Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,530 The Strong Woman of the Three Thousand Worlds

As soon as he returned to the chaotic land, Xia Yunjie brought this matter up to discuss with the Wuming Sword Immortal and Bigfoot Immortal.

The Wuming Sword Immortal and the Bigfoot Immortal thought for a while and said: "Since we are the elders of Wu Xianmen, we should shoulder the responsibility of the elders. Besides, didn't you also say that? We also have relatively pure blood of the Wu clan in our bodies. It should be possible to get twice the result with half the effort by taking up the witch path, so let’s switch to the witch path. As for the immortal path, let’s put it aside for the time being. We can naturally think about it and practice it when we have time in the future.”

When Xia Yunjie saw the Wuming Sword Immortal and Bigfoot Immortal turning to witchcraft, he taught them the Mystical Art of Immortality.

The Immortal Mysterious Technique is a famous and powerful cultivation technique in ancient times. Only the elders, direct disciples of the headmaster and the Huang Ao Big Bird with the blood of the immortal bird in the Wu Xian Sect are qualified to practice it. No one else is allowed to teach this technique. Law.

After the Wuming Sword Immortal and the other four elders obtained the Mysterious Art of Immortality, they entered the witch palace to practice in seclusion.

The Witch Palace has the blood of the Witch Patriarch Hou Yi, which is of great use to those who practice the Witch Clan's skills. Even one day of practicing there is worth hundreds of days elsewhere.

However, Hou Yi, the ancestor of the witch, lost a little bit of his blood with use, but only the direct disciples and elders of the headmaster were qualified to practice in it. Even Qin Lan and others, Xia Yunjie did not let them enter the witch palace to practice out of selfish motives.

Fortunately, after Xia Yunjie merged with Empress Jiuyou Suyin, he now has a better understanding of the ways of yin and yang. Qin Lan and others can get great benefits every time they merge with Xia Yunjie, which is no less than practicing in the witch palace.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that Xia Yunjie deliberately fed back all the benefits of yin and yang cultivation to them, but did not take away any of them himself.

In the chaotic land, Xia Yunjie carefully examined Xia Zhonghui's body. After discovering that he had indeed inherited his own bloodline and that he also had the mark of the Wuding Cauldron between his eyebrows, he used supreme magic power to formally seal the King Yu Jue in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The King Yu Jue sealed in Zia Zhonghui's sea of ​​consciousness contains a wisp of Xia Yunjie's spiritual thoughts. Only Zia Zhonghui can read it. If others want to forcefully read it, Xia Yunjie's wisp of spiritual thoughts will completely destroy the King Yu Jue.

Because King Yu's Secret Art is inherited by the Witch King and is Xia Yunjie's true secret, which must not be leaked.

After everything was arranged, Xia Yunjie began to specially set up a child-mother teleportation array between the Far Barbarian Island and Wushan in the Western Wilderness to facilitate the communication between the Far Barbarian Island and the ancestral land.

Of course, this teleportation array involves the secrets of the Far Barbarian Island. Only core disciples know and use it, but ordinary disciples are not even qualified to know.

After setting up a teleportation array between Wu Valley and Wu Mountain, Xia Yunjie refined some Tianling Creation Pills that could completely change the human bones based on the prescriptions passed to him by Wu Xian, and then gave them to the parents of the earth. , and some friends sent it, including the parents of Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong. This was a matter of course. As for how far they could go in the future, apart from him providing the best possible help, the rest could only rely on their own efforts and opportunities.

Now that my wife and children have arrived at Wu Valley on the Far Barbarian Island, I can see at any time that the cultivation problems of my parents and other family and friends have been completely solved. The strength of Wu Xianmen is also growing at a steady and rapid rate. No surprises are expected. , will definitely be able to stand proudly in the Three Thousand Realms in the near future.

So now, Xia Yunjie finally breathed a sigh of relief and could concentrate on finding Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong.

In the following days, apart from supervising and guiding his wife, children, and disciples to practice and refine some elixirs, Xia Yunjie spent the rest of his time personally focusing on the expansion of Jiangzhou Company. Jiangzhou Company was his eyes, and Jiangzhou Company was opened. Wherever he goes is where his eyes peer.

It's just that Xia Yunjie is a genius in practice, but he can only be regarded as a mediocre person in opening a business. He personally participated in the expansion of Jiangzhou businesses and issued some arrangements and orders, which made the people below a little confused. Moreover, the affairs of the company are very trivial, involving all aspects of the matter, and the things reported every day make Xia Yunjie, a spiritual genius and the leader of Wu Xianmen, rather have a big fight.

Just thinking that this matter related to Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong, he felt that he would have to bear it no matter how big the difficulty was. In the end, Zhong Yangying, Su Zhiyan and other women couldn't stand it anymore, and directly took away the work he was doing. They felt distressed and annoyed and said: "Opening a business is like practicing cultivation. You can't rush it. Although it is slow in the early stage, as long as it takes Once your reputation is established and your foundation is solidified, it will snowball like a snowball, growing faster and faster, and your influence will become stronger and stronger. If you just want to throw money and people at it, even if your shop is open No matter how many there are, they have no influence or radiation, just like throwing a handful of fine sand into the sea. Although there are countless, but they can't even make a splash, what's the use? And it can help you. What information did you get? Okay, leave the business of opening a store to us. Although we are far behind you in terms of cultivation, when it comes to opening a chain store, you can't beat us even if you are trying to flatter us."

Xia Yunjie is naturally not stupid. He has actually felt that something is wrong with his methods these days. Now that he was scolded by Zhong Yangying and others, he suddenly woke up and handed over the matter of opening a business to Zhong Yangying and others. people.

Zhong Yangying, Su Zhiyan, Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong are already strong business women on earth, especially Zhong Yangying is the queen of supermarket chains. After coming to the Far Barbarian Island, they were naturally unwilling to be just a vase. Now that they have a "new career", their passion for entrepreneurship has been rekindled, allowing them to find another joy and goal in life.

Qin Lan doesn't have much talent like Xia Yunjie in opening a business, but she is an experienced criminal police officer and has her unique ability in intelligence analysis and finding clues. He happens to be the head of intelligence for a Jiangzhou company.

As a result, the affairs of the Jiangzhou company were completely transferred to the hands of these five women. Many years later, these five women not only opened Jiangzhou business houses throughout the Three Thousand Realms, becoming the largest business house in the entire Three Thousand Realms, making Wu Xianmen extremely wealthy, but they also quietly established a pervasive intelligence network throughout the Three Thousand Realms. , so that the movements of the entire Three Thousand Realms are under the control of Wuxianmen. This also makes these five women the five most powerful and mysterious women in the Three Thousand Worlds, which is something Xia Yunjie would never have imagined today.

Of course, this is something.

Among the seven women, Yang Xiaomei is an actress and cannot be of much help in opening a business or providing intelligence. But she had no ambitions. After reaching the top in the film and television industry, she just wanted to be a good wife and mother. Now that I can always be with Xia Yunjie, help bring Xia Zhong back, plus practice, and sometimes visit my natal family on Earth, I feel that my life is extremely fulfilling and happy.

ps: Guess what career Queen Catherine will pursue?


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