial Public Security Department.

At this time, someone on the side was taking the initiative to open the car door for Director Qin. Director Qin bent down slightly and was about to sit in.

But at this moment, Director Qin seemed to sense something. He stood up straight suddenly, turned around and looked in their direction, or to be precise, at the man they tried to stop just now.

"Oops!" The two of them wailed in their hearts, and their faces became very ugly. They know that Director Qin has always been rigorous in handling affairs and cannot tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes. Now that she has discovered this person, it will definitely be counterproductive for the two of them to stop him.

But soon, their ugly expressions began to turn into extremely shocked, and their eyes opened wider and wider.

Looking at the man standing at the door from a distance, although his appearance had changed a lot, and his body shape had also changed a lot, the look in his eyes that was so familiar to her bones and the expression that haunted her made Qin Lan's heart skip a beat. As if he was struck by lightning, tears burst out of his eyes. He walked towards Xia Yunjie step by step, and then suddenly quickened his pace like a baby swallow returning to its nest, and suddenly threw himself into Xia Yunjie's arms. Regardless of the shocked looks of all his men, No matter what they all think of her as the provincial director.

Qin Lan threw herself into Xia Yunjie's arms desperately, hugged his waist with both hands, pressed her face against his chest, and couldn't stop her tears from falling.

"Is it you? Are you really back? Am I not dreaming?" Qin Lan kept murmuring, with pear blossoms and rain.

At this moment, she still had no dignity as the director of the Jiangnan Provincial Public Security Department and a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. At this moment, she was just a little girl crying with joy when her lover finally returned.

"It's me, it's me who's back! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!" Xia Yunjie stroked Qin Lan's black hair and looked at the woman she once was, who was so strong, now like a fragile girl. Crying in my arms, I kept asking if it was him who came back, feeling extremely guilty in my heart.

"I don't want you to say sorry! I don't want you to say sorry! I just want you to come back! I just want you to come back! Do you know how many times in my dreams I thought you were back, but when I woke up I could only cry!" Qin Lan suddenly He shook his head like a rattle, then suddenly held Xia Yunjie's face, stood on tiptoes, and desperately sealed Xia Yunjie's mouth with teardrop red lips, and then kissed him crazily.

It seemed that he wanted to let out all the thoughts that had been suppressed in his heart for the past ten years through this kiss.

Who would have thought that Qin Lan, the provincial director who has always been extremely rigorous, could not tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes, was known as an iron lady, a workaholic, and remained single, would suddenly embrace a young man so crazily in public. , kiss him so crazily!

Everyone was stunned. The scene before them could not connect her with the director of the Jiangnan Provincial Public Security Department in their minds.

It took a long time for the surging passion in Qin Lan's heart to gradually calm down. The little girl who was entangled with Xia Yunjie's tongue gradually became stiff, and her dignified and pretty face was filled with a blushing expression.

When reason finally defeated passion, Qin Lan began to realize what a crazy thing she had just done in front of everyone.

But when Qin Lan's eyes fell back on the weather-beaten face in front of her with increasingly sharp edges, the blush on her face turned into indescribable love.

She had been waiting for this day for ten years, and many times she thought she would never wait again in this life, but today she waited.

If you are embarrassed once, just do it once! Let your subordinates watch the joke just once! As long as the man I love comes back, the director and his image will go to hell.

"It doesn't matter. Do you want me to give them temporary amnesia?" Xia Yunjie asked Qin Lan in a low voice.

He knew that Qin Lan had always attached great importance to personal image, and that moment just now had completely ruined her leadership image.

"No need." Qin Lan shook her head when she heard this, looked at Xia Yunjie affectionately and said, "I want them to know that only a man like you can make me so crazy!"

"Sister Lan!" Xia Yunjie couldn't help but tremble when he heard this. He couldn't help but hug her sexy waist that was coveted by countless men, and pressed his lips to those two sexy red lips.

This time it was his crazy response.

After a while, Xia Yunjie felt that his tongue was slightly numb, but it was Qin Lan who bit his tongue. She rolled her eyes at him with blushing cheeks and said: "You bad boy, I am now the director of the Public Security Department, you are really Are you prepared to not save any face for others?"

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