Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1635: Your Majesty’s Order

"Come on, Lord Zuo Shun, please come to the government office and pass on the order to allow the county magistrate of Qianxi County to come to the government office to meet with me." Wei Haichuan pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and said.

The personal guard sang a loud song, then hurriedly retreated to pass on the order of the governor. The governor, Wei Haichuan, also left the study room where he worked, came to the lobby of the government office, and sat in the bright hall.

The Zhonglu Military Camp and the Wenqiao Mansion Office are both located in the center of Jinyang City, not far from each other. Lord Zuo Shun, the commander-in-chief, was in charge of the military power of Wenqiao Mansion and got the news one step earlier than the manor, Wei Haichuan. However, he obviously thought of it with the master of the palace order. He did not personally lead the troops to suppress and arrest Xia Yunjie and the others. Instead, he went straight to the Wenqiao mansion office. That's why the soldiers who were delivering the order from Lord Fu Ling met the Lord Commander just after they walked out of the door.

We are all smart people. The commander-in-chief saw that the commander-in-chief was sitting high in the hall and had no intention of coming forward. But when the commander-in-chief saw that the commander-in-chief did not lead his troops to suppress Xia Yunjie and his group, he came to see him. Why not? Knowing what both parties were thinking, the two of them greeted each other and nodded tacitly. The Lord Commander sat down at the desk to the left of Lord Ling.

The Wenqiao Mansion Commandery is a subordinate fifth-rank official in the Heavenly Court hierarchy. The Wenqiao Mansion Commandery is a sixth-rank official, one level lower than the Mansion Commandery. However, because the commander has military power, his actual power is not inferior to that of the Wenqiao Mansion Commandery. How many. The cultivation realm of the two is not much different, they are both Xuanqi stage Xuanxian.

The Immortal Immortal in the Immortal Infant stage becomes the Xuan Immortal. Xuanxian is divided into four realms: Xuanqi, Xuanlu, Xuandan and Xuanying.

That Xuan Qi is actually also Immortal Qi, but because it is nurtured, tempered and Huang Tingzhong, it is much purer than the Immortal Qi in Mingfu, and it has many more magical effects when used. Therefore, in order to distinguish it, some immortals call it Xuan Qi. .

In the entire Wenqiao Mansion, that is, on the Tianting side, only Wei Haichuan, the governor, and Zuo Shun, the commander-in-chief, have opened up the Huangting Immortal Mansion, which is called Xuanxian. It's just that condensing the profound energy in Huangting and dropping the mysterious dew is many times more difficult than condensing the immortal energy in the Ming Mansion and lowering the immortal dew. Although the two of them opened up the Huangting Immortal Mansion very early, they are still accumulating profound energy and are still unable to condense the profound dew.

However, even so, once you become a mysterious immortal, your strength will be completely different from that of a heavenly immortal. Even the immortals in the Immortal Infant stage are just like babies in front of the lowest level Xuanxian. Of course, some immortals with abnormal magic weapons, spells or special talents and physiques are excluded.

But since it is a pervert, it is naturally very rare. Therefore, in most cases, it is easy for Xuanxian to kill the Immortal Immortal in the Immortal Infant Stage. It was precisely because of this that even though the Wenqiao Mansion's magistrate heard that Xia Yunjie had single-handedly arrested Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang, he did not show the slightest panic.

With his strength, it would be easy to catch Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang. Of course, Xia Yunjie was able to capture Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang on his own, and was obviously a very powerful figure in Wenqiao Mansion, but Wei Haichuan could not ignore him.

Let's talk about Xia Yunjie holding the dragon-binding rope and beating him all the way. Deng Ling and others protected him from left to right. As he walked all the way to the government office, the millions of Eastern Route Army troops couldn't stop them at all. I don't know how many people were knocked down along the way, and they were beaten until they were all screaming in agony. However, the commander and the judge were captured by Xia Yunjie. They could only grit their teeth and continue to surround and intercept.

Just as the millions of troops on the east route were beaten by Xia Yunjie to the point where they were on their backs and groaning secretly, a messenger from the governor galloped over on horseback and shouted: "Your Majesty, the governor has an order, and the magistrate of Qianxi County is ordered to do so." Xia Yunjie went to the lobby of the government office to meet and explain the matter face to face."

Seeing the order coming from Lord Ling, the millions of troops all breathed a sigh of relief and retreated like a tide, while Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang all changed their expressions.

They are all quick-thinking people. Neither the governor nor the commander came forward. It was obvious that they were preparing to side with Xia Yunjie. Otherwise, if Xia Yunjie made such a big noise, the governor and the commander would definitely come forward in front of everyone. He suppressed him in front of him and established the authority of the government.

Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang could think of it, and Xia Yunjie could naturally think of it too, with a faint smile on his lips.

This is exactly what he wants to achieve by going against his low-key style.

However, Deng Ling and others were stunned when they heard this. They did not expect that they originally wanted to ask the East Road Commander and the East Road Commander for advice, but now they were upgraded to the level of the official, and the official actually sent an order to them. The master went to the government office to meet.

After the daze, they became nervous and apprehensive.

In the past three years, Deng Ling and others have gradually grown into strong men, and their knowledge and knowledge have gradually improved. They are no longer the little centurions of the Juxia Period who had never even set foot in Qianxi County. They knew that the magistrate of their Wenqiao Mansion was a powerful Xuanxian, and the Immortal Infant Stage Celestial Immortal was just as weak as a baby in their eyes.

"I guess this gentleman is Lord Cheng Xia of Qianxi County, right?" While Deng Ling and others were nervous and uneasy, the person who delivered the order had already rode up to Xia Yunjie, got off his horse, and cupped his fists at him with a very humble attitude.

"It's me." Xia Yunjie casually clasped his fists and replied.

"Your Majesty, the order of the government has asked you to go to the government office to present what happened. Please also go to the government office with me." The man said with his fists clasped again.

"Okay, please lead the way." Xia Yunjie nodded.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency." The person who delivered the order said politely, got on his horse, and then led the way. As for Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang, except for sneaking a glance at them at the beginning, he seemed not to have seen them at all. Both of them were the same. Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang were so angry that they rolled their eyes. They knew more and more that the order and the commander were ready to give up on them.

The government office is naturally much grander and more solemn than the county government office. Along the way, there are not only formation restrictions everywhere, but also guards wearing armor with magic weapons hanging on their waists standing on both sides of the road leading directly to the lobby. They are majestic, and all of them have immortal power floating around their bodies. They are all immortals. They are nothing more than immortals in the Immortal Qi stage.

But even if it was like this, it was enough to scare Deng Ling and others so much that they didn't dare to take a breath. They were shocked in their hearts and secretly marveled at the power of the government office. You must know that in the Qianxi County Government Office, the immortals in the immortal energy stage can already serve as captains, but here they are just guards.

When they arrived at the door of the government office lobby, the person who delivered the order asked Xia Yunjie to wait at the door while he went in to report first.

The person who sent the order came out shortly after entering and said: "Mr. .”

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