"If it is an evil and cruel person, the disciple will naturally not be polite to him and just take it away. But if it is a decent person, the disciple has to find a way and cannot take it by force." Xia Yunjie said.

"When you say this, you seem to be a master who is domineering and cruel. But you have a Tao that you stick to in your heart, and you have a Tao that you stick to as a teacher. The Tao that you stick to as a teacher is for our Wu Clan, and you can do whatever it takes!" Wu Xian After a moment of silence, he said.

"Disciple understands that I should do my best," Xia Yunjie said.

"Okay, your disciples are here." Wu Xian nodded, said something and then returned to the small world of Immortal Mountain.

"Greetings, sir." As soon as Wu Xian returned to the Mountain of Immortality, Deng Ling and the other nine people entered the Family Love Pavilion and bowed deeply to Xia Yunjie, clasping his fists.

"You all sit cross-legged, keep the spiritual platform empty, and follow the exercises I taught you, and circulate your mind. No matter how painful and uncomfortable it is, you must guard your mind and not relax at all." Xia Yunjie's expression changed when he saw them coming in. Seriously.

"Young man, I understand!" Deng Ling and others didn't know what Xia Yunjie was going to do, but they all felt that Xia Yunjie seemed a little different from before, and the wisp of black air in his hand seemed very strange. Ordinary, but I always feel that there is a terrifying power hidden in it. As long as I am accidentally touched by that wisp of black energy, I am afraid that I will turn into powder in an instant.

However, although they didn't know what Xia Yunjie was going to do, the nine of them still sat cross-legged as instructed, keeping the spiritual platform empty and silently working on their mental methods.

Upon seeing this, Xia Yunjie pinched the wisp of black energy into nine sections and hit everyone on the head.

The black energy quickly penetrated into the nine people's bodies. As soon as the black energy penetrated into the nine people's bodies, the nine people's bodies continued to expand as if they were inflated, as if they were about to explode at any time. Among these nine people, Yin Tumu was actually a prairie dog who cultivated to become an immortal. As soon as the black energy entered his body, he showed his true form, but he was a big fat rat.

As their bodies swelled, wisps of black air emerged from the 36,000 pores on their bodies. They were like balloons with holes in them. While the air was constantly leaking out, more black air was flowing toward them. The bulging inside caused them to die in pain, and large drops of sweat rolled down from their bodies like rain, and their clothes were soaked in the blink of an eye.

However, they all kept Xia Yunjie's advice in mind and did not dare to lose their minds. They all gritted their teeth and silently worked on their mental methods. As they circulated their mental skills, the wisps of black air coming out of their pores gradually became less and less, and their bulging bodies gradually became smaller. But at this moment, the fairy dew in their life palaces turned into golden liquid, and then condensed Together, they became a golden bead, the elixir they had worked so hard to condense.

With their foundation and talent, it would have taken at least a hundred years to condense the elixir, but now it was condensed in a matter of seconds, and it was extremely refined.

The elixir slowly rotated in the Ming Mansion, pulling wisps of black energy into the Ming Mansion. Soon the Ming Mansion was filled with black energy, and the elixir was rising and falling in the black energy. Every time it turned, every time it rose and fell, black energy was absorbed into the elixir.

The elixir gradually grew stronger, and finally it seemed to reach its limit. Gold liquid flowed out of it, and the gold liquid gathered together and turned into a fairy baby.

The fairy infant was very small at first, only about the size of a baby, but when it suddenly breathed in the black energy, it grew up in an instant, and soon reached the size of an adult. It continued to grow, and in the end it seemed to be taller than their own bodies. It was more than half a meter tall, covered in golden light, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

Unexpectedly, in just such a short time, all nine people became immortal infants. Not only that, but they were also the kind of powerful immortal infants, because the black energy was refined by the residual soul essence of Wuzu Gonggong, but it was precious. To the extreme. It was a luxury for others to get even a sliver of it, but they all got a sliver of it because of Xia Yunjie.

This penetration into their bodies not only completely changed their physiques, giving their bodies a hint of witchcraft characteristics, making them extremely powerful, but also made their meridians and life palaces able to withstand much more immortal power. In other words, if it were changed to the past, their immortal infants would have reached the limit when condensed to the size of an adult, but now they are more than half a meter taller than their own bodies, and they are also extremely condensed. The powerfulness of the immortal power far exceeds that of the Immortal Infant stage immortals such as Wang Yiqing and Jacqui Liana. Relatively speaking, the physical body is much more powerful than Wang Yiqing and other immortals in the Immortal Infant stage, and is already comparable to Xuanxian.

"Thank you, Master!" After the fairy baby completely absorbed the black energy, the nine people opened their eyes. As soon as they opened their eyes, tears flashed, and they had already turned over and knelt down in front of Xia Yunjie, choking.

They are all people with ordinary talents and physiques. There are countless people in Qianxi County who have better talents and physiques than them, but Xia Yunjie has treated them with kindness. How can they not make them burst into tears of gratitude? They feel that even if they are broken into pieces, they cannot repay Xia Yunjie's kindness. One or two.

"Part of that black energy remains in your bone marrow and bloodline. If you practice hard and refine it, you should be able to achieve the realm of Xuanxian in less than ten years." Xia Yunjie said calmly. road.

"The realm of Xuanxian!" The nine people couldn't help but tremble when they heard this. With their talents, it was extremely difficult to become a Celestial Immortal in the past. Xuanxian was something they couldn't even think of, but now it's less than ten. You can become a Xuanxian in just a few years.

Xuanxian, the governor and the commander are just Xuanxian!

"Master, I have to go out for a while. You can take care of Qianxi County and Yunheng Mountain for me. If there are appointments from Fucheng, you can tell them that I have gone out to visit friends. After a while, I will naturally come back to Fucheng." Go for your life." Xia Yunjie said.

Everyone quickly and respectfully accepted the order. Seeing that everyone was accepting the order, Xia Yunjie stopped giving any more instructions. Nowadays, the strength of these nine people has undergone earth-shaking changes. Even if they cannot fight beyond the level, the nine people together can still fight against the Xuanqi stage Xuanxian. Even if Wang Yiqing and Na Jia Kuiliang found helpers to seek revenge, they would still be able to defend the mountain gate.

He set up auspicious clouds and left Yunheng Mountain, and when no one was passing by in the air, he transformed into a giant eagle. As for Di Jiang's body, after all, it is too conspicuous and can easily attract people's attention, but it is not suitable to show off.

After transforming into the body of a giant eagle and incorporating the Emperor Jiang Technique, Xia Yunjie suddenly spread his wings and flew towards the south like lightning, at a speed that even birds and demons could not compare to.

Last time, Xia Yunjie just rode a clouded leopard horse along the official road of Wenqiao Mansion, or soared in the clouds and fog above the official road. What he saw and heard was only a small part of Wenqiao Mansion, and he didn't encounter anything powerful. figure.

But this time, Xia Yunjie transformed into a giant eagle and integrated the Emperor Jiang Technique into it. He spread his wings and flew high. Not only did he have an extremely wide field of vision, but he was also extremely fast.

All the way south, I don’t know how many county capitals and counties I passed by in one day.

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