As soon as this suggestion was mentioned, it immediately resonated with many heads of state and expressed their approval.

In the end, even big countries such as the United States and Russia had no choice but to surrender.

There was no way, the giant that appeared under the sun before was too terrifying, the Hulk in some science fiction movie was just an ant compared to him. These heads of state have no doubt that if that foot in the air really falls, New York will be wiped out.

Then a very dramatic scene appeared. Before Xia Yunjie could help mankind stop the comet collision, the countries on the earth, in the face of a huge disaster, or to be precise, under Xia Yunjie's deterrence, actually established a global alliance for the first time, and The Alliance Declaration was adopted.

When the news reached Xia Yunjie's ears, Xia Yunjie laughed happily.

Making the earth a big family was originally one of his plans, but he didn't expect that it would be completed ahead of schedule due to a strange combination of circumstances.

Ten days later, the comet came as expected.

Although the comet was very far away, it blocked the sun, causing darkness to cover the earth and everyone's hearts.

Everyone took to the streets and gathered in front of the screen to pray for the superhero to appear and pray that he could help mankind stop this coming disaster.

In the darkness, a ray of golden light rose up, dispersing the darkness, revealing a prehistoric giant.

The prehistoric giant stands like a mountain between heaven and earth, seemingly able to hold up the sky.

The ancient giant had a bow and an arrow in his hand. The bow was slowly opened, almost full moon.

Then people heard a thunderous sound in their ears, and a huge arrow pierced the sky and shot towards the comet with its long tail.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The arrow hit the comet, and the comet exploded. Countless shooting stars streaked across the sky, like extremely brilliant fireworks.

Then, the sun's rays shined on the earth again.

When people woke up, the disaster was far away from them. It felt like a dream, so unreal and science fiction.

But they all know that this is a real thing.

People hugged each other and cried, and people chanted Xia Yunjie's name.

Xia Yunjie's name was deeply imprinted in their souls and could no longer be forgotten.

"Jie, please tell me honestly, why is it that only Sister Lan is pregnant and none of us are pregnant? Is it your intention?" Two years later, on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, Queen Catherine's luxurious seaside resort villa, a group of people in bikinis were seen in the huge swimming pool. The beautiful woman blocked Xia Yunjie in a corner of the swimming pool.

By the swimming pool, under the shade of a tree, Qin Lan was lying on a beach chair, smiling as she looked at Xia Yunjie's helpless expression as he was being interrogated by the girls in the swimming pool, while gently stroking her bulging belly with her hands.

"Please, how many times have I told you, I am a god, and not an ordinary god. The power of my bloodline is too strong, so my sperm is very powerful. Your eggs cannot withstand its power. If you want to successfully conceive, The chance of success is very low. Sister Lan has a relatively high talent and is suitable for cultivation. Now her cultivation level is the highest among you, so her chance is slightly higher, so..." Xia Yunjie explained with a wry smile.

"I've been talking for a long time, going around and around, it means we are useless!" Xia Yunjie's explanation immediately aroused public outrage again. Su Zhiyan and others all punched him, and even those who had always indulged him Zhong Yangying and Yang Xiaomei are no exception.

"Okay, okay, I said it wrong, I said it wrong, I'm useless, I'm useless." Xia Yunjie hurriedly called for mercy.

"Since you know you are useless, why don't you work hard!" Seeing Xia Yunjie begging for mercy, Su Zhiyan and others stopped punching and kicking him, but soon they all turned into passionate mermaids and entangled him.

Xia Yunjie looked at the delicate beauties wearing sexy bikinis, all of them with charming eyes, actively throwing themselves into their arms. In addition to the burning fire in his heart, there was also an indescribable sadness and reluctance tumbling in his heart.

Of course he knew that Su Zhiyan and the others wanted him to stay and stay with them, but they couldn't say this. So they all want to get pregnant with his child as soon as possible, so that they can have someone to rely on when one day he is gone.

But who would have thought that because of the power of blood, among so many delicate beauties, only Qin Lan would be pregnant with his child.

"Okay, then we will fight for three hundred rounds today." Xia Yunjie waved his hand, and a cloud of colorful clouds enveloped the world...

"Wow!" Three months later, a loud cry of a baby echoed throughout Kuoshan Wonderland.

The young master of Wuxian Clan was born.

Holding his newly born son and looking at him, Xia Yunjie felt not only joy, but also guilt and reluctance that could not be described in words.

Because, soon he will leave the earth and embark on the journey to find Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong again.

Originally, he was going to leave nine months ago, but accidentally discovered that Qin Lan was pregnant, so he stayed again.

At that time, he secretly explained to himself that Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong should be able to understand him.

But now? After the child was born, what reason did he have to continue to stay.

"Do you really want to leave? Can't you stay for the sake of the child and for us?" She seemed to feel Xia Yunjie's complicated mood. She had just given birth to her child. Qin Lan, who was lying on the bed, stretched out her hand to grab Xia Yunjie's hand and looked at Xia Yunjie with tears in her eyes. .

She has always been a strong, independent woman, but at this moment, more than ever, she wants to keep her husband by her side and never leave.

"I don't want my children to look down on me as their father when they grow up." Xia Yunjie clasped Qin Lan's hand tightly with his backhand and said in a deep voice.

Although Xia Yunjie did not answer Qin Lan's question directly, such a simple sentence made a strong woman like Qin Lan burst into tears.

"I'm sorry!" Xia Yunjie reached out to wipe the tears from Qin Lan's face, but Qin Lan put his hand on her face and kept kissing it.

"No matter how long it takes for you to come back, my child and I will wait for you. But you must promise me that you must come back. No matter what happens, you must come back!"

"I promise you, I will definitely come back!" Xia Yunjie kissed Qin Lan's face and the child's face, saying firmly.

"When do you plan to leave?" Qin Lan stared at Xia Yunjie and asked with difficulty for a long time.

"I'll leave in a month." Xia Yunjie didn't dare to look at Qin Lan, lowered his head and whispered.

"That's good. It's been almost three years since you came back this time. If you stay here for one more day, Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong will be more likely to be in danger. And watching the child grow up day by day, one day he will be able to call daddy. I'm afraid you can no longer be your hero." Qin Lan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said.

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