Ever since Shen Baiqiang and his wife heard Xia Yunjie say that their wife was still alive, their already dead hearts had long since come back to life. They wanted to live longer than anyone else, so when they heard Xia Yunjie say this, they immediately said: " Yunjie, thank you so much. Liti doesn’t know how lucky she is to meet a man like you. We will all do as you say. You can cut off our hair and cleanse our marrow now and lay the foundation for us. You must live until the day Liti comes back."

"Uncle and aunt, I am also lucky to meet Liti." Xia Yunjie said with a sore nose, and then began to cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow of Shen Baiqiang and his wife. Afterwards, he gave them the Songhe Longevity Pill that he specially prepared for them. This Songhe Longevity Pill can not only greatly extend the lifespan of mortals, but also change part of their talents, so that people who are not suitable for practice can also embark on the path of practice. However, because the Songhe Longevity Pill changes only part of the talent, it can only change part of it. It can support people who are not suitable for cultivation to practice until they become distracted. Of course, the premise is that the user practices diligently and has no shortage of training resources.

In order to see his daughter, practicing diligently is not a problem. As for the resources for cultivation, with Xia Yunjie's current wealth, how can he miss his father-in-law and mother-in-law?

If you practice to the distraction stage, living for thousands of years will not be a problem.

Of course, Xia Yunjie definitely didn't want his parents and others to stop in the distraction period and live for thousands of years. It's just that elixirs that are more advanced than Songhe Longevity Pill, such as Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill and Yijin Jiuqiao Golden Pill, are expensive and unavailable. Xia Yunjie hasn't been able to buy them for a while, so he can only give them to Shen Baiqiang and his wife temporarily. Songhe Longevity Pill.

Fortunately, with the buffer of thousands of years, it is enough to have the opportunity to buy the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill and the Yijin Jiuqiao Golden Pill. And with thousands of years of time buffering, maybe if he gets the chance, the innate peach tree in his body will bear peaches.

If this is the case, then Xia Yunjie doesn't need to buy any Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill or Yijin Jiuqiao Golden Pill. He can just give them a flat peach to eat, and they will rise to the sky directly. He doesn't need to worry about their lifespan anymore.

Naturally, Shen Baiqiang and his wife would not know about these things, and Xia Yunjie would not specifically mention them to them. They saw that after cutting their hair and cleaning their marrow, and taking the Songhe Longevity Pill, they not only became much younger, but were as light as a swallow and as strong as an ox. They finally cheered up and were full of hope and expectation for the future.

Xia Yunjie was naturally very happy to see that Shen Baiqiang and his wife had completely cheered up. He spent most of the day with them, explained some things, and agreed to take them to Kuoshan Wonderland after a while. He then left for Tongzhou City to meet Du Haiqiong's parents that day.

Although Du Haiqiong's parents did not become big bosses like Shen Baiqiang and his wife, they were still working-class people. But after all, he secretly received the care of Wu Xianmen, and his life in the past ten years has been much more prosperous and smooth than that of ordinary working-class people. It's just that the pain of losing a daughter has not healed after ten years.

When Xia Yunjie saw the two of them, they were naturally shocked, and Xia Yunjie was naturally relieved and explained, and then laid a foundation for them.

After making arrangements for Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong's parents, Xia Yunjie left for the capital to meet Mr. Huang.

Ten years later, when Xia Yunjie saw Mr. Huang again, Mr. Huang was already over 110 years old and was already the longest-lived revolutionary of his generation in the Republic. However, it has reached the critical point where life span and lamp oil are exhausted.

After all, Xia Yunjie is not the Taiyi Golden Immortal. No matter how old a mortal is, as long as he still has a breath of vitality, he can use his innate energy to reverse life and death. Of course, Xia Yunjie has a ray of innate energy in his body, but it belongs to Empress Jiuyou Suyin, not from himself. He has no way to control it to reverse life and death for Huang Lao.

After all, Songhe Longevity Pill is just a pill from the lower realm. It can change people's talents and extend their lifespan, but there are prerequisites. In Huang Lao's situation, the effects of the Songhe Longevity Pill are extremely limited. Even if Xia Yunjie now has the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill and the Yijin Jiuqiao Golden Pill in his hands, the effect they can have is limited. Unless Xia Yunjie's innate peach tree can blossom and bear peach fruits, or he obtains the famous Nine Transformations of Life and Death elixir, the elixir of death, there is nothing Xia Yunjie can do.

"Life and death are determined by fate and wealth! Brother Huang has lived much longer than those brothers because he met you. And I can see you again before I die. Even if I close my eyes now, I don't have any regrets." It's over." Seeing Xia Yunjie's face showing remorse, Mr. Huang took his hand and comforted him.

Although Mr. Huang was very open-minded about life and death, Xia Yunjie did his best to extend Mr. Huang's life for nearly twenty years before leaving him.

Twenty years is a short time for Youyou to cultivate immortality, but no one can guarantee that miracles will not happen. Maybe within these twenty years, Xia Yunjie would have another adventure, and the flat peach tree would bear flat peach fruit. If so, he could help Mr. Huang completely reverse his life and death.

Xia Yunjie is always unwilling to give up this hope until the end of the road. After all, Mr. Huang is his old friend and the hero he admired and looked up to when he was young.

Walking on the streets of Cangbei County, there were signs of prosperity everywhere, and Xia Yunjie felt like he was in the wrong place.

In just ten years, the once remote small county in the mountainous area is now filled with high-rise buildings and busy traffic.

It turns out that in the direction of the Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, there is a skyscraper rising from the ground, soaring into the sky, becoming a landmark building in the entire Cangbei County.

In fact, it is not just the skyscraper of Cangbei County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has become a landmark building in Cangbei County. In fact, the entire Cangbei County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has become a symbol of Cangbei County.

Because the current Cangbei County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is not only a holy place for the entire Chinese traditional medicine community, but also a holy place for the entire world's medical community.

Liu Yiwei, Gu Qianlin, Dai Yongzhou, Han Xuejiao, and Lin Zhuoyan, the five graduate students of traditional Chinese medicine that Xia Yunjie personally accepted before leaving the earth, are now all leaders in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. In particular, Liu Yiwei and Gu Qianlin are now recognized as miracle doctors by the entire world.

But in order to commemorate their teacher, Liu Yiwei and others insisted on practicing medicine at Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, because it was here that Xia Yunjie taught them how to practice medicine.

Because of their presence in Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital quickly became famous. Countless patients with difficult and terminal diseases flocked to Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital from all over the country and the world.

As a result, Cangbei County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has become one of the most famous hospitals in the entire land of China. The old medical building was demolished and a new medical building was built, which is the landmark building of the entire Cangbei County. The economy of Cangbei County has also become prosperous due to the influx of patients from all over the country and the world.

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