Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1628: Soldiers Arrive at Yunheng Mountain

"It must be Xia Yunjie's fault! If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you really think that I am a sick cat? Come on, send the order and send troops to Yun Heng Mountain. I will conquer Yun Heng Mountain. Who dares to disobey?" Jia Yanyang and Wang Lijian barely managed the banquet, and then became furious as soon as he returned to the county government office.

"Sir, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. From what I see, Xia Yunjie's influence in Qianxi County is very huge. Your Excellency, you must not rush to attack his mountain gate! If you are frustrated, then your Excellency will not be able to do anything in Qianxi County in the future. It's even harder to establish prestige! It's better to wait until the masters sent by the commander arrive before sending troops." The master hurriedly advised after hearing this.

"Fuck your mother. I and Mr. Wang are immortals at the elixir stage, and there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses below. Can't we even attack a mountain gate in this small place?" Jia Yanyang was furious at this time, and he suddenly heard this. said angrily.

"But..." Master still wanted to dissuade him.

"Shut your mouth, I have already made up my mind, don't say anything more." Jia Yanyang interrupted the master without any explanation.

Upon seeing this, the master could only sigh secretly and did not dare to say more.

Soon, orders were passed down from the county government, and the army was quickly mobilized. In addition to the 50,000 troops staying in the county town, a total of 250,000 troops marched towards Yunheng Mountain in a mighty manner.

The news that the county government army had sent troops to Yun Hengshan spread quickly, and the entire Qianxi County was shaken.

The news naturally reached Xia Yunjie's ears.

"I didn't go to them to cause trouble, but they sent troops to attack me. But those soldiers are innocent. You spread the word that I don't want to go on a killing spree, and those who should be dispersed should be dispersed, otherwise it will really happen. When the war comes, don't blame me for being ruthless." Hearing this, Xia Yunjie suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Yes!" Deng Ling and others received the order and immediately sent people down the mountain to bring news to the soldiers and generals in the army.

Although Xia Yunjie later chose to live in seclusion, he has always been a legend in the military. Not only because the veterans had witnessed his terrifying ability to kill Cui Yan Laomo with one sword, but also because the seven Deng Lings who were like killing gods in every battle were the soldiers he brought out. So when Jia Yanyang ordered to attack Yun Hengshan, the soldiers were actually unwilling to do so, and they were just forced by the order.

Now Xia Yunjie ordered people to convey his intention. Suddenly, the 250,000 men and horses suddenly ran away, and the remaining 50,000 troops also slowly surged, as if they didn't have enough to eat, and drove Jia Yanyang and Wang Lijian away. I was so angry that I secretly regretted not listening to the master's advice, but now I am riding a tiger with difficulty.

"Sir, if we troops go to attack Yunheng Mountain, there is a 10% chance that we will not be able to defeat it. Moreover, my subordinates heard that Xia Yunjie often preaches in Qianxi County and builds good relationships. I heard that we are going to send troops these days. During the attack on Yun Heng Mountain, many people are rushing to Yun Heng Mountain to help." On the way, the master said worriedly.

"Then what should I do? Do you want me to retreat?" Jia Yanyang said depressedly.

If I had known that Xia Yunjie, the county magistrate, was so difficult to deal with, I should have transferred him as well.

"Now that the arrow is on the string and we have to fire it, retreating is definitely out of the question. It is better to march slowly, and when the masters sent by the commander arrive, it will not be too late to attack the mountain." The master suggested.

"This is the only solution for now." Jia Yanyang and Wang Lijian nodded helplessly upon hearing this and accepted the master's suggestion.

So the county government army marched for ten days on the 800-mile road. It was not until the fifty immortals sent by the commander of the East Road arrived that the army began to speed up.

Although the East Route Army was said to be just a showpiece and could only defend the city, it was after all one of the five armies of the government and was still stronger than the county government. Besides, this time was related to his son's future career, so the commander of the East Road gritted his teeth and transferred fifty immortals, and ten of them were immortals in the elixir stage. Half of the remaining forty immortals are also in the Immortal Dew stage.

Such a force is considered very powerful in ordinary counties. For example, the Withered Bone Sect back then only had five Immortals in the Immortal Pill stage.

With the sudden addition of these fifty immortals, the 50,000 soldiers who chose to stay naturally did not dare to neglect their duties. Under their urging, they all accelerated their march towards Yunheng Mountain.

On this day, it was noon.

The sun was high in the sky, extremely dazzling.

Suddenly, at the foot of Yunheng Mountain, a cold and evil wind blew up, and murderous intent rose into the sky. It made rabbits run and birds fly, but the county government army finally arrived at Yunheng Mountain.

"Who are you? Dare you come to Yunheng Mountain to run wild?" As soon as the county government army arrived at the foot of the mountain, the disciples guarding the mountain gate shouted.

"Are you blind? You didn't see that this is the county government army. Don't let Xia Yunjie come out and restrain his hands, otherwise we will flatten this small mountain today." Jia Yanyang stepped into the air and looked down at the The disciple shouted majestically.

"Magistrate Jia has such a strong tone! I would like to ask what kind of law I have committed, and you actually sent a large army to Yunheng Mountain?" At this moment, a majestic voice came from the top of the mountain, Then Xia Yunjie, dressed in Tsing Yi, stepped out from the top of the mountain, with Deng Ling and seven others standing behind him.

"You, you have no boss, you formed a clique and openly rebelled!" Jia Yanyang was slightly startled at first, then his face darkened, he pointed at Xia Yunjie and shouted.

"There's no point in trying to incriminate others! In this case, I will suppress you first, and then go to Wenqiao Mansion to find the East Road Commander and Lord Tongpan to ask for clarification?" Xia Yunjie smiled coldly when he heard this, and was too lazy to do so. After chatting with Jia Yanyang and others, he waved his hand and said: "Deng Ling, Wu Tong, Zhu Gang, Zheng Xuan, Yin Tumu, Shi Yunpeng, Ji Geng, let me arrest the county magistrate."

After saying that, Xia Yunjie turned around unhurriedly and walked away on the clouds. He ignored Jia Yanyang and others again, as if he didn't take them seriously at all.

"You dare to be so arrogant when you are about to die! Come on, kill me!" Jia Yanyang wanted to see Xia Yunjie panicking, but he didn't expect that he was so arrogant that he didn't take them seriously at all. He couldn't help but He was so angry that his eyes burst out with fire, and he immediately shouted angrily.

"Hehe, we haven't fought for a long time, and my hands are itchy!" Deng Ling and others saw a hint of a smile on their faces, and then suddenly roared: "Everyone, the war has begun. The county magistrate keeps it for me, and there are still Be careful with the flowers and plants, don't break them, otherwise the master will get angry and you and I won't be able to eat them and walk around. Hehe!"

As soon as the voices of Deng Ling and others fell, streaks of light shot up into the sky. There were only a few thousand, but there were at least six or seven hundred immortals among them. Not only that, as soon as these brilliance soared into the sky, a series of flags were arranged and flying in the air according to a certain rule, and in the blink of an eye, six Ding Liujia evil-killing arrays were laid out.

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